How to remove the shadow from the face in photoshop


How to remove the shadow from the face in photoshop

Unwanted shadows appear in pictures due to many reasons. It may be insufficient exposure, illiterate alignment of light sources, or, when shooting outdoors, too strong contrast. In this lesson, we will look at the reception, allowing you to quickly clarify the picture of the picture.

Clamping face in Photoshop

We have the following photos in Photoshop. As we see, there is a common shading here, so we will remove the shadow not only from the face, but also "extend" from the shadow other sections of the picture.

Remove the shadow from the face in Photoshop

  1. First of all, create a copy of the layer with the background ( Ctrl + J. ). Then go to the menu "Image - Correction - Shadows / Lights".

    Remove the shadow from the face in Photoshop

  2. In the settings window, moving the slider, we achieve the manifestation of parts hidden in the shadows.

    Remove the shadow from the face in Photoshop

  3. As we see, the face of the model still remains somewhat darkened, therefore we apply a correction layer "Curves".

    Remove the shadow from the face in Photoshop

  4. In the settings window that opens, I wip the curve towards the clarification until the required effect is achieved.

    Remove the shadow from the face in Photoshop

  5. The effect of the clarification must be left only on the face. Press key D. , dropping colors in default settings, and press the key combination Ctrl + Del. , pouring a layer mask with curves in black.

    Remove the shadow from the face in Photoshop

  6. Then take a white brush.

    Remove the shadow from the face in Photoshop

    Form "Soft Round".

    Remove the shadow from the face in Photoshop

    "Opacity" 20-25%.

    Remove the shadow from the face in Photoshop

  7. Prayes on mask those areas that need to additionally clarify.

    Remove the shadow from the face in Photoshop

Compare the result with the original image.

Remove the shadow from the face in Photoshop

As you can see, the details that were hidden in the shadows manifested themselves, the shadow from the face was gone. We achieved the desired result. The lesson can be considered finished.

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