It does not work on Aliexpress: main causes and solutions


Aliexpress 404.

Aliexpress, unfortunately, it is capable not only to please good goods, but also to upset. And it is not only about defective orders, quarrels with sellers and loss of money. One of the possible problems in the use of the service is the banal inability to go to it. Fortunately, every problem has its own solution.

Cause 1: Site changes

Aliexpress is constantly developing, because the structure and appearance of the site are regularly updated. A variety of improvement options can be huge - from a banal addition of new categories of goods to directories before optimizing the address structure. Especially in the latest version, users may encounter the transition to the site for old links or bookmarks will translate to the old and non-operating page of the account in the account or on the site at all. Of course, the service will not work at the same time. Several times a similar problem has already met, when the Creators of the Service globally updated the site and entry procedures to accounts.


You should re-enter the site without using old links or bookmarks. You will need to enter the name of the site in the search engine, and further go on the result issued.

Aliexpress in search engine

Of course, after updating Ali, new addresses in search engines immediately, because there should be no problems. After the user make sure that the input is completed successfully and the site works, it can be added again to the bookmarks. Also, problems can be radically avoided if you use the mobile application.

Cause 2: Temporary Resource Disability

Aliexpress is a major international service, and millions of operations are processed here daily. Of course, it is quite logical to assume that the site can simply fail due to an overly large number of requests. Roughly speaking, the site with all its protectedness and workout, may fall under the influx of buyers. Especially often this situation is observed during traditional sales, for example, in black Friday.

Also probably a temporary violation or a complete shutdown of service performance during any large technical works. Very often, users face that there are no fields for entering a password and login on the authorization page. As a rule, this happens just during preventive work.

Empty data entry fields on Aliexpress


Take advantage of the service later, especially if the reason is known (the same Christmas sale), trying to try later may really make sense. If technical works are underway on the site, then users are notified about it. Although recently, programmers are trying not to turn off the site for this period.

As a rule, the Administration Ali always goes to meet users in case of falling service and compensates inconvenience. For example, if the dispute was conducted in the process of the buyer and the seller, the answer time for each side increases with the time in which it was impossible to continue the disassembly technically.

Cause 3: Violation of Input Algorithms

Also, the technical ability to breakage may be that the service currently has a problem with specific authorization methods. The reasons may be much - for example, technical work is underway to optimize the entry option in the account.

Most often such a problem takes place in cases where authorization occurs through social networks or through account Google . The problem may be on both sides - may not work both ali itself and the service through which the entrance occurs.


There are two solutions. The first is to wait until employees decide the problem on their own. Best of all this is suitable in cases when there is no need to check something urgently. For example, the dispute is not conducted, the parcel will not arrive in the near future, the supplier does not take an important dialogue, and so on.

The second solution is to banally use another way of entry.

It is best if the user knowsed this problem and connected his account to different networks and services and can produce authorization by any method. Most often, any of them works.


Cause 4: Problem with Provider

It is likely that the problem with the entrance to the site can be caused by the problems with the Internet. There are cases when the provider blocked access to the Aliexpress site, or incorrectly processed requests. Also, the trouble may be more global - the Internet may not work at all.


The very first and simple - you need to check the performance of the connection with the Internet. This will attempt to use other sites. In case of troubleshooting, you should try to restart the connection or contact the provider.

If only Aliexpress and related addresses are not working (for example, direct links to goods), then first you need to try proxy or VPN. . To do this, there are a large number of browser plugins. Anonymity for connecting and forwarding IP to other countries can help connect to the site.

VPN in Mozilla Firefox

Another option is to call the provider and ask to deal with the problem. Ali is not a criminal network, so today there are few known Internet service providers that would deliberately blocked the resource. If there is a problem, then it is most likely lies in network errors or in technical work.

Cause 5: Account Loss

It is often a variant of the development of events when the user simply hacked the account and changed the data for the entrance.

The problem may also conclude that the account is not available for quite legal reasons. The first - the user himself deleted his profile. The second user was blocked for violation of the rules for using the service.

Aliexpress entrance error


In this case, it is not worth slow. First you need to check the computer for the presence of viruses, which just might have theft of personal data. Further attempts to restore the password without this step do not make sense, since malware can again kidnap the data.

Next, you need to restore the password.

Lesson: How to restore the password on Aliexpress.

After successful entry to the site it is worth assessing the damage. To begin with, you need to check the specified address, recent orders (if the shipping address has not changed) and so on. It will be best to contact the support service and ask to provide the details of the actions and changes to the account at that time when the user has lost access.

If the account has become the blocking of the account due to the violation of the rules or the will of the user itself, then it is necessary Register.

Reason 6: Software Violations by the user

In the end, problems can be in the user's computer. Options in this case are as follows:

  1. The activities of viruses. Some of them can make forwarding to fake version of Aliexpress to theft of personal data and user money.

    Solution Option is a comprehensive computer check with antivirus programs. For example, you can use Dr.Web Cureit!

  2. On the contrary, the activities of antiviruses. It has been reported that in some cases, turning off the work of Kaspersky Anti-Virus helped solve the problem.

    Solutions - try temporarily Disable the operation of the antivirus program.

  3. Incorrect operation for connecting to the Internet. Actual for users of computer modem to connect to wireless networks - for example, using 3G from MTS.

    Solution Option - Try to restart the computer and reinstall the program for connecting Refresh Drivers modem.

  4. Low computer performance. In view of this, the browser may not open a single site at all, not to mention Aliexpress.

    Solution Option - Close All unnecessary programs, games and processes through the "Task Manager", clean the system from garbage, restart the computer.

Lesson: How to improve computer performance

Mobile app

Mobile application Aliexpress

Separately, it is worth saying about the problems of entering the account using the Official Mobile App for Aliexpress. Here are three reasons most often:

  • First, the application may require updates. Especially bright such a problem is observed if the update is critical. Solution - just update the application.
  • Secondly, problems can walk in the mobile device itself. To solve, it is usually enough to restart the phone or tablet.
  • Thirdly, there may be problems with the Internet on the mobile device. You should either reinstall to the network, or select the most powerful source of the signal, or, again, try to restart the device.

As you can conclude, many Aliexpress service problems are temporary or easily solved. The only option of the critical problem of problems may be a case when the user needs to urgently use the site, for example, when the open dispute is located or a discussion of the order with the seller. In such situations, it is better not to be nervous and in patience - the problem rarely closes access to the site, if approaching it is constructively.

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