How to slow down video on android


How to slow down video on android

Method 1: Efectum

Efectum is a tool for processing videos that can be loaded from the "gallery" or remove immediately from the application. It allows you to apply the effect of deceleration, acceleration, and even reverse playback to the movies. Additionally available selection of speeds, trimming and preview of video, overlay music and other features.

Download Efectum from Google Play Market

  1. Run the application, select the "Slow down" option and load the desired video.

    Download video in Efectum

    Or press the icon with the image of the camera and remove the video, which later adds to the editor automatically.

  2. Record a new video in Efectum

  3. If the roller needs to be trimmed, shift the playback strip to the desired moment and click the icon as scissors.
  4. Trimming video in Efectum

  5. To remove the selected segment, tap the cross in its upper right corner, then cut the following fragment or click "Next".
  6. Removing a cut fragment in Efectum

  7. On the next screen, click "slow down". There will be a blue area, within which the video will be played slower. In the center of the region indicates its speed.
  8. Adding a deceleration effect to Efectum video

  9. To increase the segment, hold it over the edge and pull to the side.
  10. Increased deceleration area in Efectum

  11. To change the speed, taping on the selected area, select another value and click "Apply".
  12. Changing video speed in Efectum

  13. To slow down another moment of the roller, we find it and add a new area.
  14. Adding a new deceleration area in Efectum

  15. To set one speed for the entire video, taping in the blue area twice.
  16. Assigning one speed value for all videos in Efectum

  17. After adjusting the press "Next".
  18. Confirmation of settings in Efectum

  19. On the next screen, choose quality.
  20. Efectum video selection

  21. If necessary, add effects. You can apply filters, frames, add text, sticker or sound. To continue, tadas "Next".
  22. Application of video effects in Efectum

  23. Saved video will be with the logo of the application program. To remove it, click on the inscription "Efectum" and either buy only this opportunity, or at once a PRO version with additional functions.
  24. Water Sign Removal in Efectum

  25. To view the received video, tap the play icon.
  26. View Processed Video in Efectum

  27. Click "Save to the gallery". From the bottom will display the path where you can find a video.
  28. Saving a roller in Efectum

Method 2: Movavi Clips

Developers call their application "pocket" film studio. MovaVA Clips is a video editing tool with an impressive set of functions that includes trimming movies, changing brightness, overlaying music, adding filters and photos, creating transitions between rollers, etc. In this case, we are only interested in the opportunity to slow down the video, which is also implemented here .

Download Movavi Clips from Google Play Market

  1. We launch Movavi Clips and tap the icon with a plus sign to create a new movie.
  2. Creating a new movie in Movavi Clips

  3. We click on the "Video" icon, we find the roller device in the memory of the device, select it and taping "start editing".
  4. Uploading video in Movavi Clips

  5. We choose the aspect ratio depending on where the video will be posted.
  6. Selecting the Side Ratio for Video in Movavi Clips

  7. To trim a movie, shift the strip with a finger with the frames to the right place and press the icon with the image of the scissors, and then look the excess segment with swipe up or down.
  8. Removing a fragment from video in Movavi Clips

  9. To slow down the roller, scroll into the toolbar in the side, tap the "Speed" icon, specify any value and click "Apply".
  10. Changing video speed in Movavi Clips

  11. To estimate the result, click the "Watch" icon.
  12. Preview of the slow motion video in Movavi Clips

  13. To save the video taping on the icon in the form of a floppy disk. After processing the film will be placed in the "Gallery" of the device.
  14. Saving video in Movavi Clips

Method 3: Slow Motion FX

In Slow Motion FX there is no features of previous applications, but with a function of a slowdown video, which is the main one, it copes better. Advanced system allows you to produce more flexible settings and achieve the most accurate transition between speeds.

Download Slow Motion FX from Google Play Market

  1. We run the application program, taping "Start Slow Motion", and then select the roller from the smartphone memory or simply write it. In this case, we will change the speed of the video already downloaded.
  2. Upload video in Slow Motion FX

  3. Find the desired film, load it and among the editing methods, choose "advanced". This is a multipoint mode, thanks to which we can set different speeds on different parts of the video.
  4. Select Editing Method in Slow Motion FX

  5. At the bottom there will be a playback area, divided into two parts. The speed will be slowed down in those places where the pink strip is below the central line. You can lower it using points located on it.
  6. Changing the video speed in Slow Motion FX

  7. The additional point is added long by pressing the free section of the playlist.
  8. Adding an additional area to change the speed in Slow Motion FX

  9. To remove an excess point, clamp it and tapa "Remove Point".
  10. Deleting an excessive point in Slow Motion FX

  11. To save the movie, click the "Save" icon. If necessary, apply filters, add sounds, change the quality (only in the paid version) and tapam "start processing".
  12. Video processing in Slow Motion FX

  13. The processed video will be stored in the application folder, but you can access it on the main Slow Motion FX screen in the "Your Clips" section.
  14. View ready video in Slow Motion FX

Slow Speed ​​Video in YouTube

Google's video service is pre-installed in all modern devices with Android. The application player through which content is viewed, there is also a video slowdown function.

  1. We run a movie on YouTube, tapack on the screen and press the icon in the form of three points in the upper right corner.
  2. Login to YouTube player settings

  3. In the menu that opens, click "Playback Speed".
  4. Login to Change Speed ​​Video in Youtube Player

  5. Select any value that is less than one. The player will automatically continue playing a film with an already modified speed.
  6. Changing the video playback speed in Youtube player

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