How to edit photos in vkontakte


How to edit photos in vkontakte

In the social network, VKontakte for the convenience of users is implemented not only the download of pre-prepared photos, but also an internal editor that provides a certain number of functions. With it, you can add a lot of effects that have a lot in common with instagram filters and other similar resources. In the course of the following instructions, we will tell you how to edit photos in this way using all available versions of the site.

Photo editing VK

To date, edit the image of VKontakte, but necessarily loaded on behalf of your page, you can in any version of the site. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account that, depending on the version, the set of functions provided can differ significantly. The same applies to an application that has not one, but immediately several editions.

Method 1: Website

The main editor of images on the official website of the social network under consideration is divided into several sections independent of each other. In this case, manage options can be very inconvenient due to the need to switch, canceling the ability to restore the original photography, and duplicating most functions.

Photo information

  1. To change, first open the desired image in full-screen viewing mode. You can use the pictures you download, not involved, for example, as a photo profile.
  2. Switch to the selection of photos on VKontakte website

  3. On the right side of the image there is a basic information about it with the possibility of commenting. Here you can also add a description by clicking on the "Edit" link and filling out a text field.

    Editing descriptions on VKontakte website

    Read more: How to sign photos of VK

  4. Mouse over the "More" link to display additional options. Use this menu if you want to quickly rotate the image, set as an avatar or edit location.

    Additional photo editing features on VKontakte website

    Read more: How to remove the location of VK

  5. The "Mark Man" link is also available at the bottom of the window, allowing you to make a change in information about the availability of those or other users. This feature is often used to simplify user identification and objects.

    Ability to indicate a person in the photo on VKontakte website

    Read more: How to celebrate a person in photo VK

Editor Photo

  1. In addition to the information about the image, VKontakte allows you to adjust directly. To do this, hover the mouse over the "more" item and select "Photo Editor".
  2. Go to the photo editor on VKontakte website

  3. At the bottom of the window on the "Filters" tab, several pre-created styles are presented, each of which can be applied to the image. This can be done only once, but with the ability to change the degree of influence of the filter.
  4. Using filters on VKontakte website

  5. If you want to change the settings yourself, use the "Parameters" tab and the corresponding sliders at the bottom of the page.
  6. Using color parameters on VKontakte website

  7. On the panel on the left side of the Editing window, several additional options are available, the first of which is the text. This button allows you to add a short text of a fixed size to the bottom of the photo.
  8. Adding text on photos on VKontakte website

  9. The "Crop" button is designed for quick trimming images along a rectangular frame. Changes can be applied using a check mark.
  10. Painter photos on VKontakte website

  11. The "Blur" slider allows you to highlight objects in a specific area. Directly the central point of the effect can be dragged with a mouse.
  12. Blur background in photos on VKontakte website

  13. Here, as in the previously mentioned menu, the image reversal option is available. However, you can turn only clockwise.
  14. Rotation Photos on VKontakte website

  15. The last feature of this editor in automatic mode changes colors on the image. Use the button in combination with filters to get rid of problems with transitions between shades.
  16. Automatic photo correction on VKontakte website

  17. When the desired result is received, use the Save button to exit. After that, the picture will change in the album and the "Effects" option will be blocked.
  18. Saving a modified photo on VKontakte website

Adding effects

  1. Another image editor is a set of effects consisting of text and stickers. To go to the desired window, expand "More" and select "Effects".
  2. Transition to adding effects on VKontakte website

  3. On the first tab "Stickers" are presented a lot of stickers, including sets from the VK store and masks with a transparent background. Regardless of the size of the image, each option can be stretched and placed at any point without restrictions by quantity.
  4. Adding stickers to a photo on VKontakte website

  5. The following section "Text" is designed to manage inscriptions. Use this particular option to add text, as you can change the color, location, size, and even font.
  6. Adding text to photo on VKontakte website

  7. The last tab allows you to use a simplified brush option for arbitrary drawing.
  8. Drawing on photos on VKontakte website

We tried to consider all available tools for editing photos of VKontakte and related restrictions. We recommend combining options, but only in the reverse order, first adding effects, and already after color filters.

Method 2: Mobile application

The official client VK for mobile devices also provides a number of functions for changing photos combined into a single editor, but affordable only during the first download file to the site. At the same time, the description can be changed at any time regardless of the date of publication.

  1. Using the panel at the bottom of the screen, open the main menu, select "Photos" and tap the desired image. As before, it must be downloaded by you.
  2. Switch to the selection of photos in VKontakte application

  3. In the upper right corner, tap on the three-point icon and select Edit. Unfortunately, there are no such options as "celebrating a person".
  4. Transition to a change in the photo in VKontakte

  5. Fill in the "Description" field and click "Save". As a result, the added text will appear at the bottom of the screen.
  6. Editing the description of the photo in the VKontakte application

Editor Photo

  1. If you want to edit the image, you will have to first make it up. To do this, open any manually created by the album in the "Photos" section and click Add.
  2. Go to the photo download in the VKontakte application

  3. Using the gallery built into the app and file manager, find the desired photo. You can make a choice by single touch.
  4. The process of downloading the photo in VKontakte application

  5. Immediately after that, the editor will be available with the ability to choose one of the filters. To switch, use swipes in the right or left side.
  6. Ability to change the photo filter in the VKontakte application

  7. On the Sticker page there are stickers that allow you to add pictures with a transparent background and place at your discretion. As in the full version, there are no restrictions on the number and size of the file.
  8. Ability to add a sticker to a photo in VKontakte

  9. Using the Text tab, you can add a signature and place it anywhere in the photo. For more vivid selection, use the button in the upper left corner of the screen.
  10. Adding text to a photo in VKontakte

  11. If necessary, you can also use the Brush Tool on the "Figure" tab. The option is limited to the line thickness and color selection.
  12. Ability to draw pictures in the photo in VKontakte

  13. Tools in the "Frame" section allow you to change the scale of the image and immediately make a turn. In addition, several standard options are presented in the menu on the left side.
  14. Painter photo in VKontakte

  15. The final section "Auto" is designed to automatically adjust the color. Use the slider to select the appropriate option, and click Finish button at the bottom to exit the editor.
  16. Automatic photo correction in VKontakte application

The consistent editor is available not only during loading, but also when creating an instant photo using the device chamber. In general, the options should not cause questions, as in extreme cases, any changes can be reversed.

Method 3: Mobile version

Unlike previously presented options, the mobile version of the website VKontakte provides only the minimum features of the photograph editor. It is most likely due to the basic idea of ​​this option, which consists in providing a lightweight site for users with a low Internet speed or for devices that do not support the application.

  1. Find in the "Photos" section the desired image. You can edit any files, but only if they were downloaded by you.
  2. Selection of photos to change in Mobile VK

  3. In full screen viewing mode on the bottom panel, click on the profile icon. This will allow you to go to the full description of the image and access the editor.
  4. Transition to photo information in mobile version of VK

  5. Scroll through the page slightly lower and through the menu above the comment field, select Edit. If this line is missing, most likely you have retained a picture yourself, and not loaded yourself.
  6. Transition to a change in the photo in the mobile version of VK

  7. As it was said, the possibilities here are very limited - you can turn the image into one of the parties and, if necessary, add a description. To apply changes, use the "Save" button at the bottom of the browser window.

    The process of changing the photo in the mobile version of VK

    If you want to edit a few photos, use a quick rewind to flipping pictures within one album.

  8. Rewind photos in the mobile version of VK

We looked at the option using the mobile version on the PC, since the site on the smartphone is practically no different from the official application. In addition, functions are available in the same composition without the difference even in terms of location.


We hope that the instruction presented allowed you to get an answer to the question and edit the photo properly. At the same time, if you are not satisfied with the capabilities of the built-in editor, you can try other options like online services and separate software.

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