How to Delete 2016 Office with Windows 10


How to remove Microsoft Office 2016 with Windows 10

Microsoft Office 2016 software package is installed on a computer Many users worldwide, but sometimes you have to remove this component due to various reasons. For Windows 10 owners, there are as many three methods for implementing the task. In this case, you can be sure that all residual files will also be cleaned. Let's consider each available option in order.

Method 1: Microsoft Support and Recovery Assistant

As the first method, we want to disassemble the utility called Microsoft Support and Recovery Assistant, which is official and is intended to solve various tasks arising during interaction with the operating system. The functionality of this application includes an option that allows you to get rid of today's component.

Download Microsoft Support and Recovery Assistant from the official site

  1. Click on the link above to get to the Microsoft Support and Recovery Assistant download page. There, click on the "Download" button.
  2. Button to start downloading Microsoft Office 2016 Removal Utility in Windows 10

  3. Expect the installation of the installer download and immediately start it.
  4. Loading the utility for removing Microsoft Office 2016 in Windows 10

  5. There will be verification of requirements for the application. This process will take literally a few minutes, and you only need to not close the active window.
  6. Launching a utility for removing Microsoft Office 2016 in Windows 10

  7. After the installation warning appears, click on "Install".
  8. Installing the utility for removing Microsoft Office 2016 in Windows 10

  9. Starting and unpacking the necessary files. Progress This operation can be tracked in the same window.
  10. Playing the utility to remove Microsoft Office 2016 in Windows 10

  11. Next, you need to confirm the rules of the license agreement in order to start interaction with the established software.
  12. License Agreement when you start the utility to remove Microsoft Office 2016 in Windows 10

  13. The last stage before starting the program - updating language resources. You can even skip it, because the interface will be displayed in Russian.
  14. Updating Language Packages Utilities to remove Microsoft Office 2016 in Windows 10

  15. In Microsoft Support and Recovery Assistant, go to the "Office" section.
  16. Go to uninstalling Microsoft Office 2016 in Windows 10 through the branded utility

  17. Here, select "I Have Office Installed, But I'm Having Trouble Uninstalling It".
  18. Select option to remove Microsoft Office 2016 in Windows 10 through the branded utility

  19. Mark the point "Yes" by the marker when the computer affected and go further.
  20. Confirmation of the start of removing Microsoft Office 2016 in Windows 10 through the branded utility

  21. Wait for the task to automatically solve.
  22. Microsoft Office 2016 Removal Process in Windows 10 through the branded utility

A notification of readiness to delete Microsoft Office 2016 will appear on the screen. You should only confirm the beginning of uninstalling and wait until cleaning from all files is cleared. When the operation is completed, the screen displays the appropriate message about the success of its execution.

Method 2: Software programs from third-party developers

Solutions from third-party developers is the best method to fully uninstall almost any software for those users who do not want to independently perform all actions or anyone does not suit the standard functionality of the operating system. Thematic applications There are a huge amount, but we cannot consider them all within one manual, so we offer to stay on Iobit Uninstaller.

  1. After downloading and installing the Iobit Uninstaller, run the application where you go to the "All Programs" section and check the checkbox from Microsoft Office 2016.
  2. Select Microsoft Office 2016 to delete in Windows 10 through a third-party solution

  3. Now the top is activated by the green button "Uninstall", according to which you need to click.
  4. Transition to the removal of the Microsoft Office 2016 program in Windows 10 through a third-party solution

  5. In the window that appears, check the checkbox "Automatically delete all residual files" and click on the "Uninstall" button.
  6. Start removing Microsoft Office 2016 in Windows 10 through a third-party program

  7. Wait until the operation is performed, after which the screen displays the notification of the successful removal of the component.
  8. Microsoft Office 2016 removal process in Windows 10 through a third-party program

As you already know, there are many analogues of Iobit Uninstaller, which can be used in cases where the consideration of the software for any reason did not come up. We suggest familiarizing yourself with the best representatives of such software in a separate review on our website, while moving on the following link. Thanks to a brief description, you will easily select the optimal solution for yourself and you can delete an absolutely any program with its residual files.

Read more: programs to remove programs

Method 3: Starting Windows

The last method of our today's material is to use the standard options for Windows 10 to delete Office 2016. The disadvantage of this option is that after uninstalling you will have to independently open the registry editor and delete residual files, as well as use the hard disk from the hard disk to find other related Elements. Let's talk about it for everyone further.

  1. To begin with, perform the main stage of removal. Open the "Start" and go to the "Parameters" menu.
  2. Transition to the parameters to remove Microsoft Office 2016 in Windows 10

  3. Open the "Applications" section.
  4. Go to the list of applications to remove Microsoft Office 2016 in Windows 10

  5. Here, find Microsoft Office 2016 and click on the applications.
  6. Selection of Microsoft Office 2016 in Windows 10 to remove

  7. In the menu that appears, select Delete.
  8. Transition to the removal of Microsoft Office 2016 in Windows 10

  9. Confirm the start of uninstalling.
  10. Confirmation of the start of removal of Microsoft Office 2016 in Windows 10

  11. In the window that opens, you can track the progress of the current operation.
  12. Removal process Microsoft Office 2016 program in Windows 10

  13. At the end, a successful deletion will be received.
  14. Successful removal of Microsoft Office 2016 program in Windows 10

  15. Now open the "Run" utility via the standard Win + R keys, where in the Write the Regedit field and click on ENTER to apply the command.
  16. Switch to the registry editor for cleaning residual Microsoft Office 2016 files in Windows 10

  17. The registry editor will start, in which open the Edit menu and select Delete. You can open the search tool through the Ctrl + F combination.
  18. Run search to remove residual Microsoft Office 2016 files in Windows 10 via the registry editor

  19. In the line, enter the name of the program and click on "Find Next".
  20. Entering the names of Microsoft Office 2016 in Windows 10 via the registry editor

  21. Delete all the keys found through the context menu, which opens by clicking the right mouse button on the parameter string.
  22. Removing residual Microsoft Office 2016 files in Windows 10 via the registry editor

  23. Open the "Explorer", drop through the search again to the current component and delete the residual files. After do not forget to clean the "basket" from unnecessary elements.
  24. Removing the residual Microsoft Office 2016 files in Windows 10 through the conductor

You have just familiarized yourself with three different options for removing Microsoft Office 2016 in the Windows operating system 10. You can only choose the appropriate way, pushing away from personal preferences, ease of implementation and efficiency.

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