Error "Driver Irql Not Less or Equal" in Windows 10



Method 1: Reinstall drivers

As the text of the error itself tells, it most often appears due to failures in the operation of the drivers for a particular device. Of course, to effectively eliminate the problem, you must first determine what exactly it causes it.

  1. The first option is to repeat the failure and write the name of the item in the "What Failed" line.
  2. Error

  3. The second method is the BlueScreenView program: since the error appears only with the "blue screen", we use the mining viewer tool

    Download BlueScreenView from the official site

    Using this application is very simple: Run it and wait until the created memory images are automatically recognized, then click on the fresh of them. The information you need is located at the bottom of the window - software modules are active during failure. The specific perpetrators of the problem are highlighted in red: one of them always corresponds to the Ntoskernel.exe system kernel, while the other is a damaged driver. Sample naming list:

    • NV *****. SYS, ATIKMDAG.SYS - video cards (NVIDIA and ATI, respectively);
    • dxgmms2.sys - video system;
    • STORPORT.SYS, USBEHCI.SYS - USB controller or drives;
    • ndis.sys, netio.sys, tcpip.sys - network card;
    • WFPLWFS.SYS is a low-level anti-virus access module.


    If you are watching only ntoskernel.exe, then the reason is not in the drivers. Use other ways.

  4. Reinstalling the drivers is to delete the available package and install the new. On our site there are several instructions for certain categories of devices - go to the desired link further for details.

    Read more:

    How to reinstall video card drivers

    How to install drivers for network, sound card, USB controller and drive controllers

  5. Error

    This method works only in cases where the download is performed correctly. If the error appears constantly, go directly to the method 3.

Method 2: removal of antivirus

Sometimes the appearance of the "blue screen" with such text can be antivirus. The fact is that serious protective programs for full functioning requires deep access to the OS, for which the drivers are used. Sometimes this data may be damaged, which ultimately leads to the appearance of the BSOD with the code under consideration. Most likely, novice users will face with it, who installed two antivirus on one computer, which is categorically not worth doing. In situations where, despite the appearance of an error, the system goes to boot, you can try to delete this software, often this action is enough to eliminate the problem.

Read more: How to remove antivirus from a computer


Method 3: Check and restore system data

If the previous methods turned out to be ineffective, it means that the OS files are damaged. In such a situation, it is worth checking the integrity of these identity data and recover if necessary.

Read more:

Check and restore the integrity of system files in Windows 10

Windows 10 restore when loading


Method 4: Check hardware components

If the previous method did not help you, there remains only one reason - those or other hardware components of the computer are damaged. To clarify the culprit, use the instruction further:

  1. The first challenger is a hard disk. The inability to load the system and the BSODs are often a sign of the "low-dry" HDD, so check the device, especially if additional symptoms are observed like clicks and other strange sounds.

    Read more: How to check the hard disk

  2. Error

  3. Next to the queue - RAM. The error "Driver_irql_not_less_or_equal" sometimes occurs because of the gradual failure of one or more RAM modules, so it will be useful to check them.

    Read more: Verification of RAM in Windows 10

  4. Error

  5. Finally, the problem appears already due to the fault of the motherboard itself. So, if the error text contains the name of the USB controller driver, it may be a symptom of the "dying" southern or northern bridge. Localize the source of the failure will help the instruction further.

    Read more: How to check the motherboard


Unfortunately, most hardware problems cannot be eliminated at home - most likely, you will need to contact the service center or completely replace the device.

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