Error Correction 0x0000007E in Windows 7


Error Correction 0x0000007E in Windows 7

Errors expressed in the appearance of BSOD - "blue death screens" - arise due to critical problems in the hardware or software part of the system. We will devote this material to the analysis of the causes of the BSOD with the code 0x0000007E.

Elimination of blue screen 0x0000007e

The reasons that cause this error are divided into "iron" and software. It is most difficult to diagnose and eliminate the latter, since problems are quite a lot. These are mainly malfunctions in user installed or system drivers. However, there are more "simple" cases, for example, a lack of free space on a systemic hard disk or a video card malfunction.

The error in question can be called common, which allows you to use the instructions from the article available on the link below. If the recommendations do not bring the desired result, you should return here and try to solve the problem with one of the above methods (or by all in turn).

Read more: solve the problem of blue screens in Windows

Cause 1: Hard disk

Under the hard disk in this case, we understand the drive on which the Windows folder is located, which means the OS is installed. If it is not enough free space for creating temporary system files when loading and working, we regularly get an error. The solution here is simple: free off the space on the disk, deleting unnecessary files and programs using CCleaner.

Cleaning the computer from the garbage program CCleaner

Read more:

How to use CCleaner

Correct the errors and remove the "trash" on the computer with Windows 7

If BSOD occurs at the start of Windows, then it will have to use one of the live-distributions to clean. To solve the task, we turn to ERD Commander, it is necessary to download it, and then write it to the USB flash drive with which the download will occur.

Read more:

Flashplay Creation Guide with ERD Commander

Configure BIOS to download from a flash drive

  1. After loading, the arrows select the discharge of its system - 32 or 64 bits and press ENTER.

    Selection of the discharge of the operating system when loading ERD Commander

  2. Initialize the connection to the network in the background, clicking "Yes." This action will allow us to use network drives (if any) for moving files.

    Initialization of the background connection to the network when loading ERD COMMANDER

  3. Next, you can allow the program to reassign the letters of disks, but it is not necessary to do this, as we know with what drive should work. Click "yes" or "no".

    Setting the reassignment of letters of disks when loading ERD COMMANDER

  4. Select the keyboard layout.

    Select the keyboard layout language when loading ERD Commander

  5. After ERD detects the installed system, click "Next".

    Select the installed operating system when downloading ERD COMMANDER

  6. Click on the lowest point in the menu that opens - "Microsoft Diagnostics and Recovery Toolset".

    Go to the collection of utilities to configure the operating system when loading ERD Commander

  7. Next, go to the "conductor".

    Go to operation with Windows Explorer when downloading ERD Commander

  8. In the left block, we are looking for a disk with the Windows folder.

    Selecting a system hard disk when loading ERD Commander

  9. Now we need to find and delete unnecessary files. First of all, these are the contents of the "Basket" (folder "$ recycle.bin"). I don't need to touch the folder itself, but everything that is in it is subject to removal.

    Deleting the contents of the basket when loading ERD Commander

  10. The following "under the knife" go large files and folders with video, pictures and other content. Usually they are located in the user folder.

    Letter_Disc: \ Users \ Name_Chchet_Sapsy

    First of all, check the directories "Documents", "Desktop" and "downloads". You should also pay attention to "Videos", "Music" and "Pictures". Here you should also operate only content, and the catalogs themselves are in place.

    Clearing user folder from unnecessary files when loading ERD Commander

    If you cannot delete files, you can transfer them to another disk or previously (before downloading) the connected USB flash drive. This is done by clicking on the PCM document and select the corresponding context menu item.

    Selecting a file moving to another disc when loading ERD Commander

    In the window that opens, select the media to which you plan to move the file, and click OK. The process may take quite a long time, depending on the scope of the source document.

    Moving a file to another disk when loading ERD Commander

After performing all actions, you can download the system and delete unnecessary programs using a system tool or special software.

Read more: Installation and uninstalling programs in Windows 7

Cause 2: Video Card

A faulty discrete graphics adapter may affect the stability of the entire system, including to lead to the appearance of an error 0x0000007e. The reason can be the incorrect work of the video driver, but let's talk about it later. In order to diagnose the problem, it is enough to turn off the PC card and check the operability of the OS. The picture can be obtained by turning on the monitor to the appropriate connector on the motherboard.

Connecting the monitor to the built-in video card

Read more:

Turn off the video card from the computer

How to use the built-in video card

Cause 3: BIOS

BIOS is a small program that controls all the hardware components of the system recorded on a special chip on the "motherboard". Incorrect settings often result in different errors. Here we will help relieve the parameters.

Reset BIOS parameters to default values

Read more: Reset BIOS settings

Outdated BIOS code may be incompatible with installed equipment. To solve the problem, you need to update this firmware.

BIOS update on ASUS motherboard

Read more: Update BIOS on a computer

Cause 4: Drivers

A universal solution for the problem with the drivers is the system restoration. True, it will work only if the cause of the error has become a software installed by the user.

Read more: How to restore Windows 7

Common, but still a special case is a failure in the Win32K.sys system driver. This information is specified in one of the BSOD blocks.

Technical information about the failed driver on the blue screen of death in Windows 7

The reason for such behavior of the system can be a third-party software for remote computer management. If you use them, it will help delete, reinstall or replace the program analog.

Read more: Remote Access Programs

If another driver is specified in the BSOD, you need to find information on it on the Internet, using any search engine: what program belongs to where it is located on the disk. If it is found out that this is a third-party file, then its (software) should be deleted or reinstalled. If the driver is system, then you can try to restore it. This is done using ERD Commander, another software or SFC system utility.

Check the integrity of system files utility SFC in Windows 7

Read more: Check the integrity of system files in Windows 7

Erd Commander.

  1. Perform paragraphs from 1 to 6 inclusive of the first paragraph about the hard disk.
  2. Select "System File Check Tool".

    Go to the system file verification tool when loading ERD Commander

  3. Click "Next".

    Launch system file verification tool when downloading ERD Commander

  4. In the next window, leave the default settings and click "Next" again.

    Setting up system file verification tool when downloading ERD Commander

  5. We are waiting for the completion of the procedure, click "Finish" and reboot the computer from the hard disk (after setting up the BIOS).

    Completing the system file verification tool when loading ERD Commander


As you can see, it is quite a lot to eliminate the 0x0000007E error, so it is necessary to diagnose it correctly, that is, to identify a problem hardware or software element. You can do this by manipulations with the "iron" - disks and video cards and obtaining technical information from the error screen.

Read more