Download Drivers for Canon MF4550D


Download Drivers for Canon MF4550D

To manage new equipment with a PC, you need to install suitable drivers. For the CANON MF4550D printer, it is also relevant.

Install Drivers for Canon MF4550D

There are many options for how to get the desired software. The most efficient and affordable will be discussed below.

Method 1: device manufacturer site

Originally, official sources are always considered. In the case of the printer, this is the resource of its manufacturer.

  1. Go to the CANON website.
  2. In the header, move the cursor to the "Support" section. In the list that opens, you must select "Downloads and Help".
  3. The search box will be present on the new page into which the Canon MF4550D device model is entered. After that, click on the "Search" button.
  4. CANON MF4550D Printer Search

  5. As a result, the page will open with information and accessible printer software. Scroll down the page down to the "Driver" section. To download the desired software, press the corresponding button.
  6. Download CANON MF4550D Printer Driver

  7. After the window opens with the terms of use. To continue, click "Accept and download".
  8. Take Terms and Download Driver

  9. As soon as the file is downloaded, run it and in the welcome window, click on the "Next" button.
  10. Driver Installer for Canon MF4550D

  11. It will take to take the terms of the license agreement by clicking "Yes." Previously does not prevent them.
  12. CANON MF4550D License Agreement

  13. Select how the printer is connected to the PC, and check the box next to the appropriate item.
  14. CANON MF4550D Printer Connection Type

  15. Wait until the installation is completed. After that, you can use the device.
  16. Installing Canon MF4550D Driver

Method 2: Specialized

The second option to install the desired software is the use of third-party software. In contrast to the first method, intended solely for the same brand devices, this software except the printer will help update the available drivers or set the missing. A detailed description of the most well-known programs of this type is given in a separate article:

Read more: Select the program to install the drivers

DRIVERPACK Solution icon

Among the programs presented in the article above, you can select Driverpack Solution. This software is convenient for inexperienced users and does not require special knowledge to start work. The program features, in addition to installing drivers, includes the creation of recovery points that will help to return the computer to the previous state. This is relevant in case of troubleshooting after installing a driver.

Lesson: How to Use Driverpack Solution

Method 3: Printer ID

One of the possible ways to search and download drivers implies the use of device identifier. At the same time, the user does not need to download any additional software, because you can get the ID in the Task Manager. Next, enter the resulting value in the search box on one of the sites specializing in a similar search. This option will be useful to users who have not found the necessary software due to the version of OS or other nuances. In the case of Canon MF4550D, you need to use these values:


Devid search field

Lesson: how to find out the device ID and find drivers with it

Method 4: System Programs

At the end, one of the permissible, but not the most effective options for installing drivers should be mentioned. To use it, you will not need to resort to third-party utilities or downloading the driver from third-party sources, since Windows has already contains the necessary tools.

  1. Open the Start menu in which you want to find and run the Taskbar.
  2. Control panel in the Start menu

  3. Find the "Equipment and Sound" section. It will require you to open the "View device and printer" item.
  4. View devices and printers taskbar

  5. To add a printer to the list of connected devices, click the "Adding Printer" button.
  6. Adding a new printer

  7. The system scans PC to the presence of new equipment. In case the printer is detected, click on it and click "Set". If the device was not found, select and click on the "The required printer is missing" button.
  8. item The required printer is lacking in the list

  9. The new window has several options for adding a printer. You should click on the Lower - "Add Local Printer".
  10. Adding a local or network printer

  11. Then select the connection port. Optionally, you can change the set automatically value, then go to the next item by clicking on the "Next" button.
  12. Using an existing port for installation

  13. In the existing lists, you first need to select the manufacturer of the printer - Canon. After - its name, Canon MF4550D.
  14. Selection of the manufacturer and device model

  15. Enter a name for the printer added, while changing the already entered value is not necessary.
  16. Enter the name of the new printer

  17. At the end, decide on the shared access settings: you can provide it with a device or limit. After that, you can move directly to the installation, simply by clicking on the "Next" button.
  18. Setting up shared printer

The entire installation process does not take much time. Before choosing one of the presented methods, consider in detail each of them.

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