How to delete a discord from a computer completely


How to delete a discord from a computer completely

Method 1: Windows built-in features

Get rid of any program, including from Discord, you can use the tool built into the operating system. In the latest version of Windows, there are several available functions at once, and only universal is suitable for "seven". By efficiency, these options do not differ from each other, since actually all actions perform the same tool, so you can choose absolutely any.

Option 1: Windows 10 Tools

The list of all programs in Windows 10 can be found in the standard "Parameters" application, where the tool allows you to remove any of them. We advise you to apply it to get rid of the discord, spending the minimum amount of time.

  1. Through the Start menu, run "Parameters" by clicking the icon in the form of a gear.
  2. Go to the menu options to remove the discord from the computer completely

  3. Among all tiles, find "applications" and click on it.
  4. Opening the application partition in the menu Settings to remove the discord from the computer completely

  5. In the list of all applications, find "Discord", click on it to expand buttons with available actions, and select "Delete".
  6. Selecting a program in the application to delete discord from a computer fully

  7. No notifications or warnings will appear and the discord will immediately be removed from the computer. You can make sure that you can once again look at the list with applications, where there is no messenger.
  8. Checking the list of applications to delete discord from a computer fully

However, such deletion does not guarantee that absolutely all files associated with the program will be deleted with it, so further read the instructions for cleaning residual files, which we will analyze in detail in the last section of this article.

There is another method that allows you to move to the removal of Discord in Windows 10.

  1. Open "Start", find "Discord" and click on the line with the right mouse button. From the context menu, select Delete.
  2. The uninstallation button in the Start menu to delete discord from the computer completely

  3. If you cannot find the program, simply write its name in the search bar and activate the removal through the appeared list of the action on the right.
  4. The uninstall function when searching for a start to delete discord from a computer fully

  5. In any of these cases, there will be a transition to the "Programs and Components" window, where once again you need to find the messenger in the list of the installed software and double-click on it to start the removal process.
  6. Go to the program menu and components through a start to remove the discord from the computer completely

Option 2: "Programs and Components" menu (universal)

As already understandable, the actions described above are solely following Windows 10, but not all users have moved to it, giving preference to Windows 7. If you are the owner of this version of the operating system, pay attention to the universal instruction.

  1. In the "seven", the transition to the "control panel" is carried out through the button on the right pane of the Start menu. In Windows 10, this will have to use the search string.
  2. Opening the control panel to remove the discord from the computer completely

  3. After starting the window with the control panel elements, find the "Programs and Components" parameter (Icons view type) or "Delete the program" (category view type ") and click on it to go.
  4. Transition to programs and components to remove discord from a computer completely

  5. Lay "Discord" list and delete this program. Once again, we clarify that no windows with confirmation or other information appear, the messenger is uninstalled in automatic mode.
  6. Search apps to programs and components to remove discord from a computer fully

In the operating system, traces of the program will continue to be removed manually. Refer to the last section of our article for detailed information.

Method 2: Side Software

Some users purposefully prefer third-party programs performing almost the same operations as the built-in OS. This also applies to solutions to delete other applications. Often, they have an advantage in the form of simultaneously removing several applications at once along with their traces, if such a function is provided in the very cleaning software itself. Let's analyze this method on the example of two popular options.

Option 1: CCleaner

CCleaner is a fairly well-known tool spreading free of charge and intended for cleaning a computer from garbage, registry management and removing unnecessary programs. Unfortunately, it does not clear the residual files, but with all other tasks copes perfectly, in which you can see yourself.

  1. You make no sense to download the program exclusively to delete the program - it makes it smooth the same as the Windows itself. However, if you are interested in the rest of its functions, you can click on the button above to go to the review and receiving the download link from the official site. After installation, run and go to the "Tools" section.
  2. Go to the Discord Discord Tools section from a computer completely through CCleaner

  3. Immediately the necessary category will open - "Deleting programs", in the list of which you need to find "Discord" and highlight the messenger by pressing the LKM on it.
  4. Select an application from the list to delete discord from a computer completely through CCleaner

  5. The "Uninstall" button is activated, which you want to be used to remove.
  6. Disinstal button to delete discord from computer completely via CCleaner

Of course, uninstalling software is not the only feature available in CCleaner. If you wish to use this solution on an ongoing basis, read the other features in the article below.

Read more: How to use the CCleaner program

Option 2: Iobit Uninstaller

Iobit Uninstaller is a more advanced solution advanced solution that allows you to immediately delete multiple programs and perform simultaneous cleaning of the registry and temporary files. If you prefer to use third-party software to uninstall, pay attention to this exactly.

  1. Iobit Uninstaller is distributed free of charge and easy to install, so no problems should not have any problems. After launch, go to the "All Programs" section.
  2. Go to the All Programs to delete Discord from a computer completely via Iobit Uninstaller

  3. Tick ​​the "Discord" checkmark and all other applications that you want to get rid of it.
  4. Selecting an application in the list to delete discord from a computer completely via Iobit Uninstaller

  5. If you need to delete the discord exclusively, you can press the button with the basket, and when you allocate multiple programs, use the "Uninstall" button.
  6. Uninstall button to delete discord from computer completely via Iobit Uninstaller

  7. Mark the "Automatically delete all residual files" checkbox to implement this operation when uninstallation.
  8. Activating the cleaning of residual files to delete discord from a computer completely via Iobit Uninstaller

  9. In the end, click "Uninstall" and expect the completion of this process.
  10. Confirmation of actions to delete discord from a computer completely via Iobit Uninstaller

Above you only learned about two programs to remove other applications on your computer, although there are much more. In detail of all they will not be able to tell in the framework of one article, so we recommend reading another review on our website and choose the optimal option if the mentioned did not fit.

Read more: programs to remove programs

Cleaning residual files

Those who removed the Discord standard tool or the program without doing this automatically, remains to clear the traces in the form of temporary files. For the most part, the objects of the discard remaining on the computer do not occupy a lot of space, but because of them there may be errors when re-installed in the future. To avoid them, it is better to immediately delete all similar files, which is happening like this:

  1. Open the "Run" utility using the Win + R hot key for this, enter in the% Localappdata% field and press ENTER to activate the command.
  2. Go to the first folder cleaning residual files to delete discord from a computer completely

  3. A folder will appear in the "Explorer", where the "Discord" directory should be found and click on it right mouse button.
  4. Selecting the first folder for cleaning residual files to remove the discord from the computer completely

  5. From the context menu that appears, select Delete.
  6. Deleting the first folder with residual files to delete discord from a computer completely

  7. Make sure the folder is moved to the basket, after which you open "Run" again and go along the path% AppData%.
  8. The transition to the second folder to remove the Discord from the computer completely

  9. Lay there directory with exactly the same name and remove it.
  10. Deleting a second folder with residual files to remove discord from a computer completely

If the removal of the messenger was made to reinstall it, you will be useful to the instruction in which it is described about the correct installation on the computer. You can read it by clicking on the following header.

Read more: Installation of the Discord program on a computer

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