The calculator does not start in Windows 10


Calculator does not start in Windows 10

Calculator - a standard application windose family of operating systems that allows users to quickly make calculations of different levels. With the operability of the programs rarely experience any errors, but if they occur, the majority of users simply do not know how to cope with them, because this situation is unusual and rarely encounter it. We will try to give a detailed answer on solving problems, describing all of the available solutions, taking the example of the latest version of Windows 10.

Immediately afterwards, you get a message saying that the application data reset and is ready for re-launch. Perform this operation to ensure that the normalization of the functioning of the Calculator. If it has not brought any results, go to familiarize with the following instructions.

Method 2: Reinstall all standard applications

This method involves performing the entire two-step process, but the time it will take more than the previous because the utility is used to reset all the classic operating system application. You do not lose personal data, so you can not be afraid to take the following actions. However, it should be noted that the process takes more than five minutes and while it is not recommended to make other manipulations on the computer. First start «PowerShell» console as administrator. The easiest way to do this via the context menu, right clicking on the "Start".

Running PowerShell to reinstall applications for set-up work Calculator in Windows 10

That remains is to enter the command Get-AppXPackage -AllUsers | Foreach {Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register «$ ($ _. InstallLocation) AppXManifest.xml»} and click on the button Enter. Immediately begin to reinstall components. Do not close the window and wait for the information on the successful completion of the procedure.

The command to reinstall the application when you debug the program Calculator in Windows 10

At the end of reinstalling the transition towards open Calculator, thereby checking the correctness of his work.

Method 3: Turn User Account Control

Control option accounts in windose designed to prevent modification programs without an administrator's knowledge. Sometimes users disable it for certain purposes, which is not a positive effect on the functioning of the standard applications from the Microsoft Store, which include reviewing today. We recommend to check the control and enable the option, if necessary.

  1. Open the "Start" and find the "Control panel" view through the search.
  2. The transition to the control panel for adjusting the application Calculator in Windows 10

  3. There, select the "Security and Service Center" section.
  4. Transition to the service center for debugging the application of the Calculator application in Windows 10

  5. On the left pane, click on the "Changing Account Control Settings".
  6. Go to account control settings when restoring the application Calculator in Windows 10

  7. Raise the slider to one or two values ​​up, if it is in the lowest position, and then click on "OK" to apply changes.
  8. Enabling Account Control when restoring the Calculator application in Windows 10

If in the future such changes will not bring a positive result, you can return the status of the user's account control option in the original position in order not to experience difficulties with the performance of another software.

Method 4: Running troubleshooting tools

Windows 10 has a built-in troubleshooting agent, allowing to solve problems with the work of installed from the application store. We recommend to run it only when you have already completed the above recommendations, since it will recommend to reset the calculator data or enable account control.

  1. Open the Options menu already familiar to the method and go to the "Update and Security" section.
  2. Go to the update section to run troubleshooting tools with the work of the Calculator application in Windows 10

  3. Through the left panel, move to the "Troubleshooting" category.
  4. Transition to the troubleshooting of the application of the Calculator application in Windows 10

  5. Lay out the "Applications from the Windows Store" point, click on it, and then the "Run troubleshooting" button appears.
  6. Running troubleshooting tools for the application of the Calculator in Windows 10

  7. Expect the end of the scan. This operation will not take much time.
  8. Process for finding the problem of operation of the application Calculator in Windows 10

  9. After that, recommendations will appear on the screen. Perform them to solve the problem that has arisen, or simply follow the displayed instructions.
  10. Finishing the device troubleshooting software Calculator in Windows 10

Method 5: Disable Firewall

We go to methods that are infrequently effective, but it is worth fulfilling them if the tips above did not bring due results. Not always even the verified firewalls of the operating system are properly functioning. Sometimes they interfere with the launch of friendly programs that can happen with the calculator. You can check this factor only by turning off the firewall. As for the established third-party firewalls, we will not stop in detail, since the user who has established a similar solution himself knows everything about the management of them or is able to read the official documentation. In the case of the built-in firewall, we recommend paying attention to a separate instruction from another of our author by clicking on the following link.

Disable firewall for debugging application Calculator in Windows 10

Read more: Disable firewall in Windows 10

Method 6: Using the SFC utility

A familiar SFC utility is designed to verify the system for errors, as well as their operational correction. Sometimes such system malfunctions cause application failure to start, which can also touch the calculator. There is a separate material on our site, where the author tells in detail the restoration of files by using SFC and DISM if it is necessary. Check it with Him and follow the manual to establish the work of the OS.

File integrity scanning when restoring the application of the calculator in Windows 10

Read more: Using and restoring system file integrity check in Windows 10

Method 7: Setting the latest Windows 10 updates

The penultimate option is to install the missing updates, because sometimes developers produce important changes affecting the overall operation of the computer. Perhaps after the installation of all missing updates, the problem with the launch of the calculator will be solved by itself. Read more about this by clicking on one of the following links.

Read more:

Installing Windows 10 Updates

Install updates for Windows 10 manually

We solve the problem with downloading updates in Windows 10

Method 8: Reinstalling Calculator

Finally, let's talk about the radical method itself - manual reinstalling the software under consideration. Sometimes it helps to cope with the failure, but we cannot guarantee this. Perform the following actions only in the situation when all the seven methods described above and were ineffectant.

  1. Open "Parameters", for example, by clicking on the corresponding button in the "Start" menu.
  2. Go to parameters to reinstall the application of the Calculator in Windows 10

  3. Go to the "Applications" section.
  4. Go to the list of applications to reinstall the Calculator program in Windows 10

  5. Lay there "Calculator" and open its additional parameters.
  6. Opening Advanced Application Settings Calculator in Windows 10

  7. Click on "Delete" and rain full uninstall software.
  8. Deleting the application calculator in Windows 10 through parameters

  9. Through the search for "Start", find the "Microsoft Store" and launch this store.
  10. Starting a store to re-install the application calculator in Windows 10

  11. Find there the page of the most classic calculator.
  12. Search apps Calculator in Windows 10 in the store for re-installation

  13. Click the "Get" button.
  14. Re-installing the application calculator in Windows 10 through the store

  15. At the end of the installation you can try to start the application.
  16. Running the Calculator application in Windows 10 after re-installation

There is an alternative option for deleting a standard application if the considered just that for some reason does not fit. You can learn about it in a separate article on our website.

Read more: Deleting embedded applications in Windows 10

It was all information on the restoration of the calculator, which we wanted to share within this material. If problems are observed immediately after installing the OS, especially non-license, it is quite possible that it is in this assembly that the program refuses to work correctly. It remains only to use third-party analogues or search for another assembly of the operating system.

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