Not installed Realtek HD on Windows 10


Not installed Realtek HD on Windows 10

Realtek HD audio codecs are now present in almost every computer. Usually there are no problems with them, however, sometimes the software for these devices refuses to be installed.

Method 1: Elimination of Driver Conflict

The main reason for such failures is the Realtek driver conflict with some other instance of the service software. Often the source of the conflict is the software for the video card. The elimination algorithm looks like this:

  1. The first step is to remove the graphics card software. Click the Win + R key combination, then enter the DevmGMT.msc request window and click OK.
  2. Open Device Manager to remove video card drivers if Realtek HD is installed in Windows 10

  3. In the Task Manager, find the GPU record of your motherboard - focus on the category "Video adapters" and look for a device inside it, in whose name is the name of your video card. Highlight the desired position, then right-click and select Delete Device on the menu.

    The process of removing the video card drivers, if not installed Realtek HD in Windows 10

    In the context menu that appears, check the "Delete Driver Programs for this Device" option.

  4. Confirmation of the removal of video card drivers if Realtek HD is installed in Windows 10

  5. Wait until the removal occurs.

    Attention! Restart the computer does not need!

  6. Next, download and install the GPU drivers in any convenient way - for example, use the instruction on the link below.

    New installation of video card drivers, if not installed Realtek HD in Windows 10

    Read more: An example of installation of drivers for a video card

  7. After installation, repeat the RealTek HD installation - this time everything should go smoothly.

Method 2: Installing the correct version of the driver

Often, the cause of the problem under consideration is a failure or incompatible version of software for Realtek HD. You most often face notebook users, since these devices use modified motherboards, which are not suitable for standard software options.

Read more:

Installing Realtek HD Drivers

Install drivers for laptops

Method 3: Installing Drivers In Compatibility Mode

In some cases, the software for the work of Realtek HD may not be installed due to incompatibility - in particular, such a problem is possible on fresh audits "Dozens" (1903 and 1909). The removal method consists in installing the failed component in compatibility mode.

  1. Open the folder in which the Realtek HD installer file is located. Click on the PCM and select "Send" - "Desktop (Create a Label)".
  2. Create a installer shortcut if Realtek HD is installed in Windows 10

  3. Go to the "desktop" and find the installer label on it. Call its context menu and use the Properties item.
  4. Open the installer label properties if Realtek HD is installed in Windows 10

  5. Open the Compatibility tab. Find the "Compatibility Mode" on it and check the option "Run in Compatibility mode".
  6. Enable the installer shortcut compatibility mode, if the Realtek HD is installed in Windows 10

  7. It will be active drop-down menu with the choice of operating systems, install the position "Windows 8" in it.

    Install the installer shortcut compatibility mode if Realtek HD is installed in Windows 10

    Click "Apply" and "OK", then close the "Properties" and try installing the drivers.

  8. If the installation again issues an error, repeat the steps from steps 3-5, only specify "Windows 7" at the OS selection phase.
  9. Alternate Installer Label Compatibility Mode, if not installed Realtek HD in Windows 10

    Starting in compatibility mode allows you to fix the failure if the reason was exactly the case.

Method 5: Checking the integrity of system files

Sometimes the problem under consideration occurs due to failures in the operation of system files. So if none of the above methods does not help, try to check the integrity of the OS components. If the diagnosis shows that it is not all right with them, make a recovery - this should eliminate failure.

Restore system files, if not installed Realtek HD in Windows 10

Read more: Check and restore the integrity of system files in Windows 10

Method 6: Elimination of hardware problems

The most rare, but the most unpleasant reason for the problem under consideration is hardware problems with sound chip. Check for presence or absence, you can via "Device Manager".

  1. Call "Device Manager" by any convenient method - for example, through the context menu of the Start button.

    We considered the reasons why it may not be installed by Realtek HD, and the methods of eliminating this problem. As you can see, its character can be both software and hardware.

Read more