Function today in Excel


Function today in Microsoft Excel

One of the interesting features of Microsoft Excel is today. Using this operator, enter the current date in the cell. But it can also be applied with other formulas in the complex. Consider the main features of the function today, the nuances of its work and interaction with other operators.

Using the operator today

The function today makes output to the specified Date Code installed on the computer. It refers to the group of operators "Date and Time".

But you need to understand that this formula itself will not update the values ​​in the cell. That is, if you open the program in a few days and do not recalculate the formula in it (manually or automatically), then the same date will be installed in the cell, and not currently relevant.

In order to check whether the automatic recalculation is set in a specific document, you need to perform a number of consecutive actions.

  1. Being in the "File" tab, go through the "Parameters" item in the left part of the window.
  2. Switch to parameters in Microsoft Excel

  3. After the parameters window activated, go to the "Formulas" section. We will need the upper settings block "Calculations" settings. The "Calculation in the Book" parameter switch must be set to the "Automatically" position. If it is in another position, then it should be installed as it was said above. After changing the settings, click on the "OK" button.

Installing automatic recalculation of formulas in Microsoft Excel

Now, with any change in the document, its automatic recalculation will be performed.

If for some reason you do not want to set automatic recalculation, in order to actualize the contents of the cell that contains the function today, it is necessary to allocate it, set the cursor into the formula string and press the ENTER button.

Recalculation of Formula in Microsoft Excel

In this case, when the automatic recalculation is disconnected, it will be performed only on this cell, and not throughout the document.

Method 1: Introduction of the function manually

This operator has no argument. Its syntax is quite simple and looks like this:

= Today ()

  1. In order to apply this feature, it is enough to insert this expression into a cell in which you want to see a snapshot of today's dates.
  2. Enter the function today in Microsoft Excel

  3. In order to make the calculation and output the result on the screen, click on the ENTER button.

Result of the function today in Microsoft Excel

Lesson: Date and time functions in Excel

Method 2: Applying Master of Functions

In addition, for the introduction of this operator, you can use the functions wizard. This option is especially suitable for novice users of Excel, which are still confused in the names of the functions and in their syntax, although in this case it is most as simple as possible.

  1. We highlight the cell on the sheet to which the date will be displayed. Click on the "Paste function" icon, located at the formula row.
  2. Move to the Master of Functions in Microsoft Excel

  3. The functions wizard starts. In the category "Date and Time" or "Full Alphabetical List" We are looking for an element "Today." We highlight it and click on the "OK" button at the bottom of the window.
  4. Today in the Function Master in Microsoft Excel

  5. A small information window opens, which reports to the appointment of this function, and also states that it does not have arguments. Click on the "OK" button.
  6. Information message in Microsoft Excel

  7. After that, the date installed on the user's computer at the moment will be removed in the pre-specified cell.

Conclusion of today's dates through the Master of Functions in Microsoft Excel

Lesson: Wizard Functions in Excel

Method 3: Changing the Cell Format

If the cell had a common format before entering the function today, it will automatically be reformatted in the date format. But if the range was already formatted for another value, it will not change, which means that the formula will issue incorrect results.

In order to view the value of the format of a separate cell or area on the sheet, you need to select the desired range and while in the "Home" tab, look at what value is set in a special format format in the "Number" toolbox.

Incorrect feature display in Microsoft Excel

If, after entering the formula today, the "Date" format was not automatically installed in the cell, the function would incorrectly display the results. In this case, it is necessary to change the format manually.

  1. Right-click on the cell in which you want to change the format. In the menu that appears, select the "cell format" position.
  2. Transition to cell format in Microsoft Excel

  3. The formatting window opens. Go to the "number" tab in case it was open elsewhere. In the "Numeric formats" block, select the "Date" point and click on the "OK" button.
  4. Format cells in Microsoft Excel

  5. Now the cell is formatted correctly and the date is displayed in it.

The cell is correctly formatted in Microsoft Excel

In addition, in the formatting window you can also change the submission of today's dates. By default, the format is set by the template "DD.MM.YYYY". Having highlighting different options in the "Type" field, which is located on the right side of the formatting window, you can change the appearance of the date display in the cell. After the changes, do not forget to press the "OK" button.

Changing the date display type in Microsoft Excel

Method 4: Use today in a complex with other formulas

In addition, the function today can be used as the component of the complex formulas. In this quality, this operator allows you to solve much broader tasks than with independent use.

The operator today is very convenient to apply to calculate the time intervals, for example, when specifying the age of a person. To do this, in the cell record an expression of this type:

= Year (today ()) - 1965

To use the formula, press the ENTER button.

Calculation of the number of years with the function today in Microsoft Excel

Now in the cell, with proper configuration of the recalculation of the formula, the actual age of a person who was born in 1965 will continually be displayed. A similar expression can be applied for any other year of birth or to calculate the anniversary of the events.

There is also a formula that in the cell displays values ​​a few days ahead. For example, to display the date in three days it will look like this:

= Today () + 3

Date calculation for 3 days ahead in Microsoft Excel

If you need to constantly keep the date for three days ago, the formula will look like this:

= Today () - 3

Date calculation 3 days ago in Microsoft Excel

If you need to display in the cell only the number of the current number in a month, and not the date completely, then such an expression is applied:

= Day (today ())

Specifying the current day number in the month in Microsoft Excel

A similar operation for displaying the numbers of the current month will look like this:

= Month (today ())

Specifying the current month a year in Microsoft Excel

That is, in February in the cell there will be a figure 2, in March - 3, etc.

With the help of a more complex formula, you can calculate how many days will pass from today before the onset of a specific date. If you configure correctly recalculate, then this way you can create a kind of reverse timer of the countdown to a specified date. The formula template that has similar capabilities is as follows:

= DATAKOM ("specified_data") - today ()

Number of days before the consort date in Microsoft Excel

Instead of the "specified date" value, specify a specific date in the format of DD.MM.YYYY, to which it is necessary to organize a count.

Be sure to format the cell in which this calculation will be output, under the general format, otherwise the display of the result will be incorrect.

Installing a general format in a cell in Microsoft Excel

There is a possibility of combination with other Excel features.

As you can see, with the help of the function today, you can not only simply output the date current on the current day, but also to produce many other calculations. Knowledge of the syntax of this and other formulas will help model various combinations of the application of this operator. With the correct configuration of the formula in the document, its value will be updated automatically.

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