Download drivers for Epson L355


Download drivers for Epson L355

Peripheral devices like printers, scanners and MFPs, as a rule, require the driver in the system for full-fledged work. Epson production devices have not been an exception, and our today's article We will devote to the analysis of software installation methods for the L355 model.

Download drivers for Epson L355

The main difference of MFP from Epson is the need for a separate driver boot for both the scanner and the device printer. It is possible to do this as manually and with the help of a variety of utilities - each individual method is slightly different from the other.

Method 1: Official website

The most expensive time, but the most secure version of the problem solving is the download of the necessary software from the manufacturer's website.

Go to Epson website

  1. Go to the company's web portal on the link above, then find at the top of the page "Drivers and Support" Page and click on it.
  2. Open support section on Epson to download drivers to MFP L355

  3. Then to find the support page of the device under consideration. This can be done in two ways. The first is to use the search - enter the model name in the string and click on the result from the pop-up menu.

    The first method of searching for the device on Epson to download drivers to MFP L355

    The second method is to search for the device type - in the list marked in the screenshot, select "Printers and MFP", in the following - "Epson L355", then press "Search".

  4. The second device search method on Epson to download drivers to MFP L355

  5. The device support page should be downloaded. Find the "Drivers, Utilities" block and expand it.
  6. Open the drivers section on the MFP page L355 to download to the device

  7. First of all, check the correctness of the definition of the version of the OS and Blossomy - if the site incorrectly recognized them, select the right values ​​in the drop-down list.

    Select OS and Bonquality on the MFP page L355 for downloading to the device

    Then scroll down the list slightly down, find the drivers for the printer and scanner, and download both components by clicking on the "Download" button.

Close the drivers on the MFP page L355 for installation in the device

Wait until the download is completed, then proceed to the installation. The first is desirable to install a printer driver.

  1. Unzip the installer and run it. After preparing resources to install, click on the printer icon and use the "OK" button.
  2. Start installing a printer driver for MFP L355

  3. Set the Russian language from the drop-down list and click "OK" to continue.
  4. Continue the installation of the printer driver for MFP L355

  5. Check out the license agreement, then check the item "Agree" and again click "OK" to start the installation process.
  6. Confirm acceptance of the Agreement for Installation of the Printer Driver for MFP L355

  7. Wait until the driver is set, after which you close the installer. On this software installation for the printer part is over.

Installing the driver of the scanning component Epson L355 has its own characteristics, so consider it in detail and it.

  1. Unzip the executable file of the installer and start it. Since setup is also an archive, it is necessary to select the location of unpacked resources (you can leave the default directory) and click "Unzip".
  2. Start Installation of the Scanner Driver for MFP L355

  3. To start the installation procedure, click "Next".
  4. Continue the installation of the scanner driver for MFP L355

  5. Review the user agreement again, check the tick point on the adoption and click "Next" again.
  6. Confirm acceptance of the Agreement for Installation Scanner Driver for MFP L355

  7. At the end of the manipulation, close the window and restart the computer.

After loading the system, the MFPs under consideration will be fully prepared for work, on which the consideration of this method can be considered over.

Method 2: Update Utility from Epson

You can simplify the software download to the device you are interested in using the branded update utility. It is called Epson Software Updater and distributed free of charge on the manufacturer's website.

Go to download Epson Software Updater

  1. Open the Application page and download the installer - to do this, click "Download" under the list of OS from Microsoft, which support this component.
  2. Download Epson Software Updater to install drivers to Epson L355

  3. Save the utility installer to any suitable hard disk space. Then go to the directory with the downloaded file and start it.
  4. Accept the user agreement, noting the option "Agree", then press the OK button to continue.
  5. Accept Agreement in Epson Software Updater To install Drivers in Epson L355

  6. Wait for the utility installation, after which Epson Software Updater will automatically start. In the main application window, you need to select a connected device.
  7. Find updates to Epson Software Updater to install drivers in Epson L355)

  8. The program will connect to the Epson servers and start searching for updates to software recognized device. Pay attention to the "Essential Product Updates" block - key updates are located in it. In the "Other Useful Software" section, additional software is posted, it is optional to install it. Select the components that you want to install and click "Install Items".
  9. Select component updates in Epson Software Updater to install drivers in Epson L355

  10. Again, you need to accept the license agreement, in the same way as in step 3 of this method.
  11. If you have selected the installation of the drivers, the utility will hold the procedure at the end of which will ask to restart the computer. However, in most cases, EPSON Software Updater also updates the device firmware - in this case, the utility will offer you to familiarize yourself with the details of the version being installed. Click "Start" to start the process.
  12. Description Epson L355 firmware in Epson Software Updater

  13. The procedure for installing the newest firmware version will begin.

    Important! Any interference with the work of MFPs during the installation of the firmware, as well as disconnection from the network can lead to an irreparable breakdown!

  14. Upon completion of the manipulation, click "FINISH".

Finish work with Epson Software Updater to install drivers in Epson L355

Next, it remains only to close the utility - the installation of the drivers is completed.

Method 3: Driver Installers from third-party developers

Update drivers can not only with the help of an official application from the manufacturer: there are third-party solutions on the market with the same task. Some of them are even easier than Epson Software Updater, and the universal nature of the solutions will allow you to restore the software and to other components. Pros and disadvantages of the most popular products of this category you can learn from our review.

Read more: Utilities for installing drivers

It is worth noting the application called Drivermax, the indisputable pluses of which are the convenience of the interface and the extensive base of recognizable components. We have prepared a guide to work with Drivermax for users who are not confident in their own, but to familiarize themselves with it, we recommend everyone without exception.

Download drivers to Epson L355 in Driver Max

Lesson: Refresh Drivers in the Drivermax program

Method 4: Device ID

The EPSON L355 device, like any other computer connected to the computer, has a unique identifier that looks like this:

Lptenum \ Epsonl355_Series6A00.

This ID is useful in solving our task - you just need to go to the special service page like getdRivers, enter in the search ID of equipment, and then select the appropriate software among the results. We have a more detailed instruction on the use of the identifier, so we advise you to turn to it in case of difficulties.

Loading drivers to Epson L355 by equipment ID

Read more: Search for drivers by ID

Method 5: Device and Printers

Assist in loading to the MFP under consideration may also be a Windows component called "Devices and Printers". Use this tool follows:

  1. Open the Control Panel. On Windows 7 and below, it is enough to call the "Start" menu and select the appropriate item, whereas on the eighth and above versions of the Redmond OS, this item can be found in "search".
  2. Open the control panel for calling the device and printers to install drivers to Epson L355

  3. In the "Control Panel" click on the "Device and Printers" item.
  4. Call devices and printers to install drivers to Epson L355

  5. Then you should use the "Install Printer" option. Please note that on Windows 8 and newer it is called "Adding Printer".
  6. Run the printer setting to install drivers to Epson L355

  7. In the first window of the add-on wizard, select the option "Add Local Printer".
  8. Select adding a local printer to install drivers to Epson L355

  9. You can not change the connection port, so just click "Next".
  10. Continue setting the printer to install drivers to Epson L355

  11. Now the most important step is the choice of devices directly. In the manufacturer list, find "Epson", and in the "Printers" menu - Epson L355 Series. Having done this, click "Next".
  12. Select a manufacturer and printer to install drivers to Epson L355

  13. Set the appropriate name and use the "Next" button again.
  14. Complete the printer setting for the installation of drivers to Epson L355

  15. The installation of drivers for the selected device will begin, after which you need to restart the PC or laptop.

The method of using the system tool is suitable for users who for some reason cannot use other methods.


Each of the above options for solving the problem has its advantages and disadvantages. For example, driver installers downloaded from the official site can be used on machines without access to the Internet, whereas automatic update options allow you to avoid clogging of disk space.

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