Automatic Internet connection when running Windows 7


Automatic Internet connection when running Windows 7

For most modern users, the Internet access point is a computer, including running Windows 7, and today we will tell you how to configure an automatic Internet connection in this OS.

Configure automatic Internet connection in Windows 7

You can solve the set task with three ways: creating a job in the "task scheduler", setting the label to autoload or manipulation with the system registry. Let's start with the simplest option.

Method 1: "Task Scheduler"

The task scheduler snap-in is little known to the ordinary user, however, is a powerful tool for automating various operations, including Internet connections.

  1. Open the "Start" and type the word scheduler in the search bar. Then click on the result found.
  2. Open job scheduler to automatically connect to the Internet on Windows 7

  3. Wait until the snap-to-slip downloads all the necessary information, after which in the menu on the right, use the "Create a simple task" item.
  4. Create a simple task to automatically connect to the Internet on Windows 7

  5. Tools will start. Enter the name and description, if required, and click "Next".
  6. Name the task to automatically connect to the Internet on Windows 7

  7. As a trigger, set the item "when entering Windows".
  8. Set task trigger to automatically connect to the Internet on Windows 7

  9. The desired action will be "Starting the program", check this item.

    Select an action to automatically connect to the Internet on Windows 7

    Next, you need to enter the path to the executable file.

    For Windows 7 x32 - C: \ Windows \ System32 \ Rasdial.exe

    For Windows 7 x64 - C: \ Windows \ syswow64 \ rasdial.exe

    Running the program and arguments to automatically connect to the Internet on Windows 7

    In the "Add Arguments" field, enter the login and password of the connections by the following scheme:

    *Login: Password*

    If a gap is present in the credentials, then the login or password should be taken in quotes. Example:

    *"Login: Password*

    *Login: Password"*

  10. Enter login or password with a space for automatic connection to the Internet on Windows 7

  11. At the end of the procedure, click Finish.
  12. Complete the creation of a task to automatically connect to the Internet on Windows 7

    Now when you enable the computer, the Internet will be connected automatically. However, in some cases, the described method may not work, so we recommend familiarizing yourself with the rest.

Method 2: Adding a shortcut in autoload

An alternative to the "job scheduler" will be adding a connection shortcut to autoload. This happens according to the following algorithm:

  1. Call the "Control Panel" in any available way - for example, through "Start".
  2. Open Control Panel for Automatic Internet Connection on Windows 7

  3. In the "Control Panel", find the "Network and Internet" block - you need to click on the link "View network status and tasks".
  4. Call browsing networks and tasks to automatically connect to the Internet on Windows 7

  5. Next click on the "Changing Adapter Settings" in the Left menu.
  6. Internet adapter parameters for automatic Internet connection on Windows 7

  7. In the list of adapters, find the one through which the Internet connection occurs, select and click PCM, then select the "Create Label" record.

    Network adapter properties for automatic Internet connection on Windows 7

    In a warning, click "Yes."

  8. Confirm the creation of a network adapter label to automatically connect to the Internet on Windows 7

  9. The adapter label will appear on the "desktop". Highlight it and copy any convenient method - for example, by combining the Ctrl + C keys or through the context menu.
  10. Copy network adapter label to automatically connect to the Internet on Windows 7

  11. Next, open the "Start", select the "All Programs" option and find the "Auto-loading" directory list. Click on it with right mouse button and select "Open".
  12. Open the startup folder to automatically connect to the Internet on Windows 7

  13. The autoloading directory will open in the "Explorer" - insert a shortcut copied earlier into it.

    Insert shortcut in autoload for automatic Internet connection on Windows 7

    You can restart the computer and check whether the Internet will now be connected without your participation.

  14. This method is more time-consuming than the previous one, but more efficiently.

Method 3: "Registry Editor"

The third method that will solve the problem under consideration - editing the system registry.

  1. Run the Registry Editor - for example, entering the REGEDIT command in the "Run" window.

    Open Registry Editor for Automatic Internet Connection on Windows 7

    Lesson: how to open the registry editor in Windows 7

  2. In the opened snap, go to the address:

    HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Run

    After the transition, use the "File" menu items - "Create" - "String Parameter".

  3. Create a registry parameter to automatically connect to the Internet on Windows 7

  4. Set any name to the parameter.

    Press the registry parameter to automatically connect to the Internet on Windows 7

    Next double click on it with the left mouse button. The edit window opens. In the "Meaning" field, enter:

    C: \ Windows \ System32 \ RASDIAL.EXE Password Login Password

    Instead of login password, enter the credentials received from the provider. Also remember the rule of spaces (see method 1). After entering all the necessary information, click "OK".

  5. The value of the registry parameter to automatically connect to the Internet on Windows 7

  6. Close the registry editor.
  7. This method is a slightly different option to start the Internet through autoload.


This end the analysis of the methods by which you can configure automatic internet connection. As you can see, the procedure is quite simple, and does not require some special skills from the user.

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