How to change Windows 10 computer name


How to Rename Windows 10 Computer
In this manual, it is shown how to change the name of the computer in Windows 10 to any desired (from restrictions - you can not use Cyrillic, some special characters and punctuation signs). To change the computer name, you must be an administrator in the system. Why can this be required?

Computers on the local network must have unique names. Not only because if there are two computers with the same name, network conflicts may occur, but for the reason that they are easier to identify them, especially if we are talking about PCs and laptops in the organization's network (i.e., you will see The name and understand what is this computer). Windows 10 by default generates the computer name, however you can change it, which will be discussed.

Note: If you have previously included an automatic login (see how to remove the password when entering Windows 10), then temporarily disconnect it and return after changing the computer name and reboot. Otherwise, there are sometimes problems associated with the appearance of new accounts with the same name.

Changing the computer name in Windows 10 settings

The first method of changing the PC name is offered in the new Windows 10 settings interface, which can be called by pressing the Win + I keys or through the notification icon by clicking on it and selecting "All Parameters" (another option: Start - Parameters).

In the settings, go to the "System" section - "About System" and click "Rename Computer". Specify the new name and click "Next". You will be prompted to restart the computer, after which the changes will take effect.

Changing the computer name in the parameters

Change in system properties

Rename the Windows 10 computer is possible not only in the "new" interface, but also more familiar to previous versions.

  1. Go to the properties of the computer: a quick way to do it is to right-click on the "start" and select the "System" context menu item.
  2. In the system parameters, click "Advanced System Options" or "Change Settings" in the "Computer Name, Domain Name and Working Group" section (actions will be equivalent).
    about Windows 10 System Information
  3. Click the "Computer Name" and click on it "Change" button. Specify the new computer name, then click "OK" and again "OK".
    Windows 10 system properties

You will be prompted to restart the computer. Do it, not forgetting to pre-save your work or something else.

Windows 10 computer renaming

How to rename the computer on the command line

And the last way to perform the same with the command line.
  1. Run the command prompt on behalf of the administrator, for example, by right-clicking on "Start" and selecting the appropriate menu item.
  2. Enter the WMIC Computersystem Where Name = »% ComputerName%» Call Rename Name = »New_MIMA_Komputer, where as the new name, indicate the desired (without Russian and better without punctuation marks). Press ENTER.

After you see a message about the successful execution of the command, close the command line and restart the computer: its name will be changed.

Video - How to change the name of the computer in Windows 10

Well, at the same time the video instruction, which shows the first two ways to rename.

Additional Information

Changing the computer name in Windows 10 When using Microsoft's account, the new computer is tied to your online account. This should not cause problems, and you can delete a computer with the old name on the page of your account on Microsoft.

Also, if you use them, the built-in features of the history of files and archiving (old backups) will be launched again. The history of the file will report this and suggest steps to enable previous history to the current. As for the backup copies, they will begin to be renovated, at the same time the previous ones will also be available, but when recovering, the computer will receive an old name.

Another possible problem is the appearance of two computers on the network: with old and new name. In this case, try when the computer is turned off turn off the router power (router), and then turn on the router first again, and then the computer.

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