How to Number Pages in Excel: Detailed Instructions


Numbering pages in Microsoft Excel

By default, Microsoft Excel does not produce visible numbering of sheets. At the same time, in many cases, especially if the document is sent to print, they must be numbered. Excel allows you to do with footers. Let's consider various options as numbers in this application.

Numbering in Excel

Number pages in Excel can be using footers. They are hidden by default, located in the lower and top area of ​​the sheet. Their feature is that the records recorded in this area are pass through, that is, displayed on all pages of the document.

Method 1: Normal Numbering

Normal numbering involves numbered all the sheets of the document.

  1. First of all, you need to turn on the head of the footer. Go to the "Insert" tab.
  2. Go to the Insert tab in the Microsoft Excel application

  3. On the tape in the "Text" tool block we click on the "footer" button.
  4. Enable footers in Microsoft Excel

  5. After that, Excel switches to markup mode, and footers are displayed on sheets. They are located in the upper and lower area. In addition, each of them is divided into three parts. Choose, in which footer, as well as in which part it is, the numbering will be made. In most cases, the left part of the top footer is chosen. Click on the part where you plan to place a room.
  6. Footrolls in Microsoft Excel

  7. In the Constructor tab of the Block of the Additional tab of the "Work with footers" by clicking on the page number button, which is placed on the tape in the Togbin Tools group.
  8. Installing Page Numbering in Microsoft Excel

  9. As you can see, a special tag "& [page] appears. So that it is transformed into a specific sequence number, click on any field of document.
  10. Page numbering in Microsoft Excel

  11. Now the sequence number appeared on each page of the EXEL document. So that it looked more presentable and stand out on a general background, it can be formatted. To do this, highlight the recording in footer and bring the cursor to it. The formatting menu appears in which you can make the following actions:
    • change the type of font;
    • make it internally or bold;
    • resize;
    • Change color.

    Formatting tools in Microsoft Excel

    Choose the actions that you want to change the visual display of the number until the result satisfies you.

Formatted Numbering in Microsoft Excel

Method 2: Numbering indicating the total number of sheets

In addition, you can then numbered pages in Excel, indicating their total number on each sheet.

  1. Activate the numbering display, as indicated in the previous method.
  2. Before tag, write the word "page", and after it we write the word "out".
  3. MICROSOFT Excel page

  4. Install the cursor in the footer field after the word "out". Click on the button "Number of pages", which is located on the tape in the "Home" tab.
  5. Enabling the display of the total number of pages in Microsoft Excel

  6. Click on any place of the document so that instead of tags, values ​​appear.

Displays the total number of pages in Microsoft Excel

Now we have information not only about the current sheet number, but also about the total number of them.

Method 3: Numbering from the second page

There are cases that the entire document is needed to numbered, but only starting from a certain place. Let's figure it out how to do it.

In order to set the numbering from the second page, and this is appropriate, for example, when writing abstracts, thesis and scientific papers, when the title page does not allow the presence of numbers, you need to make the actions below.

  1. Go to footer mode. Next, we move to the "Footswear Constructor" tab, located in the "Work with footers" tab.
  2. Footman designer in Microsoft Excel

  3. In the "Parameters" toolbar on the tape, mark the settings item "Specific footer for the first page".
  4. Application of a special footer for the first page in Microsoft Excel

  5. We set the numbering using the "Page Number" button, as already shown above, but do it on any page, except first.

Enable Numbering in Microsoft Excel

As we see, after that, all sheets are numbered, except for the first. Moreover, the first page is taken into account in the process of numbering of other sheets, but, nevertheless, it is not displayed on it itself.

The number is not displayed on the first page in Microsoft Excel

Method 4: Numbering from the specified page

At the same time, there are situations when it is necessary that the document begins not from the first page, but, for example, with the third or seventh. Such a need is not often, but, nevertheless, sometimes the question has also requires a solution.

  1. We conduct a numbering in the usual way, by using the corresponding button on the tape, a detailed description of which was given above.
  2. Go to the tab "Page Markup".
  3. Transition to the Markup tab of the page in Microsoft Excel

  4. On the tape in the lower left corner of the "Page Settings" tool block there is an icon in the form of an inclined arrow. Click on it.
  5. Switch to Page Settings in Microsoft Excel

  6. The parameters window opens, go to the "Page" tab, if it was open in another tab. We put in the field of the "First Page" parameter, the number, the numbering from which you need to be carried out. Click on the "OK" button.

Page Settings in Microsoft Excel

As you can see, after this, the number of actually first page in the document has changed to the one that was specified in the parameters. Accordingly, the numbering of subsequent sheets is also shifted.

Numbering change in Microsoft Excel

Lesson: How to remove footer in Excel

Number pages in the Excel table processor is quite simple. This procedure is performed with the header mode on. In addition, the user can configure the numbering for itself: format the display of the number, add an indication of the total number of document sheets, to numbered from a certain place, etc.

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