LiveSklad Service Review


LiveSklad Service Review

LiveSklad is a CRM system that provides ample opportunities for business automation and complete control of business processes, containing suppliers and customer accounting tools, as well as allowing to keep orders.

Finds its use in various fields, including the following:

  • Car service;
  • Car wash;
  • Ventilation;
  • Houses of life;
  • Baguette workshops;
  • Cleaning companies;
  • Air conditioners;
  • Workshops for the manufacture of keys;
  • Heating;
  • Sewing shoes;
  • Shoe repair;
  • Tailoring;
  • Clothing repair;
  • Repair of the benzoinstrument;
  • Repair of power tools;
  • Repair of household appliances;
  • Repair of bikes;
  • Repair of motorcycles;
  • Computer Repair;
  • Phone repair;
  • Repair of industrial equipment;
  • Repair of hours;
  • Repair of jewelry;
  • Retail;
  • Rental and lease services;
  • Beauty Salons;
  • Dry cleaning.

Page Page Personal Cabinet in the CRM System for Business Automation LiveSklad

This solution for small and medium-sized businesses, which can replace the 1C accounting program and contains the functionality of an advanced CRM (customer relationship management system). The system can work remotely, and one of the main features is to support the unlimited number of points of the company, which, in turn, makes it easy to manage the work of the workshop or service centers.

Information on the main page of the Personal Cabinet in the CRM system for business automation LiveSklad

The LiveSklad program has an easy-to-use and understandable interface, it can be installed on a computer or smartphone. The only condition for use is the presence of an Internet connection - all data is stored in the cloud.

Accounting orders

The ability to account for orders available in the CRM under consideration significantly accelerates their creation, allows you to store all data and monitor the execution time, to flexibly interact with clients, for example, by calling them or sending a message. Key information can be seen even without entering a specific entry.

Accounting for orders in the CRM system for business automation LiveSklad

This section of the program displays detailed information on orders together with their deadlines and priority. Opportunities such as their design, filling out data, prepayment, adding works and spare parts, status change and sending SMS when performing this action, etc. The history of all done work is preserved separately. The data can also be exported.

Ability to export orders in the CRM system to automate the LiveSklad business

Orders themselves are presented in the form of a visual table, where their number, status and urgency, the creation date, device type and its malfunction, service, counterparty, issue date, price and other parameters, depending on the company's activities are displayed. Also here is a search engine and flexible filters for fast and convenient navigation.

View urgent order in the CRM system for business automation LiveSklad

Calculation of salary

With the help of LiveSklad, you can calculate the salary for each of the company's employees, pre-identifying individual rules. Opportunities are available as setting, accrual for specific actions (sale, new order, issued order, master for work or spare part) and other system are recorded by all payments, and accruals are displayed in a salary statement, an erroneous payment can be changed or deleted.

Calculation of salary in the CRM system for business automation LiveSklad

Casses and terminals

CRM provides the ability to work with cash registers, allows you to add new and adjust them (including for individual employees), indicating the flow articles, the parameters of issuing, making, translating (moving money). In the system, you can also specify the Bank's Commission when performing operations through the acquiring terminal. The list of supported devices is presented below.

List of acquiring terminals supported by the CRM system LiveSklad

Online office

The program supports most of the online cash desk models presented in the Russian market and in the CIS countries. With their full list, you can find on the official website, there is also a list of recommended equipment. The synchronization system itself allows to significantly save on cash equipment without violating the requirements of Russian legislation.

Creating a new online cash register in the CRM system to automate the LiveSklad business

Important! LiveSklad complies with the requirements of FZ No. 54-FZ "On the application of cash register equipment".

Setting the online cash register in the CRM system to automate the LiveSklad business

Advertising control

LiveSklad displays information on advertising costs that can be analyzed and evaluated. The presence of this information and its correct processing allows you to make faithful solutions for future campaigns, improve their quality and efficiency.

Work with providers

In the CRM under consideration, integration has been implemented with more than 200 suppliers working on the territory of the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. This allows real-time, online to have access to up-to-date and constantly updated information on goods of various categories, their retail and wholesale costs, balances, warranties, shipping timing and other information, which largely depends on the product category and / or service.

Working with suppliers in the CRM system to automate the LiveSklad business

Sales management

The LiveSklad Business Automation System allows you to completely eliminate the human factor from the profit procedure, as it records all sales and facilitates the counting of the box office. This makes the workflow is really transparent and allows you to quickly process orders via barcode scanner. The latter connects to the computer, after which it is defined in the Personal Account and does not require any additional settings.

Sales in the CRM system for business automation LiveSklad

The software has been implemented the opportunity to quickly sell goods and works. Check payment can be carried out in cash, card or mixed, is also available for payment without payment. If necessary, you can view the history of actions, perform a refund or, on the contrary, extra charge on the check, delete it. If there are several craftsmen in a change, thanks to this feature you can easily find employee, which caused a problem, such as a shortage. Another important parameter is to change the cashier in the check.

Accounting and Finance

As mentioned above, LiveSklad may well replace the popular and expensive Software 1C. The CRM under consideration allows you to fully automate and streamline calculations with suppliers, keep records of inventive material values, starting from the moment of their arrival and ending with the actual write-off, carry out cash transactions (payment, refund, surcharge, etc.) with the design of primary documents.

View income and expenses in the CRM system for business automation LiveSklad

Using this functionality of the automation system, you can count the salary fees. There is also the ability to control debts and cash flow (both income and expenses), the formation of applications for procurement and tracking balances in the warehouse.

With the help of the program, you can organize cashier jobs in all workshops, keep an automated accounting of employees' work time and accrue a salary taking into account KPI. The system has all the necessary tools for accounting, the formation of financial and tax reporting of any complexity and determination of the general result.

Accounting and Finance in the CRM system for business automation LiveSklad


LiveSKLAD retains the history of all business processes and provides executives with comprehensive statistics, thanks to which it is possible to control the work of the SC and workshops. The function allows you to determine unprofitable and profitable days, the best and worst employee. After analyzing this data, you can estimate the financial result and plan further development.

View statistics in the CRM system for business automation LiveSklad

If CRM is used at one point, this section shows the activity of sales. In the case of several points, their effectiveness is additionally indicated.

Sales Report in the CRM System for Business Automation LiveSklad

Inventory control

The program will significantly simplify the maintenance of warehouse operations: the posting of the goods, its movement, tracking residues, refund, inventory, write-off. In the customer settings you can add another warehouse.

Warehouse accounting and creating a warehouse in a CRM system for business automation LiveSklad

For each of the received positions, it is possible to obtain information such as the order number, time of arrival, the warehouse on which it is located, the counterparty, the total and paid cost, can additionally be commentary. When you move, it is also indicated sending and destination items.

New gaining goods in the CRM system for business automation LiveSklad

IP telephony

In LiveSklad, you can connect up to four options for IP telephony. To do this, integration with Zadarma, Telfin, Mango or "My Calls" services is possible. All details of the setup procedure are described in the Personal Service Office.

Setting up IP telephony in the CRM system for business automation LiveSklad

The feature itself provides the following features:

  • Calling the client directly from the order or its card;
  • Displaying customer data and orders when calling;
  • Saving conversation records;
  • Fix all appeals in history.

Call on IP telephony in the CRM system to automate the LiveSklad business

Mailing messages and notifications

In addition to calls, the system provides the possibility of sending SMS notifications with information about the order for customers, which allows you to track its condition on any of the steps.

SMS mailing in the CRM system for business automation LiveSklad

Informing employees and customers can be organized via Telegram, Email or SMS.

Configuring notifications in the CRM system for business automation LiveSklad

With the help of CRM, it is possible to print any documents: receipts, price tags, checks, etc., the editable patterns provided for in the arsenal of the program can be involved in the need. You can also print comments for orders for customers, repeated checks, labels with bar codes, information about movement, etc.

Printing documents in the CRM system for business automation LiveSklad

Task Manager

In the near future, such a useful addition appears in LiveSklad as a task manager. With it, it is possible to effectively organize the work of the personnel, to control the quality of the performance and compliance with the timing of the order, set various tasks and manage the process of their execution.

Integration with Prices Suppliers

The business automation system allows you to minimize the time spent on suppliers' price analysis - this task it is performed automatically with a constant actualization of the data collected. At the same time, if there is no company in the list, it can always be added manually.

Working with Prices Suppliers in the CRM System for Business Automation LiveSklad

LiveSKLAD independently monitor the remains in stock, after which, based on the information received, the application forms the application for missing goods and saves it as an Excel document. Directly the procurement data is stored in a single basket, which, moreover, can be integrated with Telegram. Thus, it is simply impossible to forget or lose information on who and under what conditions the goods were bought.

Integration with Prices Suppliers in the CRM System for Business Automation LiveSklad

Integration with terminals, messengers and services

In this software, integration with adjacent programs is implemented, including cash and cash and acquiring terminals, label printers and checks, Telegram messenger and the Dadata service is popular in the business segment.

Ensuring data security

With LiveSklad, you should not worry about the safety of these employees, customers and partners, as they are securely protected. The service guarantees the following:

  • Confidentiality. The client information is available only to the company (service center or workshop), and cannot be transferred to third parties.
  • Protection of personal information. Storage is carried out in a secure data center, reliable protection is provided by encryption.
  • Reservation. Bacup with data is formed daily, besides, it is submitted immediately in several copies. This not only guarantees their integrity and safety, but also allows you to restore from the DATA center at any time when such a need arises.
  • Strict compliance with the rules and requirements of legislation in accordance with the Federal Law No. 152-FZ of the Russian Federation.


Here are the lists of goods, works, counterparties, devices, packages and faults that are formed in the workflow, as well as information on advertising, the articles of money movement and units of measurement.

References in the CRM system for business automation LiveSklad

Using the toolkit available in this section, you can create goods cards and add works, download or import a list of products, works, clients, create groups, make new suppliers information, add or change sources of advertising, new or fraction units of measurement, etc. d.

Reference system in the CRM system for business automation LiveSklad

Knowledge base

An extremely useful section, which presents many detailed instructions for working with the system. Thanks to the "knowledge base", the novice users of LiveSklad will be able to master its main features, and more experienced - improve their skills. This contains the following categories and subcategories:

  • Orders (Basic, financial part, settings);
  • Shop (Basic, suppliers + basket);
  • Warehouse (Posting, movement, inventory, write-off, settings);
  • Finance (Cash registers, transactions, salary, reports, settings);
  • Directories (Goods, work, counterparties, advertising, units of measure);
  • Settings (Workshops, staff, document editor, order form editor, telephony, SMS messages, notifications, statuses);
  • Other information.

Knowledge base A in the CRM system for business automation LiveSklad

Inside each subcategory, narrow-controlled guides are presented, thanks to which you can qualitatively and quickly solve any task.

An article in the knowledge base in the CRM system for business automation LiveSklad

Technical support

CRM specialists for automation of LiveSklad business processes provide prompt technical support to their customers, which is available around the clock in the form of consultation by phone, email and chat.

Communication with technical support in the CRM system for business automation LiveSklad

Access to the cloud service, on the basis of which the program works, is provided in 24/7 mode. All updates are provided free of charge (after selecting and paying a suitable tariff plan, a 7-day trial period is also available).

Tariff plans available in the CRM system for business automation LiveSklad

Detailed documentation, which, in its essence, is also part of the support, we have already been considered above. In addition to the text information presented in the "knowledge base" on the site, the service has its own youtube channel, where more than 30 training videos have been published and new ones.

Video instructions for work in the CRM system for business automation LiveSklad


  • A wide range of functions for automation of small and medium businesses with a multitude of useful settings;
  • Availability of a 7-day trial;
  • A simple and understandable interface that does not require special skills to master;
  • The ability to transfer data from other CRM;
  • Worthy alternative to popular accounting software 1C;
  • Flexible tariff plans focused on companies with different number of employees, workshops and online cash offices;
  • Data protection and confidentiality;
  • Exhaustive reference system - the knowledge base in which all aspects of the use of the system and training video are considered in detail;
  • 24-hour technical support with the ability to choose a convenient communication method.


  • Not found.

Summing up, we note that the LiveSklad CRM system is focused on small and medium-sized business owners, workshop networks and service centers operating in various fields. This software allows you to automate and significantly facilitate workflows within the company, thanks to which you can focus on other tasks and projects.

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