How to draw an arrow in autocada


How to draw an arrow in autocada

Many users of various graphic editors and similar programs are accustomed to see among the standard dialing of figures and arrow. However, AutoCAD owners in this regard are limited. The functionality of this software does not allow you to create an arrow of any form using just one click on the mouse to the reserved button. Therefore, users faced with the need to draw this item on their own. This can be done in different ways, and we want to consider in detail each of them.

Create an arrow in AutoCAD

Disassembled Further drawing methods imply the use of base instruments of autocard. We will touch on the polyline and ordinary segments, as well as let's talk about how to dismember and create blocks from finished objects. You will only have to choose the most suitable method and produce it, following the instructions below.

Method 1: manual drawing arrow by segments

The first option is the most difficult because it requires more time and strength than everyone else. However, its advantage is that you are not limited to any framework. The arrow may be any shape and size, consist of a certain number of segments and additional parts. Let's analyze the simplest example of this purpose.

  1. Run AutoCAD and in the "Drawing" section on the main tape, click on the "Cut" tool.
  2. Selection of a segment tool for drawing an arrow in the AutoCAD program

  3. Start drawing by setting the first point.
  4. Creating a first segment point for drawing an arrow in the AutoCAD program

  5. Spend a straight or curved line, which will continue the base of the arrow.
  6. Creating a second segment point for drawing an arrow in the AutoCAD program

  7. Next, start forming one of the sides, lowering the line up or down.
  8. Creating the first line of the bottom of the arrow's base in the AutoCAD program

  9. Complete the formation of the side by connecting the base with the center.
  10. Completion of the creation of the base of the arrow by segments in the AutoCAD program

  11. Now let's talk about how to make exactly the same base and on the other hand to get a smooth arrow. To do this, we will use the standard "Mirror" tool, which is in the Editing section.
  12. Selecting a mirror tool to create the second side of the arrow in the AutoCAD program

  13. After selecting this feature, you must specify the objects that will be cut. In our case, these are lines under the centered segment.
  14. Selection of objects for lumbering in the AutoCAD program

  15. All selected segments will be highlighted in blue. You need to click on the ENTER key.
  16. Confirmation of selection of objects for lumbering in the AutoCAD program

  17. Specify the line that will perform a focusing reference. Now it is the central segment.
  18. Selecting a line for the base of focusing in the AutoCAD program

  19. Compare the point of new segments from the end point of the arrow to get the perfect result.
  20. Selecting the endpoint for the indoor room of the AutoCAD arrow

  21. When you appear the "Delete source objects" inscriptions, select No. If you specify "yes", then the earlier elements of the arrow will simply disappear and everything will need to mirror again.
  22. Canceling the deletion of source objects after creating a mirror in the AutoCAD program

  23. If you want, you can leave the arrow transparent at the base, however it looks best when the fill is made. In this, the hatching tool will help, because activate it by clicking on the corresponding button in the "Drawing" section.
  24. Choosing a hatching tool for creating the fill arrow in the AutoCAD program

  25. Expand the list called "Shark Sample".
  26. Transition to the selection of hatching samples to create the fill arrow in the AutoCAD program

  27. Specify the "Solid" option. It is used for filling in color.
  28. Choosing a shading sample to create the fill arrow in the AutoCAD program

  29. It remains only to choose the appropriate color.
  30. Selecting the color of the fill of the hatching arrow in the AutoCAD program

  31. Slide each side of the arrow.
  32. Pouring the base of the arrow using hatching in the AutoCAD program

  33. Upon completion, click on ENTER.
  34. Successful fill of the base of the arrow using hatching in the AUTOCAD program

  35. The last step of work on the arrow will create a separate unit for it, since it is still inconvenient to manage all lines. First prior to normal selection, mark all the points of the arrow.
  36. Allocation of all elements of the arrow to create a single block in the AUTOCAD program

  37. Then in the "Block" section, click the "Create" button.
  38. Transition to the creation of a block for grouping elements arrow from segments in AutoCAD

  39. A definition editor will open, where you enter the name for the block and go to the option of the base point. It will serve as a reference when moving or transformation of the arrow.
  40. Select options to create an arrow block in the AutoCAD program

  41. On the drawing, you simply select any mouse-friendly point for you.
  42. Select the base point of the arrow block in the AutoCAD program

  43. At the end of the configuration, click on "OK" to apply all changes.
  44. Completing the creation of a block for arrow in the AutoCAD program

  45. As you can see, it turned out the most common arrow. Now it acts as a block, can freely move, edit and copy an unlimited number of times.
  46. Successful creation of arrow from segments in the AutoCAD program

  47. In the screenshot below you see an example of the fact that there are no restrictions on creating an arrow by the considered method. It all depends only on your preferences and fantasies.
  48. Alternative Displays the arrow of segments in the AutoCAD program

As for the hatching and grouping of the lines in the block: only one example of the execution of these actions was demonstrated above. In fact, the block functions are much more, and the hatching can be made by different options. Therefore, if you wish to study this topic in detail, we advise you to get acquainted with the following materials.

Read more:

Creating blocks in the AUTOCAD program

Creating hatching in AutoCAD

Method 2: Editing Sizes

Experienced users and some beginners know that the arrows in AutoCAD still exist, but they are only components of the size blocks. At the same time, nothing prevents how to create an arbitrary block, break it on all the components and leave the arrow itself. This is done as follows:

  1. On the main tape in the "Annotations" section, select the "Size" tool.
  2. Transition to the creation of sizes in the AutoCAD program

  3. Specify the first point to create a new size.
  4. Select the starting point to create sizes in the AutoCAD program

  5. Follow the prompts displayed on the screen to complete the creation of the segment. While the main thing is to optimize the length and size of the arrow, since the rest will still be deleted.
  6. Selecting the endpoint to create sizes in the AutoCAD program

  7. Now you see that the size is a solid block, which means that it should be disdable or "blowing up".
  8. Successful size creation in the AutoCAD program to extract the arrows

  9. To do this, use the appropriate tool in the Editing section.
  10. Using the tool to divide to split the size unit in AutoCAD

  11. Immediately after pressing the effect of the instrument will come into effect. After that, you need to highlight the number, individual segments and the excess arrow base.
  12. Select size objects to delete in the AutoCAD program

  13. Click the right mouse button and in the context menu that appears click on "erase".
  14. Removing unnecessary elements of the size block in the AutoCAD program

  15. As you observe in the screenshot, only one arrow consisting of two parts remained from the previously size. Combine them in a new unit as it has already been shown in the first method.
  16. The remaining arrow from the size unit in the AutoCAD program

In this guide, the main functions were "size" and "dismember". Some newbies have not yet managed to master them, so we offer to do it right now, having studied the following materials in which the basic rules of interaction with these instruments are maximally described.

Read more:

How to smash the block in AutoCAD

How to put sizes in autocad

Method 3: Use of Polylines

Polylnia acts as a complex primitive, which consists of interconnected segments. Draw an arrow in this way will be easiest, however, it should be borne in mind that in the future, due to the characteristics of the Polyline structure, it will be facilitably edited.

  1. In the "Drawing" section of the main ribbon, select the "Polyline" tool.
  2. Transition to the creation of an arrow from a polyline in the AutoCAD program

  3. You should not specify any segments, just Mouse over any area of ​​drawing.
  4. Creating the first Polyline point in the AutoCAD program

  5. Then click the right mouse button and go to edit the "Width" parameter.
  6. Transition to the choice of the width of the polyline in the AutoCAD program

  7. Set the starting width by scoring the number "0" from the keyboard, as it will be the end point of the triangle.
  8. Selection of the initial width of the Polyline in the AutoCAD program

  9. As the ultimate width, enter any suitable reasonable value.
  10. The choice of the final width of the polyline in the AutoCAD program

  11. After immediately there are changes made. At any time they are available for editing, if suddenly something was indicated not so.
  12. Successful creation of the base of the Arrow of Polylinia in the AutoCAD program

  13. Tap PCM again and select "Width".
  14. Polyline width selection for segment from the base of the arrow in AutoCAD

  15. Put the initial and endpoint into the same values ​​by creating a thickness of the line that comes from the base of the arrow.
  16. Installing a segment from the base of the line in the AutoCAD program

  17. On this, the creation of a polyline in the necessary form we needed successfully completed.
  18. Successful creation of an arrow from Polylnia in the AutoCAD program

At the end of the previous methods, we gave references to detailed lessons on the use of the instruments mentioned, do it now. We just touched on a multiline, but this instruction does not reveal all its potential, so in other materials on our site you can thoroughly examine all aspects of this function.

Read more:

How to convert to Polyline to AutoCAD

How to combine lines in AutoCAD

We offer to learn about additional opportunities in a separate learning lesson, calculated mainly on poorly serious users, where the author collected all the most popular and frequently used from the AutoCAD program.

Read more: Using AutoCAD Program

Above you learned about the three available options for creating an arrow in the autocada. As you can see, it is possible to do this simply, but it will still take a certain amount of time, therefore we recommend to pre-prepare several templates and copy them if necessary.

Read more