Articles #822

How to reduce the object in photoshop

How to reduce the object in photoshop
Changing the size of objects in Photoshop is one of the most important skills when working in the editor.The developers gave us the opportunity to choose...

How to make bulk letters in photoshop

How to make bulk letters in photoshop
As you know, a 3D image creation feature is embedded in Photoshop, but it is not always convenient to use it, and it is simply necessary to draw any...

How to remove glare in photoshop

How to remove glare in photoshop
The glare in the pictures can be a real problem when processing them in Photoshop. Such "litters", if it is not so conceived in advance, they are very...

How to reduce nose in photoshop

How to reduce nose in photoshop
Face features is something that defines us as a person, but sometimes it is necessary to change the outlines in the name of art. Nose ... eyes ... lips...

Restoration of old photos in Photoshop

Restoration of old photos in Photoshop
Old photos help us to move at the time when there were no mirrors, wide-angle lenses and people were kinder, and the era is romantic.Such pictures most...

How to install express panel in opera

How to install express panel in opera
The express panel in the operator browser is a very convenient tool for quick access to the most visited pages. By default, it is installed in this...

No sound in Mozile: Causes and Solution

No sound in Mozile: Causes and Solution
Many users use the Mozilla Firefox browser to play audio and video, in connection with which the correct sound operation is required. Today we will...

How to transfer bookmarks from the opera in Google Chrome

How to transfer bookmarks from the opera in Google Chrome
Transfer of bookmarks between browsers has long ceased to be a problem. There are many ways to perform this action. But, oddly enough, the standard...

Firefox crashes when printing pages

Firefox crashes when printing pages
Faced in the Mozilla Firefox browser with an interested webcam, many users send it to print so that the information is always at hand on paper. Today...

Error opening codec in Sony Vegas 13

Error opening codec in Sony Vegas 13
Sony Vegas is a rather capricious video editor and, probably, every second met with such a mistake: "Attention! An error occurred when opening one or...

What is better: Adobe Premiere Pro or Sony Vegas Pro?

What is better: Adobe Premiere Pro or Sony Vegas Pro?
The question is that better: Sony Vegas Pro or Adobe Premiere Pro - interests many users. In this article we will try to compare two of these video...

Java does not work in Mozilla Firefox

Java does not work in Mozilla Firefox
Today, Java is not the most popular plugin for the Mozilla Firefox browser, which is required for the correct display of Java content on the Internet...