Does SSD need for games


Does SSD need for games

The SSD became available, so many users could acquire these types of drives with a memory capacity from 220 GB and more. For a long time it was believed that these devices were short-lived due to a limited number of overwriting cycles, and therefore were placed on the SDM the most basic: operating system and frequently used programs. However, now with improved technologies for the production of drives, more and more users are asked if it is possible to buy and use SSD for games? The fact that SSD allows you to run OS and programs faster than HDD know almost all advanced users. However, does it make sense to buy a CZD in Gamers PC? Not everyone understands how it will affect the wear of the device, the speed of launch and operation of the games and whether there will be any increase in performance? Consider how the solid-state drive affects the gameplay, FPS, loading the sections of the Games and other nuances.

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Running speed game, download textures

There is no doubt that downloading any game will occur significantly faster. We will not stop at this point separately, since the game is the same program, which means that all common advantages in speed in this regard are applicable to them.

Effect of solid-state drive for download speed

It's more interesting things with other parameters that accelerates CDS. Loading textures always loads the Winchester, which is especially noticeable in online games, where too detailed and demanding modern game steadily reduces performance on a split second. This is a rather unpleasant phenomenon, and somewhere it may not for the better influence the position of the player, without giving him to react on the enemy or obstacle. When using SSD, this disadvantage is reduced to zero: while the texture is loaded, the main performance of the drive is not reduced, as a result of which the player does not have discomfort and microphrys.

Effect of solid-state drive for loading textures in games

The games broken into several small files are also another difficulty for HDD forced with its low speed of work to handle them all. Especially highly decreased performance is noted among users of online games with an old architecture at the moments of mass battles, when a mass brawl between the teams begins on the map site. Due to the significantly increased speeds of reading large and small files and an improved design (lack of rotating particles) for a solid-state device will not be a problem, neither the game is written nor the complexity of scenes. Even dynamic games will not give up in performance, while the Winchester would make in places there is a noncomfortable demanding game and with top component PCs.

Effect of solid-state drive for performance in online games

Loading levels

Above you have already learned about the speed of launching levels and loading textures. To load levels and various movements in games also applies to this topic, however, we want to highlight it in a separate section to stay on this topic in more detail as it has its own characteristics. Let's start with the fact that the speed of transition to new levels depends on the amount of information that is recorded in the RAM. Accordingly, SSD will significantly transmit this data at the earliest need. In some games, the speed may not be very noticeable if compared using a hard disk, however, the worse than the application optimization, the more this difference is visible. This rule is suitable for both single offline games and online. In the second case, such speed sometimes even gives its advantage, because you often find yourself on the map faster than enemies and have the opportunity to learn the area or discuss the battle details with your allies.

Effect of solid-state drive on loading levels in games

Stability of the number of frames per second

Let us summarize the above information. From it you should have understood that SSD is useful in games, especially for powerful game computers, because it provides fast downloads of the application itself, transitions to levels, textures and other parts. This is often reflected in the stability of the FPS, because it does not arise small brakes due to problems with a swap of important files. However, it should be noted that SSD only affects stability, but does not increase the number of frames per second (or sometimes affects this indicator, but quite insignificant). It should be remembered not to think that after purchasing a solid-state drive, performance in games will increase.

The effect of solid-state drive on the stability of the number of frames in games

Comfort during use

The last thing we want to stop at today's material is comfort while using SSD. When assembling the game computer, many users face excessive noise allocation, and even an advanced housing is sometimes saved. Additional sounds make up a hard disk, especially with heavy loads in applications. As for the solid-state drive, its features of the work are deprived of such drawbacks, therefore it is worth thinking about the acquisition of a component even from the side of the reduction of noise from the system unit during the passage of games when all components work per maximum.

Today you learned that SSD in games performs a minor role, most often only increasing the load levels and stability of personnel during passage. From this we can conclude that when assembling the game machine, more attention should be paid to other components, the capacity of which in games is involved almost 100%. About the functional purpose of the video card and processor in applications, we offer to learn in separate materials on our website to understand what role they play in programs and depends on the FPS.

See also:

What makes the processor in games

Why do you need a video card

Nevertheless, it is not necessary to be afraid to install games on a solid-state device, afraid to spend its resource: modern drives have an impressive limit on rewriting cycles, so that even with daily use of SDS change, several years will not have to conceive.

See also: What is the service life of SSD

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