How to fix the Error "AppCrash" in Windows 7


AppCrash Error in Windows 7

One and errors with which Windows 7 users can meet when starting or installing programs are "APPCRASH Event Name". Often it occurs when using games and other "heavy" applications. Let's find out the causes and ways to eliminate the specified computer malfunction.

Causes of "AppCrash" and how to eliminate the error

The immediate root causes of the appearance of "APPCRASH" can be different, but all of them binds that this error occurs when the power or characteristics of hardware or computer components do not correspond to the minimum to start a specific application. That is why the specified error most often occurs when applications are activated with high system requirements.

AppCrash Error Information in Windows 7

In some cases, the problem can be eliminated, only by replacing the hardware components of the computer (processor, RAM, etc.), the characteristics of which are lower than the minimum requirements of the application. But it is often possible to correct the situation without such radical actions, simply by installing the necessary software component, configuring the system correctly, removing the excess load or performing other manipulations inside the OS. It is similar ways to solve the specified problem and will be considered in this article.

Method 1: Installing the necessary components

Quite often, the "APPCRASH" error occurs for the reason that some Microsoft components needed to start a specific application are not installed on the computer. Most often, the emergence of this problem gives the absence of current versions of the following components:

  • DirectX
  • Net Framework.
  • Visual C ++ 2013 Redist
  • XNA Framework.

Follow the links to the list and install the necessary components on the PC, adhering to the recommendations that the "Installation Wizard" gives during the installation procedure.

Installing the DirectX component from the official Microsoft website using the Google Chrome browser in Windows 7

Before downloading "Visual C ++ 2013 Redist", you will need to select your type of operating system (32 or 64 bits) on the Microsoft website, by installing a check mark near the VcRedist_x86.exe option or "vcredist_x64.exe".

Selecting the Microsoft Visual C ++ 2013 component download option from the official Microsoft website using Google Chrome browser in Windows 7

After installing each component, restart the computer and check how the problem application is started. For convenience, we placed links to download as the frequency of the "APPCRASH" decrease due to the lack of a particular element. That is, the problem most often occurs due to the lack of the latest version of DirectX on the PC.

Method 2: Disable service

"APPCRASH" can occur when starting some applications if the Windows Management Toolbox is enabled. In this case, the specified service must be deactivated.

  1. Click "Start" and go to "Control Panel".
  2. Go to the control panel through the Start menu in Windows 7

  3. Click "System and Safety".
  4. Go to System and Security in the Control Panel in Windows 7

  5. Look for the section "Administration" and go to it.
  6. Go to Administration section from section System and Security in the Control Panel in Windows 7

  7. The Administration window opens a list of various Windows tools. It is necessary to find the item "Services" and go to the specified inscription.
  8. Go to Services Manager from Administration section in the Control Panel in Windows 7

  9. The "Service Manager" is launched. In order to make it easier to search for the required component, build all the elements of the list according to the alphabet. To do this, press the name "Name" column. Having found the name "Windows Management Toolbox" in the list, pay attention to the state of this service. If, in front of it in the "Status" column, the attribute "works" is set, then you should disable the specified component. To do this, double-click the name of the item.
  10. Transition to the Windows Container Properties window from the Windows Service Manager in Windows 7

  11. Opened service properties window. Click on the Start Type field. In the list that appears, select the option "disabled". Then click "Suspend", "Apply" and "OK".
  12. Disable service in the Windows Management Toolkit Service window in Windows 7

  13. Return to "Services Manager". As you can see, now opposite the names of the "Windows Management Toolkit", the "Works" attribute is missing, and instead it will be located the suspension attribute. Reboot the computer and try to run a problem application again.

The Windows Management Toolbox is suspended in Service Manager in Windows 7

Method 3: Checking the integrity of Windows system files

One of the causes of "APPCRASH" may be damage to the integrity of Windows system files. Then it is necessary to scan the system of the built-in utility "SFC" for the presence of the above problem and, if necessary, correct it.

  1. If you have a Windows 7 installation disk with that instance of the OS, which is installed on your computer, before starting the procedure, be sure to insert it into the drive. This will not only detect the violation of the integrity of system files, but also correct errors in case of detection.
  2. Next click "Start". Go on the inscription "All Programs".
  3. Go to all programs through the Start menu in Windows 7

  4. Come to the "Standard" folder.
  5. Go to folder standard via Start menu in Windows 7

  6. Find the "Command String" item and right-click (PCM) click on it. From the list, select the option to "Run on the administrator".
  7. Run a command line on behalf of the administrator using the context menu through the Start menu in Windows 7

  8. The "Command Line" interface opens. Enter such an expression:


    Click ENTER.

  9. Run a system file check for integrity loss using the SCF utility by running it through the command line in Windows 7

  10. The SFC utility is launched, which scans system files for their integrity and errors. The progress of the course of this operation is displayed immediately in the "Command Line" window as a percentage of the overall volume of the task.
  11. Scanning system for loss of system files with the SCF utility on the command line in Windows 7

  12. After completion of the operation in the "command line", there is either a message that violations of the integrity of system files are not detected or error information with their detailed decoding. If you previously inserted the installation disk from the OS into a drive, then all malfunctions will be automatically corrected. Be sure to restart the computer.

Scanning system for loss of integrity of system files using the SCF utility is completed and did not reveal faults on the command line in Windows 7

There are other ways to check the integrity of the system files, which are considered in a separate lesson.

Lesson: Checking the integrity of system files in Windows 7

Method 4: Solving Compatibility Problems

Sometimes an "APPCRASH" error can be formed due to compatibility issues, that is, simply speaking, if the program run does not fit the version of your operating system. If a newer version of the problem is required to start a problem application, for example, Windows 8.1 or Windows 10, then nothing can be done here. In order to start, you will have to install either the necessary OS type, or at least its emulator. But if the application is intended for earlier operating systems and therefore conflict with the "seven", then the problem is quite simple to correct.

  1. Open the "Explorer" in the directory where the executable file of the problem application is located. Click on it by PCM and select "Properties".
  2. Switch file properties window through the context menu in Windows 7 conductor

  3. The file properties window opens. Move in the Compatibility section.
  4. Go to the Compatibility tab in the File Properties window in Windows 7

  5. In the Compatibility Mode section, set the mark near the position "Run the program in compatibility mode ...". From the drop-down list, which will then be active, select the desired version of the OS compatible version. In most cases, with similar errors, select the "Windows XP" item (Service Pack 3). Also select the box in front of the "execute this program on behalf of the administrator". Then press "apply" and "OK".
  6. Enabling the program launch in compatibility mode in the Compatibility tab in the file properties window in Windows 7

  7. Now you can run the application with the standard method by double clicking on its executable file with the left mouse button.

Starting a program in compatibility mode in Windows 7 conductor

Method 5: Driver Update

One of the reasons for "APPCRASH" may be the fact that Outdated video card drivers are installed on the PC or, which is significantly less common, sound card. Then you need to update the corresponding components.

  1. Go to the section "Control Panels", which is called "System and Security". The algorithm of this transition was described when considering the method 2. Next click on the "Device Manager" inscription.
  2. Go to Device Manager in the System Block from the System and Security section in the Control Panel in Windows 7

  3. The device manager interface is launched. Click "Video adapters".
  4. Go to Video Auditors in Device Manager in Windows 7

  5. A list of video cards connected to a computer opens. Click the PCM by the name of the item and select from the "Update Drivers ..." list.
  6. Go to updating the video card driver through the context menu in the video adapter section in the device manager in Windows 7

  7. Opened update window. Click on the "Automatic Search for Drivers ..." position.
  8. Start automatic updating video card drivers in device manager in Windows 7

  9. After that, the procedure for updating drivers will be performed. If this way does not work update, then go to the official website of the manufacturer of your video card, download the driver from there and start it. Such a procedure must be done with each device that appears in the "Dispatcher" in the "Video adapter" block. After installation, do not forget to restart the PC.

Similarly updated sound card driver. Only for this you need to go to the "Sound, Video and Gaming Devices" section and alternately update each object of this group.

Go to updating the sound card driver through the context menu in the Sound, Video and Gaming Devices section in the device manager in Windows 7

If you do not consider yourself a rather experienced user in order to update the drivers in a similar way, it is possible to use specialized software - Driverpack Solution to perform the specified procedure. This application scans your computer for outdated drivers and offer to install their latest versions. In this case, you will not only facilitate the task, but also save yourself from the need to search for a specific element that requires updating. The program will do all this automatically.

Lesson: Updating Drivers on a PC using Driverpack Solution

Method 6: Elimination of Cyrillic characters from the path to the folder with the program

Sometimes it happens that the cause of the "APPCRASH" error is an attempt to install the program into a directory, the path to which contains characters not included in the Latin alphabet. With us, for example, often names of directories, users are written by Cyrillic, but not all objects placed in such a directory can work correctly. In this case, it is necessary to reinstall them into the folder, the path to which does not contain Cyrillic signs or symbols of another alphabet other than Latin.

  1. If you have already installed the program, but it works incorrectly, issuing an "AppCrash" error, then uninstall it.
  2. Scroll through the "Explorer" in the root directory of any disk on which the operating system is not installed. Considering that almost always an OS is installed on a C disk, then you can choose any partition of the hard drive, besides the above-mentioned version. Click the PCM on an empty place in the window and select the "Create" position. In the optional menu, go through the "folder" item.
  3. Go to creating a folder on disk D through the context menu in Windows 7 conductor in Windows 7

  4. When creating a folder, give it any name that wishes, but in compliance with the condition that it should consist exclusively from the symbols of the Latin alphabet.
  5. The folder with the name consisting of the symbols of the Latin alphabet is designed in WINDOVS conductor in Windows 7

  6. Now re-install the problem application in the created folder. To do this, in the "Installation Wizard" at the appropriate installation stage, specify this directory as a directory containing an executable application file. In the future, always install programs with the "APPCRASH" problem in this folder.

Specifying the installation directory of the executable application file in the program installation wizard in Windows 7

Method 7: Registry Cleaning

Sometimes eliminating the "AppCrash" error helps such a banal way as a system registry cleaner. For these purposes there are quite a lot of different software, but one of the best solutions is CCleaner.

  1. Run Cclener. Go to the "Registry" section and click on the "Problem Search" button.
  2. Starting a scan of the system registry on errors in the CCleaner program registry section in Windows 7

  3. The procedure for scanning a system registry will be launched.
  4. The procedure for scanning a system registry on errors in the CCleaner program registry section in Windows 7

  5. After the process is completed, erroneous registry entries are displayed in the CCleaner window. To remove them, press "fix ...".
  6. Go to correcting the error of the system registry in the CCleaner program registry section in Windows 7

  7. A window opens in which it is proposed to create a backup of the registry. This is done in case the program will mistakenly delete some important entry. Then it will be possible to restore it again. Therefore, we recommend pressing the button "Yes" in the specified window.
  8. Transition to a backup copy of the changes made in the registry in the CCleaner program in Windows 7

  9. The backup window opens. Go to the directory where you want to store a copy, and press "Save".
  10. Backup window of backup made changes in the registry in the CCleaner program in Windows 7

  11. In the next window, click the "Fix marked" button.
  12. Running the system registry error correction in the CCleaner program registry section in Windows 7

  13. After that, all registry errors will be corrected, what the message will be displayed in the CCleaner program.

System Registry Errors in the CCleaner Program Registry section Fixed in Windows 7

There are other tools for cleaning the registry that are described in a separate article.

Applying changes in the Data Prevention tab in the Speed ​​Options window in Windows 7

Now you can try to start the application

Method 9: Disable Anti-Virus

Another reason for the error "AppCrash" is the conflict of the started application with the antivirus program, which is installed on the computer. To check if it is, it makes sense to temporarily turn off the antivirus. In some cases, full uninstallation of the protective software is required for the appropriate operation of the application.

Transition to the removal of avast antivirus in Windows 7

Each antivirus has its own deactivation and uninstallation algorithm.

Read more: Temporary disabling antivirus protection

It is important to remember that it is impossible to leave a computer for a long time without anti-virus protection, so it is necessary to establish a similar program as soon as possible after uninstalling the antivirus, which will not conflict with another software.

As you can see, there are quite a few reasons why, when you start certain programs on Windows 7, an "AppCrash" error may occur. But they all conclude in incompatibility of the software running with some kind of software or hardware component. Of course, to solve the problem, it is best to immediately establish its immediate cause. But unfortunately, it does not always succeed. Therefore, if you encountered the above error, we advise you to simply apply all the methods listed in this article until the problem is completely eliminated.

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