Wi-Fi does not work on iPhone


Wi Fi does not work on iPhone

For full-fledged iPhone, it is necessary that it is constantly connected to the Internet. Today we consider the unpleasant situation with which many Apple-devices users are faced - the phone refuses to connect to Wi-Fi.

Why the iPhone does not connect to wi-fi

The occurrence of such a problem may affect various reasons. And only if it is detected correctly, the problem can be quickly eliminated.

Cause 1: Wi-Fi is disabled on the smartphone

First of all, check whether the wireless network on the iPhone is enabled.

  1. To do this, open the settings and select the "Wi-Fi" section.
  2. WiFi Settings on iPhone

  3. Make sure that the Wi-Fi parameter is activated, and the wireless network is selected (a check mark should stand near it).

Enable WiFi on iPhone

Cause 2: Router Problems

Check it easy: Try to connect to Wi-Fi any other device (laptop, smartphone, tablet, etc.). If all the gadgets connected to the wireless network do not have access to the Internet, you should deal with it.

  1. To get started, try to perform the simplest - restart the router, and then wait for it to complete it. If it does not help, check the router settings, in particular, the encryption method (preferably to install WPA2-PSK). As practice shows, it is this setting item that often affects the lack of connection on the iPhone. You can change the encryption method in the same menu where the security key is changed.

    Change the method of encryption router

    Read more: How to change the password on a Wi-Fi router

  2. If these actions did not bring the result - reset the modem to the factory state, and then returned it (if necessary, the data specifically for your model will be able to provide an Internet provider. If the re-setting of the router does not bring the result, the device malfunction should be suspected.

Cause 3: Failure in the smartphone

The iPhone can periodically give malfunctions, which is reflected in the absence of a Wi-Fi connection.

  1. For a start, try to "forget" the network to which the smartphone is connected. To do this, select the "Wi-Fi" section in the iPhone settings.
  2. WiFi Settings on iPhone

  3. To the right of the wireless network, select the menu button, and then tap on "Forget this Network".
  4. Delete information about the WiFi network on the iPhone

  5. Restart your smartphone.

    Restart iPhone

    Read more: How to restart the iPhone

  6. When the iPhone is running, try to connect to the Wi-Fi network again (since earlier the network was forgotten, you will need to re-specify a password for it).

Cause 4: Accessories for interference

For normal Internet operation, the phone must confidently receive a signal without interference. As a rule, they can create various accessories: covers, magnetic holders, etc. Therefore, if bumpers, covers are used on your phone, covers (metallic) and other similar accessories are used, try to remove them and check the performance of the connection.

Metal Case for iPhone

Cause 5: Failure in network settings

  1. Open the iPhone parameters, and then go to the "Basic" section.
  2. Basic settings for iPhone

  3. At the bottom of the window, select the "Reset" section. Next, tap on "Reset network settings". Confirm the launch of this process.

Reset network settings on iPhone

Reason 6: Firmware Fire

If you make sure that the problem lies in the phone (other devices are successfully connected to the wireless network), you should try the iPhone to reflash. This procedure will remove the old firmware from the smartphone, and then set the latest available version specifically for your model.

  1. To do this, you should connect an iPhone to a computer using a USB cable. Then run the iTunes program and enter the phone to DFU (special emergency mode, which is used to troubleshoot your smartphone operation).

    Read more: How to enter the iPhone in DFU mode

  2. After entering DFU, iTunes detects a connected device and prompts to execute the recovery procedure. Run this process. As a result, a fresh version of iOS will be downloaded to the computer, and the procedure for removing the old firmware will be performed with the subsequent new one. At this time it is strictly not recommended to disconnect the smartphone from the computer.

Restore iPhone via DFU mode in iTunes

Reason 7: Wi-Fi Module Malfunction

If all previous recommendations did not bring any result, the smartphone still refuses to connect to the wireless network, unfortunately, cannot exclude the probabilities of the Wi-Fi module malfunction. In this case, you should contact the service center, where a specialist will be able to diagnose and accurately identify whether the module is responsible for connecting to a wireless Internet faulty.

Replacing WiFi Module on iPhone

Consistently check the likelihood of each reason and follow the recommendations in the article - with a high probability you can eliminate the problem on your own.

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