How to choose computers repair


Difficulties to select computers repair services

Various firms and private masters that repair computers at home, in the office or their own workshops today are quite in demand and are widely represented even in relatively small cities in Russia. This is not surprising: the computer, often not in a single copy, in our time there is almost every family. If we talk about the offices of companies, then it is no longer possible to present these premises without computers and accompanying office equipment - a huge number of processes are performed anyway with the help of computer equipment and in any way otherwise.

But, despite the wide opportunities for the choice of the artist for the production of computer repair and the provision of computer aid, this choice may be difficult. Moreover, the result of the working wizard may disappoint: Quality or price. I will try to tell in detail how to avoid it.

In the past 4 years, I professionally deal with the maintenance and repair of computers in various companies, as well as the provision of computer assistance at home to individuals. During this time I happened to work in 4 companies that provide this kind of service. Two of them can be called "good", the other two are "bad." Currently I work individually. In any case, the existing experience allows me to some extent to distinguish them and celebrate some signs of organizations, communicating with the representatives of which, the client is quite likely to be disappointed. I will try to share this information with you.

Also on your site I decided to gradually create a catalog of firms involved in the repair of computers in different cities, as well as a black list of computer aid firms.

The article consists of a kind of sections of the following content:

  • Who should call where to find masters
  • How to cut down adverse specialists when calling a computer company by phone
  • How to monitor the repair of the computer
  • How to pay a lot of money for simple help with a computer

Computer help: who to call?

The computer, as the other technique, has the property to break suddenly and, at the same time, in the most inappropriate moment for this, just when it needs most - tomorrow to take the exchange rate or accounting reporting, from minute to minute to email should come The most important message, etc. And, as a result, help with the computer we need very urgently, preferably right now.

Both on the Internet and in print editions, as well as on all available advertising surfaces, you will definitely see ads on the urgent repair of computers by professionals of your business with free departure and cost of work from 100 rubles. I personally tell myself that I really leave for the customer for free, and, in case, except for diagnostics, nothing has been fulfilled or even it is even done - the price of my services is 0 rubles. But, on the other hand, I do not repair computers for 100 rubles and I know for sure that no one repairs.

A mug of a good repair and customization specialist
First of all, I recommend to dial not the phone numbers that you will see in numerous advertisements, and call your friends who have already had to contact computers repair services. Perhaps they will advise you a good master who knows his work and appoints an adequate price for it. Or, in any case, tell about where you should not appear in any way. One of the distinguctive signs of "bad" firms and masters is the focus on a one-time receipt of maximum profits from one client with a problem computer, without setting the task of making this client permanent. Moreover, a number of organizations providing support to users of computers when taking to work wizards repair and configuring PCs, directly declare candidates, whose income percentage can directly depend on the amount that the specialist will take from customers. It is also the reason why such companies always have vacancies for repair engineers - not everyone likes a similar style of work.

If your acquaintances could not recommend anyone, then it's time to call ads. Direct correlation between the quality and number of advertising materials on the repair of computers and the degree of satisfaction with the quality and price of the operations made by the master of operations I did not notice. The conditional "good" and "bad" are equally common in color ads in the newspaper on the half-band and in the Liser Printers of the A5 sheets, hanging on the doors of your entrance.

But certain conclusions about the feasibility of appealing for computer help precisely on this proposal can be made after a telephone conversation.

What to pay attention to when calling a computer company

First of all, if you can give any exact description of the problem of the problem with the computer on the phone - do it and specify the estimated price of repair. Not in all, but in most cases this price is quite possible to specify.

Computer Service Master

Good Computer Service Master

For example, if you call me and report that you need to remove the virus or reinstall Windows, I can specify both the bottom and the upper limits of the price. If at that end in every way evade a direct response, speaking just that "installing Windows from 500 rubles", try to clarify again, roughly as follows: "Do I understand correctly that if I call a wizard that formats a hard disk (or leaves data ), install Windows 8 and all the drivers for him, then I will pay 500 rubles? ".

If you are told that the hard drive formatting and installing the drivers is a separate service (and they will say that you will look at the price list, we have all the price listings of the price list), and you will also tell you that in addition to installing Windows, you will also need to set up the operating system. That is better not to contact. Although, most likely, you will not say that - "bad" almost never call prices. I recommend to call other specialists who can name the amount or at least its limits, i.e. From 500 to 1500 rubles - this is, believe me where it is better than "from 300 rubles" and refusing to specify the details.

Let me remind, all of the above applies only to the case when you at least about knowing what exactly happened to your computer. And if not? In this situation, finding out the details you are interested in and if people on the phone seemed normal to you, call the masters, and we will deal there. It is difficult to advise something else.

Performing a configuration or repair of a computer master

So, a computer assistance specialist arrived at home or to the office, studied the problem and ... if you have agreed about the price and exactly what specific services you need - just expect all the agreed work. It will not be superfluous to clarify the specialist if the cost of its services is indeed a specified amount or will require some unforeseen additional paid actions. In accordance with this, and make a decision.

If the essence of the problem with the computer was unknown to you in advance, then ask the Wizard after diagnosing a malfunction said that it is he who is going to do and how much it will cost. Any answers whose essence will be reduced to "there will be visible", i.e. The reluctance to name the approximate price of the computer to its ending can be a precursor of your sincere surprise at the moment when the total amount will be announced.

Why I pointed your attention on the price question, and not quality:

Unfortunately, it is difficult to find out in advance, what is the level of professionalism, experience and skills will be at the wizard caused to repair and configure the PC. In the same company can also work with high-class professionals and young guys who are just long-learning. One way or another, not even the most "steep" specialist is less harmful than the super-specialist in repairing computers, to conceal information (can pull on fraud) and active sales in one bottle. So, when the choice is not obvious, then it is better to cut off the scammers: a 17-year-old guy, deciding any problem with a computer by reinstalling Windows (i.e., not the most optimal way, but decides) or impellent diagnose the true cause of problems Leaves you without a crescent salary. In the firm, which is set to "cut down the loot", even a good master will do the most non-optimal way, as in the next section.

How to pay 10 thousand rubles for the removal of viruses

Computer help at a high price

When I first got on the repair company, the future director immediately reported that I would receive 30 percent of the order and in my interests to take more from customers, try not to tell them about the price before the end of work and gave several more deliquid instructions. Somewhere on the second day of work, when I deleted the client a banner from the desktop for the price specified in the price list, I had to talk for a long time with the director. I remember, literally: "We do not delete banners, we reinstall Windows." I very quickly left this small business, but as it turned out later, such a manner of doing business is very very typical, and is not something out of a series of outgoing, as I thought earlier.

Good act of performed works of a computer company from Perm

A good act of the work of the computer company from Perm. This is not an advertisement, but if they work in this way, you can contact.

Suppose you did not obey any of my recommendations, called the Master, he calmly makes his work, and at the end you sign the act of work performed, the amount in which you discourage you. However, the wizard will show that everything is performed according to the price list and claims can not.

Consider from which the cost of removing a malicious program from a computer may be established: (all of these prices are indicative, but taken from real experience, not only my personal. For Moscow, the price is higher.)

  • The master reports that this particular virus cannot be removed, and if you delete, it will only be worse. You need to remove everything and re-install the system;
  • Asks whether to keep any user data;
  • If you need - 500 rubles for saving data, otherwise - the same for formatting the hard disk of the computer;
  • BIOS configuration (you need to download CD or USB to start installing Windows) - 500 rubles;
  • Installing Windows - from 500 to 1000 rubles. Sometimes there is also a single preparation for the installation, which is also paid;
  • Installing Drivers and Setup OS - 200-300 rubles per driver, about 500 for setting up. For example, for a laptop, followed by this text, the cost of installing drivers would be from 1,500 rubles, everything is frightened by the master's fancy;
  • Setting up the Internet, if you do not know how for yourself - 300 rubles;
  • Installing a good antivirus with updating bases so that the problem is not repeated - 500 rubles;
  • Installing additional necessary software (the list may depend on your wishes, and may not depend on) - 500 and higher.

Here is such a list with the most likely services that you could not suspect but which you have been successfully rendered. According to the list, something in the region of 5,000 rubles is obtained. But, usually, especially in the capital, the price is significantly higher. Most likely, I just do not have sufficient experience in companies with this approach to come up with a large amount. But many people engaged in the repair of computers have such experience. If you get a company from the category of "good", which, on the contrary, prefer long-term relationships with the client and not afraid to call prices in advance, the cost of all services necessary for the removal of the service virus for most cities of Russia will be from 500 to 1000 rubles. And about two times more for Moscow and St. Petersburg. This, in my opinion, is much better.

That's all about the choice of computers repair and various nuances of this difficult business. I hope that this article will be useful to you. And if it turned out - share it with friends on social networks, buttons for what can be seen below.
