Selection of the parameter in Excel


Selection of the parameter in Microsoft Excel

A very useful feature in the Microsoft Excel program is the selection of the parameter. But, not every user knows about the capabilities of this tool. With it, you can choose the initial value, pushing out from the final result that you need to achieve. Let's find out how to use the parameter selection feature in Microsoft Excel.

Essence of the function

If it is simplified to talk about the essence of the function selection of the parameter, then it lies in the fact that the user can calculate the necessary source data to achieve a specific result. This feature is similar to the decision tool tool, but is a more simplified option. It can only be used in single formulas, that is, to calculate in each individual cell you need to run every time this tool again. In addition, the parameter selection function can only be operated on only one introductory, and one of the desired meaning, which indicates it, as a tool with limited functionality.

Application function in practice

In order to understand how this feature works, it is best to explain its essence on a practical example. We will explain the work of the tool on the example of the Microsoft Excel 2010 program, but the actions algorithm is practically identical in later versions of this program, and in 2007.

We have a payroll payroll table and enterprise employees. There are only awards of workers. For example, a bonus of one of them - Nikolaev A. D, is 6035.68 rubles. Also, it is known that the premium is calculated by multiplying the salary on the coefficient of 0.28. We have to find employee salary.

Salary Table in Microsoft Excel

In order to start the function while in the "Data" tab, click on the "Analysis" Analysis if "", which is located in the "Working with Data" tool block on the tape. A menu appears in which you want to select "Selection of the parameter ...".

Transition to the selection of the parameter in Microsoft Excel

After that, the parameter selection window opens. In the "Install in the Cell" field, you need to specify its address containing the end data known to us, which we will customize the calculation. In this case, this is a cell where the employee of the employee of Nikolaev is installed. The address can be manually specified by saving its coordinates to the corresponding field. If you find it difficult to do, or consider it inconvenient, then just click on the desired cell, and the address will be entered in the field.

The "Value" field requires specifying the specific value of the award. In our case, it will be 6035.68. In the "Changing Cell Values" field, you enter its address containing the source data that we need to calculate, that is, the amount of employee salaries. This can be made the same ways that we talked above: to drive the coordinates manually, or click on the appropriate cell.

When all the parameter window data is filled, click on the OK button.

Parameter Selection Window in Microsoft Excel

After that, the calculation is made, and the selected values ​​fit into the cells, as reported by the special information window.

The result of selecting parameters in Microsoft Excel

Such an operation can be done for other rows of the table, if the value of the premium of the rest of the enterprise is known.

Solving equations

In addition, although this is not a profile feature of this function, it can be used to solve equations. True, the parameter selection tool can be successfully used only with respect to equations with one unknown.

Suppose we have an equation: 15x + 18x = 46. Record its left part, as a formula, in one of the cells. As for any formula in Excele, before the equation, we put the sign "=". But, at the same time, instead of a sign X, you set the cell's address where the result of the desired value will be displayed.

In our case, we write the formula in C2, and the desired value will be displayed in B2. Thus, the record in the C2 cell will have the following form: "= 15 * B2 + 18 * B2".


We start the function in the same way as described above, that is, by clicking on the "Analysis" that if "" "on the tape," and turning on the "Selection of the parameter ...".

Transition to the selection of the parameter for the equation in Microsoft Excel

In the parameter selection window that opens, in the "Install in the cell" field, specify the address by which we recorded equation (C2). In the "Value" field, enter the number 45, since we remember that the equation is as follows: 15x + 18x = 46. In the "Changing Cell Values" field, we specify the address where x value is displayed, that is, actually, the solution of the equation (B2). After we entered this data, press the "OK" button.

Selection of a parameter for an equation in Microsoft Excel

As you can see, Microsoft Excel successfully solved the equation. The x value will be 1.39 in the period.

Solution of the Equation in Microsoft Excel

After examining the parameter selection tool, we found out that it is quite simple, but at the same time useful and convenient feature for finding an unknown number. It can be used both for table computing and to solve equations with one unknown. At the same time, according to the functionality, it is inferior to a more powerful solutions tool.

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