How to make transparency in photoshop


How to make transparency in photoshop

One of the most interesting functions of photoshop is to give transparency objects. Transparency can be applied not only to the object itself, but also to its fill, leaving visible only layer styles.

Basic opacity

The main opacity of the active layer is configured in the upper part of the palette of the layers and is measured as a percentage.

We make transparency in photoshop

Here you can work as a slider and enter the exact value.

We make transparency in photoshop

As you can see, through our black object partially sharpened subject to the layer.

Pouring opacity

If the basic opacity affects the entire layer of the whole, the "Filling" setting does not affect the styles applied to the layer.

Suppose we applied to object style "Embossing",

We make transparency in photoshop

and then reduced the value "Fill" to zero.

We make transparency in photoshop

In this case, we will get an image on which only this style will remain visible, and the object itself will disappear from appearance.

We make transparency in photoshop

With this reception, transparent objects are created, in particular, watermarks.

Opacity of a separate object

The opacity of one of the objects contained on one layer is achieved by applying the layer mask.

To change the opacity, the object must be allocated in any available way.

Read the article "How to Cut an Object in Photoshop"

I use "Magic wand".

We make transparency in photoshop

Then pushing the key Alt. And click on the mask icon in the layers panel.

We make transparency in photoshop

As we can see, the object is completely disappeared from the view, and a black region appeared on the mask repeating its shape.

Next, clamp the key Ctrl And click on the miniature mask in the palette of the layers.

We make transparency in photoshop

On canvas appeared selection.

We make transparency in photoshop

Selection need to be inverted by pressing the keyboard key Ctrl + SHIFT + I.

We make transparency in photoshop

Now the selection must be pouring in any shade of gray. Fully black hobs the object, but completely white will open.

Press the keyboard key SHIFT + F5. And in the settings, choose color.

We make transparency in photoshop

Press OK In both windows and get opaque in accordance with the selected shade.

We make transparency in photoshop

Selection can (need) Remove with keys Ctrl + D..

Gradient opacity

Gradient, that is, uneven over the entire area, opacity is also created with a mask.

This time you need to create a white mask on an active layer by clicking on the mask icon without a key. Alt..

We make transparency in photoshop

Then choose the tool "Gradient".

We make transparency in photoshop

As we already know, on the mask you can draw only black, white and gray, so we choose this gradient in the settings on the top panel:

We make transparency in photoshop

Then, being on the mask, clamp the left mouse button and stretch the gradient through the canvas.

You can pull in any desired direction. If the result did not suit the first time, then the "broach" can be repeated an unlimited number of times. The new gradient will completely block the old one.

We make transparency in photoshop

This is all that can be said about opacity in Photoshop. I sincerely hope that this information will help you understand the principles for obtaining transparency and apply these techniques in your work.

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