iTunes: Error 21


iTunes Error 21.

Many users are harassed about Apple's products, however, the iTunes program is one of those types of programs, when working with almost every user at least once, but occurs with an error in work. This article will deal with the methods of eliminating the error 21.

Error 21, as a rule, occurs due to apple hardware faults. Below we will look at the main ways that can help solve the problem at home.

Methods for elimination of error 21

Method 1: Update iTunes

One of the most frequent causes of most errors when working with iTunes is to update the program to the latest available version.

All that will be required of you is to check iTunes for updates. And if available updates will be detected, you will need to install them, and then restart the computer.

Method 2: Disconnect antiviruses

Some antiviruses and other protective programs can take some iTunes processes for viral activity, in connection with which they block their work.

To check this chance of the cause of the error 21, you will need to disable the antivirus to work, and then restart iTunes and check the availability of an error 21.

If the error disappears, it means that the problem is indeed in third-party programs blocking the actions of iTunes. In this case, you will need to go to the anti-virus settings and add iTunes program to the exception list. Additionally, if a similar function you have active, you will need to deactivate network scanning.

Method 3: Replace USB Cable

If you use a non-original or damaged USB cable, then it is most likely it was it the cause of an error 21.

The problem is that even those non-original cables that have been certified by Apple may otherwise work with the device. If your cable has bendes, twists, oxidation and any other types of damage, you will also need to replace the cable for a whole and necessarily original.

Method 4: Update Windows

This method infrequently helps to solve the problem with a mistake 21, but it is provided on the official Apple website, and therefore it cannot be excluded from the list.

For Windows 10, press the key combination Win + I. to open the window "Parameters" and then go to the section "Update and Security".

iTunes: Error 21

In the window that opens, click on the button "Check availability" . If the update checks were detected, you will need to install them.

iTunes: Error 21

If you have a more younger version of Windows, you will need to go to the "Control Panel" menu - "Windows Update Center" menu and check for additional updates. Install all updates, including optional.

Method 5: Restore the device from the DFU mode

DFU - Emergency mode of Apple gadgets, which is aimed at troubleshooting the device. In this case, we will try to enter the device into the DFU mode, and then restore it through iTunes.

To do this, turn off the Apple device, and then connect it to the computer using a USB cable and run the iTunes program.

To enter the device to DFU mode, you will need to perform the following combination: to hold the power key and hold for three seconds. After that, without releasing the first key, clamp the "Home" key and keep both keys for 10 seconds. After you, it remains to release the switching key, but continue to keep "home" until your device is defined iTunes (the window should be displayed as shown in the screenshot below).

iTunes Error 21.

After that, you will need to start restoring the devices by clicking on the corresponding button.

iTunes Error 21.

Method 6: Charge the device

If the problem lies in the operation of the Apple Gadget battery, it sometimes helps solve the problem to complete the device to 100%. Having charged the device to the end, try to execute the recovery or update procedure again.

In conclusion. These are the main ways that you can perform at home to solve an error 21. If this does not help you - the device is most likely to be repaired, because Only after the diagnostics, the specialist will be able to replace the faulty element, which is the cause of malfunction with the device.

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