What to do if the goods did not come with Aliexpress


What to do if the goods did not come with Aliexpress

By ordering for Aliexpress some product, we always expect that we get it in preservation and at a reasonable term. However, sometimes delivery brings us, and after the expiration of the specified period, the parcel does not come. The reason for this can be both the problem with delivery and the seller himself. In such a situation, the Buyer should be aware of what actions need to be taken to ensure that in the event of a non-received order, it was possible to return the money spent and re-order or abandon this venture at all.

What to do in the absence of an order with Aliexpress

Taking into account the complexity of delivery (after all, this is an international shipment), human factor, holidays and other reasons paid on Aliexpress goods may not come on time. As a result, in the absence of any actions, the buyer deprives the protection of the order and will not be able to return the money after a while. Do not immediately begin to worry, if the term "buyer's protection" comes to an end, and the order is still on the way: in such situations you can easily extend the defense and wait a little more. But if he did not come completely, you will need to contact the seller or even to the administration of the trading platform. So, consider everything in order.

Causes of long order delivery

As mentioned earlier, one or more factors may affect duration. First of all, you should know that the sender is not always in delays in the delivery delays: he gives the parcel to the postal service, and on what its employees and other carriers make it impossible to influence. That is why it is not worth accusing the seller in difficulties with getting an order, because he will be nervous than yours. Let's figure out what the reasons for the order did not come on a designated time:

  • Delivery service delays. Due to different factors (errors, difficulties with transportation, external or internal emergencies), delivery can be lined in the way or in the sorting center.
  • Holidays, weekends. We and the Chinese holidays happen at different times, and these days the delivery process is suspended. If it comes to New Year's holidays, it should be remembered that China has its new year, during which even sending the seller can linger.
  • Days with huge discounts. The most difficult courier services fall within the universal sales days, which refers "Black Friday", "Cybercrong", "11.11", "Halloween", etc. Always at such periods are formed a huge number of orders, and there is significantly more time on their processing, than in normal periods.
  • The parcel was stolen. Many active online buyers have heard that the unscrupulous employees of Russian Post regularly rob buyers, especially if there is something interesting and expensive in the parcels, for example, a smartphone. Sometimes there is some garbage instead of it, and sometimes the parcel disappears without a trace. We recommend when buying important items that can potentially be enjoyed using paid delivery: it will guarantee fair delivery for acceptable money and, as a rule, in a shorter period.
  • Not delivered notice. Despite the fact that now the Russian Post is actively sending SMS with a notice of receipt of the goods in your chosen separation, sometimes it does not happen. In addition, someone still has the notice brings the postman, and they may be absent in your mailbox for various reasons: the postman did not deliver, someone stole it.
  • The seller did not send an order. Rarely there are unscrupulous sellers who do not send orders and outstanding invalid track numbers to track. Scammers will assure you that the order actually goes, but at the same time refuse to extend the term "buyer protection".

As you can see, the scripts are somewhat, and therefore it is necessary to act differently.

Start clarifying in advance, preferably 7-10 days before closing "Buyer Protection" . So you will have more time on the trial in case of a serious delivery problem.

Option 1: Extension of order protection

Since most often the order simply does not have time to come on time, it makes sense to wait a little more. This concerns situations where you received the acting track code and see that the parcel is stuck, for example, on the distribution / sorting center or is on the way to your post office. About how to extend the order, we told in another article. If you do not know what you need to do this, we suggest familiarizing yourself with the auxiliary material on the link below.

Creating an Application for Extending the Protection of the Buyer on Aliexpress

Read more: Extension of the order protection on AliExpress

When the parcel did not go beyond China within two weeks, you can write a personal message to the seller with a question about why this happens. Probably, she has some problems with customs or something happened in stock. He as a sender can find out the reason, transfer information to you, and you already decide what to do next, but, as a rule, everything leads to the prolongation of the defense.

Option 2: Appeal to Russian Post

This action makes sense only when you have already had to receive the parcel in terms of time, the track number shows that it can already be taken, but there are no alerts from the post office. Honest sellers independently prolong the "buyer's protection", which you will be notified from it or automatically by the Aliexpress website, and if this did not happen, extend it yourself, explaining the reason to the seller. About how to extend the order, we told a little higher.

When you already have a reserve of time and allegedly ready to get a purchase, go to the post office where the order was made, and ask for an employee to look for him. Advance arise the passport, order number and track code for which tracking was performed. Most likely, the employee will find the goods in the warehouse and give you without a receipt. Otherwise, find out why electronic status does not coincide with the actual and specify how you can get the parcel in the shortest possible time.

Option 3: Opening dispute

Not the tracking order or the one did not come even after the extension of the "buyer's protection", it is considered not received, and you can return money for it. In this case, the only correct solution will be the opening of the dispute and the explanation of the whole situation to the seller. He must answer you within 5 days, otherwise the dispute will automatically close in your favor, and make some kind of solution with which you agree, within 7 days. If the conflict settlement does not follow, the administration is connected to the dispute.

The process of drawing up complaints on Aliexpress

When the seller extends the time to protect the order as a result of the dispute you will have an additional opportunity to open an argument after receiving the order, if, for example, its quality has not arranged.

When all the facts on your side (the track code does not provide information on where the goods, or shows another country or the same location throughout the long term), a full refund will be made in your favor. When opening the dispute, do not forget to reinforce the message track number, which shows that the parcel is not tracked, and with a screenshot of incorrect tracking. To exit the winner of the dispute when the seller was a fraudster or simply unfair, we strongly advise you to get acquainted with our detailed material telling how to competently implement.

Read more:

Aliexpress Opening

How to win a dispute on Aliexpress

Request compensation with money, not a commodity. When making a complaint, specify the same amount that the order was spent on payment and delivery (if paid).

Some buyers initially lack the track code for some order. It may seem that this will worsen your position in the dispute, but in fact without it the connected administration will immediately close the dispute in your favor. In the fact that the buyer was not issued a track number, an exclusively store is to blame. Of course, all sellers know themselves, so everyone will try to ask you to close the dispute under different pretexts. Never agree to this! Adjust your position to the end and get compensation for the unsuccessful goods.

The time protection time has come out

Sometimes we do not have time to track the delivery date, and when we go to the Aliexpress website, we see that the term of "protection of the buyer" has already come out. Is it possible to try to return money after that? Yes, after completing the protection of the order, the user has another 15 days, during which it can open a dispute and present a complaint regarding poor-quality purchase or lack of delivery. Choose the desired item and wait for the result. Honest sellers will not want to spoil the rating and compensate for your damage.

When it ended and a 15-day term, returning money, most likely it will not work. You can contact technical support, but hope that the answer will be positive, do not: Usually, Ali Extress rejects such requests.

Apply to Technical Support for Aliexpress

The goods came after the closure of the dispute with the reimbursement of money

Sometimes it happens that the order is declared a much later closed order by the dispute in which you received compensation. Now you can leave the purchase yourself, because neither the seller nor aliexpress will know what you took it. Nevertheless, we ask you to be honest in relation to the same fair seller: because of the problems with the delivery, he lost money and product, so it's best if you return to him the money that was returned. Write to him a private message and agree on sending money convenient for you both, for example, through PayPal or differently. Of course, if the goods received turned out to be low, broken, it is unlikely that it wants to pay, so it is not worth returning money if only some small part of its cost.

From this article, you learned what to do when it is not possible to get paid order with Aliexpress, and how to act in one or another situation.

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