How to reinstall DirectX on Windows 10


How to reinstall DirectX on Windows 10

By default, the DirectX component library is already built into Windows operating system 10. Depending on the type of graphics adapter, version 11 or 12 will be installed. However, sometimes users face problems in file data, especially when trying to play a computer game. In this case, it will be necessary to reinstall the directories, which will be discussed.

Congratulations, you have successfully disconnected the cancellation of unwanted changes, so further when removing DireCTX should not have any difficulties.

Step 2: Delete or Restore DirectX Files

Today we will use a special program called DirectX Happy Uninstall. It not only allows you to erase the main files of the library under consideration, but also conducts them to restore what can help avoid reinstalling. Work in this software is as follows:

Download DirectX HAPPY Uninstall program

  1. Use the above link to go to the DIRECTX HAPPY Uninstall site. Download the program by clicking on the appropriate inscription.
  2. Download DirectX HAPPY Uninstall program

  3. Open the archive and open the executable file there, after that, then make a simple installation of software and run it.
  4. Open DirectX HAPPY Uninstall program

  5. In the main window, you will see information about DirectX and buttons that run the built-in tools.
  6. Information in the program DirectX Happy Uninstall

  7. Move into the "Backup" tab and back up the directory to restore it in case of unsigned uninstallation.
  8. Create backups in DirectX HAPPY Uninstall

  9. The "Rollback" tool is located in the section of the same name, and its opening allows you to correct errors encountered with the built-in component. Therefore, we first recommend running this procedure. If she helped solve the problem with the functioning of the library, no further actions do not need.
  10. Restore components via DirectX Happy Uninstall

  11. If the problems remained, make deletion, however, carefully read the warnings displayed in the tab that opens.
  12. Remove Components through the DirectX HAPPY Uninstall program

We want to note that DirectX Happy Uninstall removes not all files, but only the main part of them. Important elements still remain on the computer, but this will not prevent self-installing of missing data.

Step 3: Installing the missing files

As mentioned above, DirectX is the built-in component of Windows 10, so its new version is installed with all other updates, and the autonomous installer is not provided. However, there is a small utility called "DirectX executable library web installer for the end user". If you open it, it will automatically hold the OS scan and add missing libraries. Download and open it like this:

DirectX executable web installer for end user

  1. Go to the Installer's download page, select the appropriate language and click on "Download".
  2. Download DirectX web installer for Windows 10

  3. Refuse or accept additional software recommendations and continue the download.
  4. Confirm downloads DirectX for Windows 10

  5. Open the downloaded installer.
  6. Open web installer in Windows 10

  7. Accept the license agreement and click on "Next".
  8. Confirm license agreement in Windows 10

  9. Expect the initialization completion and subsequent addition of new files.
  10. Waiting for library installation in Windows 10

At the end of the process, restart the computer. On this, all errors with the work of the component under consideration must be corrected. Perform a recovery through the used software if the OS operation was broken after uninstalling files, it will return everything to the original state. After that, activate the system's protection again, as described in step 1.

Adding and enable old DirectX libraries

Some users are trying to run on windows 10 old games and face the lack of libraries included in the old version of DirectX, in view of the fact that new versions do not provide for some of them. In this case, if you want to establish the application of the application, you will need to make a small manipulation. First you need to enable one of the Windows components. To do this, follow the instructions:

  1. Go to the "Control Panel" through the "Start".
  2. Go to the control panel in Windows 10

  3. Lay the section "Programs and Components".
  4. Open programs and components in Windows 10

  5. Click on the "Enable or Disable Windows Components" link.
  6. Enabling Windows 10 Components

  7. Find the LEGACY COMPONENTS directory in the list and mark the "DirectPlay" marker.
  8. Enable DirectPlay component in Windows 10

Next, you will need to download the missing libraries from the official site, and for this, follow these actions:

DirectX End-User Runtimes (June 2010)

  1. Go to the above link and download the latest version of the offline installer by clicking on the appropriate button.
  2. Downloading Offline Installer DirectX Library for Windows 10

  3. Run the downloaded file and confirm the license agreement.
  4. User Agreement Before installing DirectX libraries for Windows 10

  5. Select a place where all components and executable file will be placed for their further installation. We recommend creating a separate folder, for example, on the desktop where unpacking will occur.
  6. Select a place to save DirectX library archives for Windows 10

  7. After the unpacking is completed, go to the previously selected place and run the executable file.
  8. Starting the installer for DirectX libraries for Windows 10

  9. In the window that opens, follow a simple installation procedure.
  10. Run the installation of all DirectX libraries for Windows 10

All new files added in this way will be saved in the "System32" folder, which is located in the Windows system directory. Now you can safely run old computer games - the support of the necessary libraries will be enabled for them.

On this, our article comes to an end. Today we tried to present the most detailed and understandable information regarding reinstalling DirectX on computers with Windows 10. In addition, we disassembled a solution to missing files. We hope we helped to correct the difficulties arising and you no longer have questions on this topic.

See also: Set up DirectX components in Windows

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