Zenmate Chrome.


Zenmate Chrome.

In modern realities, many sites and applications are blocked for a particular country or even for a particular user. Bypassing this restriction will be able to only only with a substitution of the IP address, and the most convenient to do this using various software. To quickly change information about your location, it is easier to use extensions installed in web browsers. One of the popular solutions for Google Chrome is now Zenmate. Consider what functions it provides.

Installing Zenmate in Chrome and Registration

The process of installing expansion is no different from the already familiar to all active users of the browser. However, immediately after installation, it is not possible to quickly change the location data - Zenmeit will require register a personal account, which, by the way, gives certain privileges for 7 days.

Download zenmate from Google WebStore

  1. Follow the link above to get to the VPN page in the chrome online store. Click on the "Install" button.
  2. Zenmate Installation Button in Google Chrome through Google WebStore

  3. Confirm your consent by clicking on "Install Expansion".
  4. Confirmation of the Zenmate installation in Google Chrome through Google WebStore

  5. After a short installation, a window opens. Fill in both of the fields by entering the email and password sequentially, and click Sign Up Free. We want to notice that the password here must be complicated here, otherwise you just can not go. It should consist of at least 6 characters, contain lowercase and uppercase (i.e. small and large) letters, numbers and symbols. For example, LUMPICS-1.
  6. Registration process in Zenmate in Google Chrome

  7. After successful registration, a window opens with your account. The status "Pending Trial Confirmation" means that to complete you need to activate it. To do this, open the mail on which you can register and click on the "Activate Trial" link.
  8. Confirm your email address when registering in Zenmate in Google Chrome

  9. A window appears with a notification that the application is already working. Click on the extension icon that has become green.
  10. Confirmation of the work of Zenmate in Google Chrome

  11. You may need to additionally enter the account with these same data. To do this, click "Log In".
  12. Input button in your zenmate account in Google Chrome

  13. Enter the registration data, check the fact that it agrees with the terms of the company, and re-click on "Log In".
  14. Input and adoption of the Zenmate license agreement in Google Chrome

Using zenmate.

Extension can be started to use. We recommend not to hide its button from the panel, otherwise you will not manage to manage. The menu call is performed by pressing the left mouse button on the Zenmeit icon.

Enabling and shutdown

By default, the extension works for all sites immediately when starting the browser. If there is a need to disable its operation for a while, expand the Add-ons menu and click on the bottom right button with the "ON" name.

Zenmate Enable and Disable Button in Google Chrome

The turned off extension is turned on in the same way, only the button will be called "OFF".

Setting up the interface language

If the VNN interface is not in the language you need, you can always change it.

  1. By default, I used English, so we go to "settings".
  2. Settings button in another language in Zenmate in Google Chrome

  3. We are looking for "Change Language".
  4. Transition to the selection of the Zenmate interface language in Google Chrome

  5. I specify a suitable language and click on it.
  6. Select language for changing the Zenmate interface language in Google Chrome

Change IP Address

We will analyze the basic possibility - change IP.

  1. By default, the addition picks up the same country in which you live, but simply changes the ip inside her. Not everyone is satisfied with this option, so we click on the icon in the middle, having the logo of the extension itself.
  2. Transition to Change Country and IP Address through Zenmate in Google Chrome

  3. Through the search or manually, select the desired country and click Edit. Selected countries are better to marry "asterisk" to have quick access to them.
  4. Country selection to change IP addresses through Zenmate in Google Chrome

  5. After selecting the country immediately applies and you will see its flag.
  6. Changed country through Zenmate in Google Chrome

  7. The extension button will also display the generally accepted country code. In our example, this "CZ" is the Czech Republic.
  8. Button with country code after changing IP address in Zenmate in Google Chrome

  9. Check whether the address has really occurred. Open the site to check the IP and see the result. Please note: the service immediately realized that a proxy was used, so if you plan to enter the sites that collect detailed statistics on visitors, take into account the moment that this moment is not difficult to determine this moment. However, most sites do not respond to the use of proxy, this warning concerns special cases.

    Now all sites will open through the specified country that you can change at any time.

    We remind you that the complete list of countries is available exclusively in the paid extension version, which you can use the first 7 days for free. In the future, ZenMate will automatically switch to the free version, offering only several countries to connect. In addition, the connection speed via VPN in the basic profile status will also be lower.

    Creating smart locations

    Zenmate allows you to create smart filters: for each site you yourself assign the country, which will receive the IP when switching.

    1. Open the extension menu and click on the third icon in the connection chain, also having a globe icon.
    2. Transition to creating smart location for the current site in Zenmate in Google Chrome

    3. First of all, enable support for smart locations by switching this slider to the "ON" status. By default, the data for the smart filter will be set automatically: this is the site where you are at the current moment, and the country previously selected for the IP substitution. If necessary, click on the fields to change the information. In the end, it remains to click on the "+" icon.
    4. The process of creating smart location in Zenmate in Google Chrome

    5. Smart location will be added and appears in the list. The form for the creation of "Smart Location" will be half empty. Enter any other address of the site and select the country for it, and then click on the "plus" again. However, it is more convenient to do it, being on the desired site - it will not be necessary to manually print its address.
    6. Created smart location in Zenmate in Google Chrome

    The "Smart Locations" feature is that when Zenmate is turned off, they will continue to work. Consider this when creating rules.

    Additional functions

    Premium users have the ability to customize additional safety. While you are on a 7-day trial version, you can also use them.

    1. Expand the extension menu and press the "Functions" button.
    2. Go to the function in Zenmate in Google Chrome

    3. In the blue block, there are tools for a paid extension version, which is allowed to test during the trial term. Smart locations ("Smart Locations") We have already turned on and figured out how to use them. By clicking on this item, you can manage all filters by deleting and adding them yourself.
    4. Paid Functions for Zenmate users in Google Chrome

    5. The remaining two default tools are turned off, but if after reading the description they are interested, activate them.
    6. When a transition to a free version occurs, these options will be disabled. Three functions are already available for you (automatic inclusion, NAT Firewall and encryption), to control the state of which through this window will not work. Looking at them, you can only read the description.
    7. Free zenmate users in Google Chrome

    Disable Webrtc.

    Advanced users know that WEBRTC technology activated by default in many browsers sometimes causes IP leaks, which completely levels the benefits of VPN. Many web browsers on the Chromium engine, where comes and google chrome, do not allow to disconnect the WebrTC unlike more private Mozilla Firefox. In this regard, the deactivation of this technology should be carried out by coaming paths. So, zenmate allows you to turn it off through your own settings.

    1. Go to "Settings".
    2. Go Google Chrome to Settings in Zenmate

    3. Click on the WEBRTC PROTECT item to change its status with "OFF" to "ON".
    4. WEBRTC Technology Disable Button through Zenmate in Google Chrome

    5. A request will be prompted to change the confidential settings you want to "resolve".
    6. Confirmation of WEBRTC technology disabling via Zenmate in Google Chrome

    Now you can not fear for privacy. Additionally, we advise you to follow the work of Flash, which is also considered unsafe and has similar vulnerabilities.

    From this article you learned how to use the extension. This is a pretty good choice for the active users of proxy and VPN, however, the free version provides trimmed functionality of the already poorly affected by the possibility of supplement.

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