How to use Time Machine in MacOS


How to use Time Machine in Mac OS

In the MacOS operating system there is a very useful tool - the Time Machine program, the purpose of which is to create backup copies of user data. Today we want to introduce you to the features of the work of this fund.

We use Time Machine

The default means under consideration performs an hourly backup copying of all user data to an external drive - a hard disk or SSD, connected via cable or wireless way. Of course, the default values ​​can be changed, what we will talk below.

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Setup and inclusion

Before using the program, you should prepare an external drive - connect it to your Mac, after which you open the disk utility application and format the future backup storage.

Working with a disk utility to use Time Machine in Mac OS

Lesson: "Disk Utility" in MacOS

Next, go to setting up the application.

  1. You can run Time Machine from "System Settings" - use the Apple menu in which you select the appropriate item.

    Open System Settings for Time Machine

    Open Time Machine.

  2. Find an application item to turn on Time Machine

  3. The program manager window will start, click on it on the "Select Disk" item.
  4. Select the disk in the application to include Time Machine

  5. Specify the desired. Most likely, the tool will require another drive formatting procedure, now it is already purely for backup copies, agree with this.
  6. Specify the disk in the application to turn on Time Machine

    Finish - the application will work automatically in accordance with the default parameters.

Restore from backup

The recovery procedure is also very simple.

  1. Open "programs" by any convenient way - for example, through the "Transition" menu of the Finder file manager.
  2. Open Backup Repair Time Machine

  3. Next, run Time Machine.
  4. Running a program for restoring a backup Time Machine

  5. An interface-wheel will open, each item that denotes the hourly backup. Scroll through the wheel until you want to start recovery (use the screen arrows).

    Select Backup Backup Backup Time Machine

    Next, move to the directory where the data you need are located, select them and click "Restore".

  6. Wait for the end of the procedure.

Reducing backups

The default time time parameters may not arrange some users, especially if the external drive is also required for other needs, except for creating backups.

  1. Let's start with a decrease in the occupied place. You can achieve this in two ways: creating a separate partition on an external drive or through the exclusion of certain directories from the backup schedule. The first method is to use the "disk utility", for details, refer to the "Settings and Enable" section.
  2. For the second method, open the Time Machine manager and click on the "Parameters" button.
  3. Open Time Machine parameters to reduce the volume of the backup

  4. Pay attention to the list with the name "Do not create backups for the following objects." To add a folder to exceptions, click on the "+" button.

    Adding directories in Time Machine to reduce the volume of the backup

    Next, using Finder, select the directory you want to exclude - for example, "downloads".

  5. Select the Time Machine folder to reduce the volume of the backup

  6. After adding, click "Save".
  7. Saving directories in Time Machine to reduce the volume of the backup

    Files from the folder entered in the exception list will no longer be copied to the Time Machine drive.

Disable backup

If you no longer need the function of creating backups, you can disable it in the same manager - remove the mark from the "Create backup automatically" item.

Disable automatic backups to turn off Time Machine

Thus, we will turn off the backup, but there is also a method of disconnecting local copies, after which the backup will be created exclusively when the suitable external drive is connected.

  1. Open the "Terminal", for example, finding it through the Spotlight tool.
  2. Open terminal to disable Time Machine backup

  3. Next, enter the command:

    Sudo Tmutil DisableLocal

    Enter the command to disable backup Time Machine

    You will need to specify the administrator password.

  4. Enter a confirmation password to disable Time Machine backup

  5. Now the local backup will be completely disabled. To enable it, use the following command:

    Sudo Tmutil Enablelocal

  6. Time Machine backup command

    Alas, but this method will work only in the MacOS Mojave version and below.


Time Machine is a powerful user data backup tool that is able to rescue in cases of the main drive or accidental deletion of an important file.

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