How to calculate the number of filled cells in Excele


Counting filled cells in Microsoft Excel

When performing certain tasks while working with the table, it is necessary to calculate the cells filled with data. Excel provides such an opportunity using embedded tools. Let's find out how to execute the specified procedure in this program.

Counting cells

In the Excel program, the number of filled cells can be seen using the counter on a status bar or a number of functions, each of which counts the elements filled with a specific data type.

Method 1: Counter on Status Row

The easiest way to calculate the cells containing the data is to use the information from the meter, which is located on the right side of the status string to the left of the viewing buttons in Excel. While the range is selected on the sheet, in which all elements are empty or only one contains some value, this indicator is hidden. The counter automatically appears when two or more non-empty cells are isolated, and immediately shows their number after the word "quantity".

Counting cells in the status bar in Microsoft Excel

But, although by default, this meter is enabled, and only waiting for the user to highlight certain elements, in some cases it can be disabled manually. Then the question of its inclusion becomes relevant. To do this, click right-click on the status bar and in the list that opens, set a tick opposite the "Quantity" item. After that, the counter will be displayed again.

Enable meter in Microsoft Excel

Method 2: Meeting function

Calculate the number of filled cells can be calculated using the account function. It differs from the previous way to allowing the counting of a certain range in a separate cell. That is, to view information on it, the area will not need to be constantly allocated.

  1. Select the area into which the counting result will be displayed. Click on the "Insert function" icon.
  2. Go to insert functions in Microsoft Excel

  3. The Master of Function Wizard opens. We are looking for the list of the "Account" element submitted. After this name is highlighted, click on the "OK" button.
  4. Go to the function of the account in Microsoft Excel

  5. The arguments window starts. The arguments of this function are links to cells. The link to the range can be prescribed manually, but it is better to set the cursor in the "Value1" field, where you want to enter data, and select the appropriate area on the sheet. If you need to calculate the filled cells in several ranges remote from each other, the coordinates of the second, third and subsequent range should be entered in the field called "Value2", "value3", etc. When all data is entered. Click on the "OK" button.
  6. Function Meetings in Microsoft Excel

  7. This feature can also be entered manually in a cell or string of formulas, adhering to the following syntax:

    = Account (value1; value2; ...)

  8. Introduction manually function accounts in Microsoft Excel

  9. After the formula is entered, the program in a predetermined area shows the result of counting the filled cells of the specified range.

Resolrett Counting Functions in Microsoft Excel

Method 3: Function account

In addition, to count the filled cells in Excel there is still an account function. In contrast to the previous formula, it considers only cells filled with numeric data.

  1. As in the previous case, we highlight the cell where the data will be displayed and launch the functions wizard in the same way. In it, choose the operator with the name "Account". Click on the "OK" button.
  2. Go to the function account in Microsoft Excel

  3. The arguments window starts. Arguments are the same as when using the previous method. Their roles are referenced to cells. Insert the coordinates of the ranges on the sheet in which you need to calculate the number of filled cells with numeric data. Click the "OK" button.

    Function account in Microsoft Excel

    For manual introduction of the formula, adhere to the following syntax:

    = Account (value1; value2; ...)

  4. Introduction manually function accounts in Microsoft Excel

  5. After that, in the area in which the formula is located, the number of cells filled with numeric data will appear.

Relattice counting function account in Microsoft Excel

Method 4: Meckel function

This function allows you to calculate not only the number of cells filled with numerical expressions, but only such of them that correspond to a certain condition. For example, if you specify the "> 50" condition, only such cells will be taken into account, which contains the value greater than 50. You can also set the values ​​of "" (not equal), etc.

  1. After the cell is allocated to display the result and launched the functions wizards, select the record "Ski". Click on the "OK" button.
  2. Go to the function of the meter in Microsoft Excel

  3. The argument window opens. This function has two arguments: the range where the cell count occurs, and the criterion, that is, the condition we talked about above. In the "Range" field, we introduce the coordinates of the treated area, and in the "Criterion" field fit the conditions. After that, click on the "OK" button.

    Meckel function in Microsoft Excel

    For manual input, the template looks like this:

    = Schedules (Range; Criterion)

  4. Introduction manually functions in Microsoft Excel

  5. After that, the program calculates the filled cells of the dedicated range, which correspond to the specified condition, and displays them into the area specified in the first paragraph of this method.

Resolrett Counting Functions Schedule in Microsoft Excel

Method 5: The function of the counting method

Operator countable is an advanced option of the function of the counter. It is used when you need to specify more than one conformity condition for different ranges. You can only specify up to 126 conditions.

  1. We indicate the cell in which the result will be displayed and run the functions of the functions. It is looking for an element of "countable". We highlight it and press the "OK" button.
  2. Go to the function of the counting method in Microsoft Excel

  3. The opening of the argument window occurs. Actually, the function arguments are the same as the previous one - the "range" and "condition". The difference is that the ranges and the corresponding conditions can be a lot. We enter the addresses of the ranges and the corresponding conditions to them, and then press the "OK" button.

    Schistellimn feature in Microsoft Excel

    The syntax of this feature is as follows:

    = Countable (range_longs1; condition1; range_longs2; condition2; ...)

  4. Introduction manually functions of countable in Microsoft Excel

  5. After that, the application calculates the filled cells of the specified ranges that correspond to the established conditions. The result is displayed in a pre-marked area.

Resolrett counting function counting in Microsoft Excel

As you can see, the simplest counting of the amount of filled cells of the selected range can be seen in the string of the excel state. If you need to withdraw the result into a separate area on a sheet, and even more so to calculate certain conditions, then in this case, specialized functions will come to the rescue.

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