How to convert exile in pdf


Microsoft Excel Conversion in PDF

PDF format is one of the most popular document and printing formats. Also, it can be used as a source of information without editing. Therefore, the question of converting files of other formats in PDF is relevant. Let's figure it out how to translate a well-known Excel table format in PDF.

Conversion in Excel Program

If earlier, in order to convert Excel to PDF, it was necessary to tinker, using third-party programs, services and additions for this, then from version 2010, the conversion process can be performed directly in the Microsoft Excel program.

First of all, we allocate the area of ​​the cells on a sheet that we are going to convert. Then, go to the "File" tab.

Go to Section File in Microsoft Excel

Click on "Save As".

Go to Save as in Microsoft Excel

A file saving window opens. In it, you should specify the folder on the hard disk or removable media where the file will be saved. If you wish, you can rename the file. Then, disclose the "File Type" parameter, and from a huge list of formats, select PDF.

Select a file type in Microsoft Excel

After that, additional optimization options are opened. By setting the switch to the desired position, you can select one of two options: "Standard Size" or "Minimum". In addition, by installing a tick opposite the inscription "Open file after publication", you will do so that immediately after the conversion process, the file will start automatically.

Optimization in Microsoft Excel

To set some other settings, you need to click on the "Parameters" button.

Switch to parameters in Microsoft Excel

After that, the parameter window opens. In it, you can set specifically what part of the file you are going to convert, connect the properties of documents and tags. But, in most cases, you do not need to change these settings.

Parameters in Microsoft Excel

When all the saving settings are made, press the "Save" button.

Saving a file in Microsoft Excel

There is a file conversion to PDF format. In a professional language, the conversion process in this format is called publication.

Upon completion of the conversion, you can do with the finished file all the same as with any other PDF document. If you specify the need to open the file after publication in the save settings, it will start automatically in the program to view the PDF files, which is installed by default.

Document PDF.

Use of superstructure

But, unfortunately, in the versions of Microsoft Excel, until 2010, an embedded Excel conversion tool in PDF is not provided. What to do users who have old versions of the program?

To do this, in Excel you can install a special superstructure for conversion, which acts by the type of plugins in browsers. Many PDF programs offer the installation of their own add-ons in Microsoft Office package applications. One of these programs is Foxit PDF.

After installing this program, a tab called "Foxit PDF" appears in the Microsoft Excel menu. In order to convert the file, you need to open the document and go to this tab.

Adjusting Foxit PDF.

Next, click on the "Create PDF" button, which is located on the tape.

Transition to conversion in Foxit PDF

A window opens in which, using the switch, you need to select one of the three conversion modes:

  1. Entire WorkBook (Conversion of the entire book completely);
  2. Selection (conversion of the dedicated range of cells);
  3. Sheet (s) (Conversion of selected sheets).

After the selection of the conversion mode is made, click on the "Convert to PDF" button ("Convert to PDF").

Select the conversion mode in Foxit PDF

A window opens in which you need to select a hard disk directory, or a removable media, where the PDF is ready to be placed. After that, we click on the "Save" button.

Saving a file in Foxit PDF

Excel document is convened in PDF format.

Third-party programs

Now let's find out if there is a way to convert Excel file to PDF if the Microsoft Office package is not installed on the computer? In this case, third-party applications can help. Most of them work on the principle of a virtual printer, that is, send an Excel file to print not to a physical printer, but to a PDF document.

One of the most convenient and simple programs for the process of converting files in this direction is the FoxPDF Excel to PDF Converter application. Despite the fact that the interface of this program in English, all actions in it are very simple and intuitively understandable. The instruction that is given below will help make work in the application even easier.

After FoxPDF Excel to PDF Converter is set, run this program. We click on the extreme left button on the "Add Excel Files" toolbar ("Add Excel files").

Adding Excel file to FoxPDF Excel to PDF Converter

After that, the window opens where you must find on the hard disk, or removable media, Excel files that you want to convert. Unlike previous conversion methods, this option is good in that at the same time allows you to add multiple files, and thus make a batch conversion. So, we highlight the files and click on the "Open" button.

Adding a file to FoxPDF Excel to PDF Converter

As you can see, after that, the name of these files appears in the main window of the FOXPDF Excel to PDF Converter program. Please note that the names of files prepared for conversion were ticks. If the checkbox is not installed, then after starting the conversion procedure, the file with a check mark will not be converted.

File prepared for conversion in FoxPDF Excel to PDF Converter

By default, converted files are saved in a special folder. If you want to save them elsewhere, then press the button to the right of the field with the save address, and select the desired directory.

Selecting a file saving to FoxPDF Excel to PDF Converter

When all settings are made, you can run the conversion process. To do this, press the Large button with the PDF emblem in the lower right corner of the program window.

Running conversion in FoxPDF Excel to PDF Converter

After that, conversion will be completed, and you can use ready-made files at your discretion.

Conversion using online services

If you convert Excel files to PDF not very often, and for this procedure do not want to install additional software on your computer, you can use specialized online services services. Consider how to make an Excel conversion in PDF on the example of the popular SmallPDF service.

After moving to the main page of this site, click on the "Excel to PDF" menu item.

Go to Excel section in PDF on SmallPDF

After we hit the desired section, simply pull the Excel file from the open Windows Explorer window into the browser window, to the corresponding field.

Moving a file on SmallPDF

You can add a file and in another way. We click on the "Select File" button on the service, and in the window that opens, select a file, or a group of files that we wish to convert.

Select file on SmallPDF

After that, the conversion process begins. In most cases, it does not take much time.

Conversion process on SMALLPDF

After the conversion is completed, you only have to load the finished PDF file to the computer by clicking on the "Download file" button.

Download file on SmallPDF

In the overwhelming majority of online services, conversion passes at exactly the same algorithm:

  • Download Excel file to service;
  • Conversion process;
  • Downloading the finished PDF file.
  • As you can see, there are four options for converting an Excel file in PDF. Each of them has its advantages and disadvantages. For example, using specialized utilities, you can make batch conversion of files, but for this you need to install additional software, and to convert the online Internet connection. Therefore, each user decides for himself by how to take advantage of, given its capabilities and needs.

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