A Disk Read Error Occurred - how to fix


How to fix the error Disk Read Error Occurred
Sometimes, when you turn on the computer, you can encounter an error "A Disk Read Error Occurred. Press Ctrl + Alt + Del to Restart »On the black screen, with this reboot, as a rule, does not help. An error may occur after restoring the system from the image when you try to load from a flash drive, and sometimes without any visible reasons.

In this instruction, details about the main causes of A Disk Read Error Occurred error when you turn on the computer and how to correct the problem.

Causes of Disk Read Error Occurred and Fixed Methods

Disk Read Error Occurred Error Communication

The text of the error itself says that an error of reading from the disk has occurred, while usually refers to the disk from which the computer is loaded. Very well, if you know that it preceded (what actions with a computer or event) an error appears - this will help more accurately set the cause and choose the correction method.

Among the most common reasons for the appearance of an error "A Disk Read Error Occurred" can be allocated as follows.

  1. Damage to the file system on the disk (for example, as a result of the wrong shutdown of the computer, turn off the electricity, failure when changing sections).
  2. Damage or lack of boot record and OS bootloader (at the above reasons, as well as, sometimes, after restoring the system from the image, especially created by third-party software).
  3. Incorrect BIOS settings (after reset or updating BIOS).
  4. Physical problems with a hard disk (the disk failed, it was not worked for a long time, or after falling). One of the signs - when working, the computer then depended (when turned on) without visible reasons.
  5. Problems with the connection of the hard disk (for example, you are bad or incorrectly connected it, the cable is damaged, the contacts are damaged or oxidized).
  6. Failure for the power supply due to the output of the power supply: Sometimes, with a lack of power and power supply, the computer continues to "work", but some components can turn off spontaneously, including the hard disk.

Based on this information, depending on your assumptions that the error has contributed, you can try to fix it.

Before proceeding, make sure that the disk from which the download is performed is visible to the BIOS (UEFI) of the computer: if it is not so most likely, problems in the disk connection (recheck the connection of cables both from the drive itself and from the motherboard , especially if your system unit is in an open form or you recently performed any work inside it) or in its hardware fault.

If the error is caused by damage to the file system

The first and safest is to check the disk on errors. To do this, you will need to download the computer from any boot flash drive (or disk) with the diagnostic utilities or from a conventional bootable flash drive with any version of Windows 10, 8.1 or Windows 7. I will give the test method when using the Windows boot flash drive:

  1. If there is no boot flash drive, create it somewhere on another computer (see programs for creating a boot flash drive).
  2. Load from it (how to download the download from the flash drive to the BIOS).
  3. On the screen after selecting the language, click "System Restore".
    Running system recovery
  4. If you had a boot flash drive of Windows 7, in the recovery tools, select "Command Line", if 8.1 or 10 - "Troubleshooting" - "Command Line".
    Running the command line
  5. In the command prompt, enter the command in order (pressing ENTER after each of them).
  6. diskpart.
  7. List Volume
  8. As a result of the execution of the command in step 7, you will see the letter of the system disk (in this case, it may differ from the standard C), and also, if they are presented, separate sections with a system loader that may not have the letters. To check it, it will be necessary to assign. In my example (see Screenshot) on the first disk there are two sections that do not have letters and which makes sense to check - volume 3 with a loader and volume 1 with the Windows Recovery Environment. In the following two teams, I assign a letter for the 3rd volume.
    List of volumes in the recovery environment
  10. Assign Letter = Z (letter can be anyone not busy)
    Purpose Letter section with loader
  11. Similarly, prescribe a letter for other volumes that should be checked.
  12. EXIT (this command is released from diskpart).
  13. Alternately check the sections (the main thing is to check the section with the bootloader and the system partition) by the command: CHKDSK C: / F / R (where C is the letter of the disk).
    Checking the system partition for errors
  14. Close the command line, reboot the computer, already from the hard disk.

If at the 13th step on some of the important partitions, errors were found and corrected and the cause of the problem was in them, that is, the probability that the next download will be successful and the error A Disk Read Error Occurred will no longer distort you.

Damage to the OS bootloader

If there is suspicion that an error when turned on is caused by Windows loader damage, use the following instructions:
  • Windows 10 boot recovery
  • Windows 7 boot recovery

BIOS / UEFI settings problems

If the error appeared after updating, reset or change the BIOS parameters, try:

  • If after updating or change - reset the BIOS parameters.
  • After reset - carefully examine the parameters, especially the mode of operation of the disk (AHCI / IDE - if you do not know which one to choose, try both options, the parameters are in sections associated with the SATA configuration).
  • Be sure to check the load order (on the BOOT tab) - the error can be called and the fact that the desired disc is not set as the loading device.

If nothing helps from this, and the problem is related to the update of the BIOS, check if you can set the previous version to your motherboard and, if any, try to do it.

The problem with connecting the hard disk

The problem under consideration can be caused by the problems with connecting the hard disk or the operation of the SATA bus.

  • If you performed work inside the computer (or it stood open, and someone could hurt the cables) - reconnect the hard drive both from the motherboard and from the dial itself. If possible, try another cable (for example, from a DVD drive).
  • If you installed a new (second) drive, try to disable it: if your computer is loaded normally without it, try connecting a new disk to another SATA connector.
  • In a situation where the computer has not been used for a long time and was not stored in ideal conditions, the cause can be oxidized contacts on disk or cable.

If none of the ways helps solve the problem, while the hard disk is "visible", try reinstalling the system with deleting all sections at the installation phase. If after a short period after reinstalling (or immediately after it) the problem again declares itself - the likelihood is great that the cause of the hard disk malfunction error.

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