How to upload a map in Google card


How to upload a map in Google card

Option 1: iOS

Google cards are not the main means for navigating iOS, however, for many users, this application is most comfortable and convenient to use. For travel planning and travel outside your hometown, it is recommended to install offline cards in advance - this will avoid problems with communication and absence of the Internet.

  1. In the application, tap three horizontal strips in the left upper part.
  2. Open Google Maps on the phone and go to Settings section to install a map for offline access in the mobile version of Google Map iOS

  3. Go to the "Offline Card" section.
  4. Go to Offline Maps to install a map for offline access in the mobile version of Google Map iOS

  5. Click "Select Map."
  6. Tap Select a map to install a map for offline access in the mobile version of Google Map iOS

  7. Choose the locality whose card you need. The scope of the downloaded file will be specified at the bottom, as well as how much free space on the phone. Tap "Download".
  8. Highlight the area you need to install the map for offline access in the mobile version of Google Map iOS

  9. Wait for the process to complete. At this time, it is impossible to completely close the program.
  10. Wait for download to install a map for offline access in the mobile version of Google Map iOS

  11. To configure an automatic update, click on the gear icon.
  12. Click on the gear to configure offline cards to install the map for offline access in the mobile version of Google Map iOS

  13. Tick ​​the checkbox "automatically".
  14. Select Automatic Update Offline Card Settings for Offline Access in Mobile Mobile Map iOS

Option 2: Android

For phones based on Android Google Maps are the main navigation application. Loading offline cards makes it possible without accessing the Internet to build routes, search for buildings at, etc.

Important! The developer recommends updating the previously loaded areas at least once every few months. You can also configure automatic update.

  1. Tap three horizontal strips in the upper left corner of the Google Card application.
  2. Open the Google Card app and tap three strips to configure offline cards for mobile version of Google Android cards

  3. Select "Downloaded areas".
  4. Choose downloaded areas to configure offline cards for mobile version Google Android cards

  5. Click on the "Other Area" button.
  6. Click another area to configure offline cards for mobile version of Google Android cards

  7. On the map, specify the city or district whose card is necessary. Next, select "Download".
  8. Select the area on the map to configure offline cards for mobile version Google Android Cards

  9. Wait for the download to complete. To enable automatic update downloaded cards, tap "OK", as indicated in the screenshot.
  10. Wait for a complete setting to configure offline cards for mobile version Google Android cards

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