Sound on a laptop with windows 8


Sound on a laptop with windows 8

Owners of laptops are often faced with the problem of spontaneous tripping audio devices. The reasons for this phenomenon can be very different. Conditionally, the sound reproduction can be divided into two groups: software and hardware. If, in the event of a breakdown of computer "iron" without contacting the service center, it is not necessary, then failures in the operation of the operating system and other software can be corrected by our own.

Eliminate the problem of audio on a laptop in Windows 8

We will try to independently find the source of the problem with sound in a laptop with installed Windows 8 and restore the full functionality of the device. To do this, it is possible to apply several ways.

Method 1: Using the service keys

Let's start with the elementary method. Perhaps you yourself accidentally turned off the sound. We find on the keyboard the "Fn" key and the service number "F" with the speaker icon in the upper row. For example, in Acer devices, this "F8". Click simultaneously combination of these two keys. We try several times. The sound did not appear? Then go to the next method.

Method 2: Mixer Volume

Now find out the volume level installed on the laptop for sound sounds and applications. It is likely that the mixer is configured incorrectly.

  1. In the lower right corner of the screen in the taskbar, click the right mouse button on the speaker icon and select "Open the volume mixer" in the menu.
  2. Entrance to the volume mixer in windows 8

  3. In the window that appears, check the slider level in the "Device" and "Applications" sections. We look so that icons with speakers have not been crossed out.
  4. Mixer volume in windows 8

  5. If the audio does not work only in some kind of program, we start it and again open the volume mixer. We are convinced that the volume control is high, and the speaker will not cross.

Separate program in the volume mixer in Windows 8

Method 3: Antivirus Verification

Be sure to check the system for malicious and spyware, which may well disrupt the correct functioning of audio devices. And of course, the scanning process must be carried out periodically.

Read more: Fighting computer viruses

Method 4: Device Manager

If the volume in the mixer is not detected in the volume and viruses, then you need to check the operation of the audio devices drivers. Sometimes they begin to work incorrectly in case of unsuccessful update or non-compliance with the hardware.

  1. We press the Win + R key combination and enter the DevmGMT.msc command in the "Run". Click on "ENTER".
  2. Login to Device Manager through the Run window in Windows 8

  3. In the Device Manager, we are interested in the "Sound Devices" block. In the event of a malfunction next to the name of the equipment, exclamation or question marks may be.
  4. Sound Devices in Device Manager in Winds 8

  5. PCM click on the audio line string, select "Properties" in the menu, go to the Driver tab. Let's try to update control files. Confirm "update".
  6. Device properties in device dispatcher in windows 8

  7. In the next window, select the automatic loading of the driver from the Internet or search on the hard disk of the laptop if you previously downloaded them.
  8. Driver Update in Window 8

  9. It happens that the fresh driver begins to work incorrectly and therefore you can try to roll back to the old version. To do this, in the properties of the equipment, press the button "Run" button.

Rollback driver in windows 8

Method 5: Checking BIOS settings

An option is possible that the former owner, a person having access to a laptop or you yourself disabled a sound fee in BIOS. To make sure that the hardware is turned on, reboot the device and enter the firmware page. The keys used for this may vary depending on the manufacturer. In ASUS laptops, this is "del" or "F2". In BIOS, you need to check the status of the ONBOARD AUDIO FUNCTION parameter, must be spelled out "Enabled", that is, the "sound card is turned on". If the audiographer is turned off, then, accordingly, we turn it on. Please note that the BIOS of various versions and manufacturers the name and location of the parameter may differ.

Method 6: Windows Audio

This situation is possible that the System System Playback Service has been disconnected on the laptop. If the Windows Audio service is stopped, the sound equipment will not work. We check whether everything is in order with this parameter.

  1. To do this, we use the combination of Win + R familiar to us and type SERVices.msc. Then click "OK".
  2. Login to services in Windows 8

  3. On the Service tab in the right window, we need to find the "Windows Audio" string.
  4. Service window in windows 8

  5. Restarting the service can help restore sound playback on the device. To do this, choose "Restart service."
  6. Restart service in windows 8

  7. We check that the audio type of startup type is automatic. Right-click on the parameter by clicking in "Properties", see the startup type unit.

Properties of service in Windows 8

Method 7: Troubleshooting Master

Windows 8 has an embedded system tool for correcting problems. You can try to apply it to search and troubleshoot the sound on the laptop.

  1. We click "Start", in the upper right side of the screen we find an icon with a magnifying glass "Search".
  2. Button Search in the Start window in Windows 8

  3. In the search bar, drive: "troubleshooting". In the results, select the troubleshooting wizard panel.
  4. Search for wizard troubleshooting in windows 8

  5. On the next page we need a section "Equipment and Sound". Select "Troubleshooting Sound Playback".
  6. Window Troubleshooting in Windows 8

  7. Next, simply follow the instructions of the wizard, which stages will search for troubleshooting audio devices on a laptop.

Search for sound problems in the troubleshooting wizard in Windows 8

Method 8: Restore or reinstall Windows 8

It is possible that you have established some new program that caused a conflict of control files of audio devices or failed in the OS software part. It is possible to fix it, turning to the last workable edition of the system. To restore Windows 8 to the control point is easy.

Read more: How to restore Windows 8 system

When the backup does not help, it remains the last extreme tool - the complete reinstalling of Windows 8. If the reason for the lack of sound on the laptop lies in the program part, then this method will definitely help.

Do not forget to copy the valuable data from the hard disk system volume.

Read more: Installing the Windows 8 operating system

Method 9: Repair Sound Card

If the above methods did not solve the problem, then with almost absolute probability, the worst thing happened to what could happen with sound on your laptop. The sound card is physically faulty and subject to the repair by the forces of experts. It is possible to overpass the chip on the laptop motherboard only a professional.

We reviewed the basic methods of normalizing the functioning of sound devices on a laptop with Windows 8 "on board". Of course, in such a complex device as a laptop, there can be a lot of reasons for incorrect operation of sound equipment, but using the methods above, you in most cases again make your device "sing and talk". Well, with a hardware fault, a straight road to the service center.

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