Does not start Gopro Quik on Windows 10


Does not start Gopro Quik on Windows 10

QUIK Desktop is a proprietary solution from Gopro, which is designed to work with materials, removed on the camera from the same manufacturer. Here they can be edited, publish and produce other changes using embedded options. However, some users may encounter problems arising when trying to run Quik Desktop in Windows 10. There are four methods for solving this problem. Next, we want to disassemble them in detail everything so that every user will cope with this problem.

We solve problems with the launch of Gopro Quik Desktop in Windows 10

Most often, non-standard language settings of the operating system are called, which is associated with the most correct operation of the software itself. However, this method of decisions is considered the longest and inconvenient due to the need to change the interface language, so we propose to start with lighter options by checking their effectiveness. If the first method did not help, simply go to the next thing to search for the correct correction.

Method 1: Start in Compatibility Mode

Let's start with recommendations from developers who are published on the official website. The first of these involves the inclusion of compatibility mode with previous versions of the OS, so that the launch was carried out correctly. To do this, you will need to perform such actions:

  1. Click the PCM on the program icon and in the context menu, select "Properties".
  2. Opening QUIK Desktop properties in Windows 10 to solve problems with the launch

  3. Move to the Compatibility tab.
  4. Go to QUIK Desktop compatibility section in Windows 10 to solve problems with the launch

  5. Mark the marker item "Run a program in compatibility mode with:" and in the pop-up list, specify "Windows Vista (Service Pack 2)". Optionally, you can try to establish additional parameters if this change did not bring the proper effect. Upon completion of the configuration, click on "Apply" and proceed to the method check.
  6. Setting the QUIK Desktop compatibility mode in Windows 10 to solve problems with the launch

In case of non-response of this method, it is recommended to return all the modified parameters to the default state so that in the future it does not affect the launch of Quik Desktop. After that, proceed to implement the next method.

Method 2: Creating a new user with administrator rights

Due to some internal problems of QUIK Desktop, not explained by the developers, sometimes the launch of the application is impossible due to the administrator account. They recommend creating a new profile and assign to him the relevant rights that looks like this:

  1. Open the Start menu and select "Parameters" there.
  2. Opening the parameters to create a new user when solving problems with the launch of QUIK Desktop in Windows 10

  3. Go to the "Accounts" section.
  4. Go to user management menu when solving problems with running Quik Desktop in Windows 10

  5. Use the left panel to switch to the "Family and Other Users" section.
  6. Opening a list of users to solve problems with the launch of QUIK Desktop in Windows 10

  7. Here, click on the button "Add user for this computer".
  8. Adding a new user to solve problems with the launch of QUIK Desktop in Windows 10

  9. Enter your email account or follow the instructions for creating it, which will be displayed in the same window.
  10. The process of adding a user to solve problems with the launch of QUIK Desktop in Windows 10

  11. After successfully adding a user at its line, click the "Change Account Type" button.
  12. Go to configuring a user to solve problems with running Quik Desktop in Windows 10

  13. In the form that appears, use the pop-up list where you specify the "Administrator" and confirm the action.
  14. Setting up a user as an administrator to solve problems with the launch of Quik Desktop in Windows 10

  15. Next, you will need to remove one of the files related to the software under consideration in the user folders of the current account. To do this, go along the path C: \ Users \ user_name \ APPDATA \ Local \ Gopro.
  16. Go to the location of the storage of QUIK Desktop files in Windows 10 to delete settings

  17. Lay in the destination folder, the gooproapp.json object and press PKM on it.
  18. File search To delete Quik Desktop settings in Windows 10 when solving problems with starting

  19. In the context menu that appears, you are interested in "Delete".
  20. Deleting the QUIK Desktop settings file in Windows 10 to solve problems with the launch

Now it is necessary to complete the current session and log in to the system under the account you have just created. Be sure to run QUIK Desktop on behalf of the administrator to check whether the problem was solved.

Method 3: Installing Media Feature Pack

For the operating system under consideration, there is a separate set of files called Media Feature Pack For N Versions of Windows 10. It adds important components responsible for interacting with multimedia data. In some cases, their absence can provoke problems with the launch of QUIK Desktop, so let's drive the desired installer.

Download Media Feature Pack For N Versions of Windows 10 from the official website

  1. Use the reference above to go to the download page. There click on the "download" button.
  2. Go to downloading an additional multimedia component for Quik Desktop in Windows 10

  3. Select the version of the installer, which will correspond to the discharge of the operating system, and then click on "Next".
  4. Selecting a version of the Multimedia component to solve problems with QUIK Desktop in Windows 10

  5. Expect the download to download the executable file, and then start it in a convenient way, for example, through the "Download" section in the browser.
  6. Loading and installing multimedia component to solve problems with Run Quik Desktop in Windows 10

A separate installation window will be displayed, where you only need to follow the instructions. Then restart the computer so that all changes entered into force and check the effectiveness of this option.

Method 4: Changing the region and language in Windows 10

Now go to the most basic way we spoke about even at the beginning of the article. Its essence is to change the region and language into English, which will help troubleshoot problems with the launch of the software.

  1. Open "Start" and go to "Parameters".
  2. Switch to parameters to solve problems with the launch

  3. Here, select the "Time and Language" section.
  4. Go to the language shift section when solving problems with the launch of Quik Desktop in Windows 10

  5. Use the panel to the left to move to the category "Region".
  6. Transition to the change of the region to solve problems with the launch of QUIK Desktop in Windows 10

  7. In the "Country or Region" section, open the pop-up list.
  8. Opening the list of regions to solve problems with the launch of Quik Desktop in Windows 10

  9. Specify the "United Kingdom".
  10. Select location to solve problems with running Quik Desktop in Windows 10

  11. Next, you will need to go to the "language".
  12. Go to the interface language settings to solve problems with the launch of Quik Desktop in Windows 10

  13. In the list of interface languages, select "English (United States)".
  14. Selecting a new interface language to solve problems with the launch of Quik Desktop in Windows 10

  15. Confirm the transition to a new localization by reloading the current operating system session.
  16. Restarting the system after changing the language of the interface to solve problems with the launch of QUIK Desktop in Windows 10

After rebooting Windows, go to the start of the software. In some cases, after successfully launching Quik Desktop, you can return to the usual region and the language of the interface, but then the performance of the software is not guaranteed.

These were all methods that can help solve the problem with the performance of QUIK Desktop in Windows 10. As can be seen, each of them has a different algorithm of actions and the complexity of the implementation, so we propose to start from the first and simplest option, gradually moving to the next ineffectiveness.

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