How to install windows windows


Installation of fonts
Despite the fact that setting new fonts in Windows 10, 8.1 and Windows 7 is a fairly simple procedure that does not require special skills, the question of how to install fonts have to hear quite often.

In this manual, details about adding fonts into all the latest versions of Windows, what fonts are supported by the system and what to do if the font download is not installed, as well as about some other font settings nuances.

Installation of fonts in Windows 10

All methods of manual fonts described in the next section of this instruction, work for Windows 10 and to date are preferred.

However, starting from version 1803, a new one, an additional way to download and install fonts from the store, from which to start.

  1. Go to Start - Parameters - Personalization - Fonts.
    Windows 10 font parameters
  2. A list of fonts already installed on the computer with the possibility of their preview or, if necessary, delete (click on the font, and then in the information about it, the Delete button).
  3. If you click on the "Fonts" window to click "Get Additional Fonts in Microsoft Store", the Windows 10 store opens with fonts available for free download, as well as with multiple paid (current time list is scanty).
    Fonts in app store
  4. Selecting the font, click "Get" to automatically download and install the font in Windows 10.
    Download the font from the Windows 10 store

After downloading, the font will be installed and available in your programs for use.

Methods for installing fonts for all versions of Windows

Loaded from anywhere fonts are ordinary files (may be in the zip archive, in which case they should be pre-unpaved). Windows 10, 8.1 and 7 support fonts in TrueType and OpenType formats, these fonts are .ttf and .otf extensions respectively. If your font is in another format, then there will be information about how to add it too.

All that is needed to install the font is already available in Windows: If the system sees that the file with which you work is a font file, the context menu of this file (called by right-click) will contain the item "Set" after clicking on Which (administrator rights required), the font will be added to the system.

Menu Installation Fonts

At the same time, you can add fonts not one by one, but immediately select multiple files, after you press the right mouse button and selecting the menu item to install.

Set several fonts

The installed fonts will appear in Windows, as well as in all programs that take the available fonts from the system - Word, Photoshop and others (programs may need to be restarted to appear fonts in the list). By the way, in Photoshop, you can also install fonts using the Creative Cloud application (Resources Tab - Fonts).

The second way to install fonts is to simply copy (drag) files with them to the C: \ Windows \ Fonts folder, as a result they will be installed in the same way as in the previous version.

Fonts Folder in Windows

Please note if you go to this folder, the window will open to control the installed Windows fonts in which you can delete or view fonts. In addition, you can "hide" fonts - this does not remove them from the system (they may be required to work), but hides in lists in various programs (for example, Word), i.e. Someone can make it easier to work with programs, allowing you to leave only what is needed.

If the font is not installed

It happens that these methods do not work, with the causes and ways to solve them can be different.

  • If the font is not installed in Windows 7 or 8.1 with an error message in the Spirit "file is not a font file" - try downloading the same font from another source. If the font is not presented as a TTF or OTF file, it can be converted using any online converter. For example, if you have a WOFF file with a font, find the converter on the Internet on the query "WOFF to TTF" and envelope.
  • If the font is not installed in Windows 10 - in this case the instructions are applicable above, but there is an additional nuance. Many users have noticed that TTF fonts may not be installed in Windows 10 with a built-in firewall disabled with the same message that the file is not a font file. When you turn on the "native" firewall, everything is set again. A strange mistake, but it makes sense to check if you encountered a problem.

In my opinion, wrote an exhaustive guide for novice users of Windows, but if you suddenly have questions, do not hesitate to ask them in the comments.

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