How to make the bottom panel transparent in Windows 7


How to make the bottom panel transparent in Windows 7

Method 1: Enable Aero Mode

Aero mode is not available in Windows 7 initial and homely, so we recommend the owners of these versions of the operating system to go to the consideration of third-party means of incorporating the transparency of the taskbar in the following ways. The rest of the user, who has a Personalization button in the OS, will need to perform only a few simple actions to configure. We propose to read about the task in a separate article on the link below.

Read more: Enable Aero mode in Windows 7

Using standard settings to enable taskbar transparency in Windows 7

Method 2: Installation Patch

Those who in the operating system does not have a personalization menu, it will not be possible to include any of those, even if we are talking about those that were downloaded from third-party sources. However, you can go bypass by installing a special patch. The whole process is as follows:

  1. Find and download the UniversalThemepatcher program from any site you are checked, distributing software. Before downloading or immediately after it, it will be superfluous to check the file for the presence of viruses using a special site.
  2. Now that all actions have been produced, it remains to use specialized sites, from where you download themes for Windows 7. Lay the taskbar transparency, download and install. Read about this process in the material from another our author, clicking on the following header.

    Read more: Install third-party design themes in Windows 7

    Downloading third-party topics to set up transparency through UniversalThemepatcher in Windows 7

    Additionally, we note that all changes that have been made in the patcher can be canceled by clicking on "Restore". Sometimes it is required to do if, after modifying files, some problems began with the operating system performance.

    Cancel changes when using the UniversalThemepatcher program in Windows 7

    Method 3: TRANSBAR

    As a third version of the creation of a transparent taskbar, we will tell about the program called TransBar, the functionality of which focuses on the implementation of this procedure. Download the application from any convenient source by checking the file for the presence of viruses to protect yourself.

    1. After starting the installer, immediately go to the next step to start the installation.
    2. Installing the TransBar program in Windows 7 to set the taskbar transparency

    3. Select users who will have access to TRANSBAR settings, marking the relevant item.
    4. Select users to access the TransBar program in Windows 7 when setting the taskbar transparency

    5. Upon completion, close the Installer window to automatically start the program.
    6. Successful installation of the TransBar program in Windows 7 to create taskbar transparency

    7. In it move the slider that is responsible for the transparency of the taskbar, and immediately track all changes.
    8. Setting the taskbar transparency through the TransBar program in Windows 7

    If necessary, you can start this software at any time and change the parameter, only consider that after it deletes it all settings will be returned to the default state.

    For the taskbar in Windows 7, other parameters are configured in Windows 7: for example, you can change its size, move or add tool icons. Detailed guide on this topic can be found in a separate article on our website by reference below.

    Read more: Change "taskbar" in Windows 7

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