Articles #406

How to change login in classmates

How to change login in classmates
At initial registration in the social network, classmates each new project participant is assigned personal login, that is, the username that will continue...

Why a browser eats a lot of RAM

Why a browser eats a lot of RAM
Browsers are one of the most demanding programs in the computer. Consumption of operational memory often passes the threshold of 1 GB, which is why...

YouTube does not work on Sony TV

YouTube does not work on Sony TV
One of the most popular capabilities of Smart-TV is to view the rollers on YouTube. Not so long ago, there were problems with this feature on the TVs...

How to create logo for the channel on YouTube

How to create logo for the channel on YouTube
Many popular channels on YouTube have their own logo - a small icon in the right corner of video. This element is used both to give individuality by...

How to watch video with Limited Access on YouTube

How to watch video with Limited Access on YouTube
Some videos on YouTube at one fine moment can stop displaying - instead you can see the stub with the text "Video with limited access". Let's figure...

As monetize channel Yutube

As monetize channel Yutube
Many users give birth to its own channel on the video sharing site Youtube for income. Some of them think this way of earning easy - Let's see, it just...

Open ports in Ubuntu

Open ports in Ubuntu
Any program is associated with the other via the Internet or within the local network. Special ports are used for this, usually TCP and UDP protocols....

How to put a password on iPhone

How to put a password on iPhone
The safety of its data for any owner of the iPhone is very important. Provide its standard phone functions, including the installation of a password...

How to create a user in Ubuntu

How to create a user in Ubuntu
During the installation of the Ubuntu operating system, only one privileged user has a root right and any computer management capabilities. After the...

How to go to iCloud with iPhone

How to go to iCloud with iPhone
ICloud - Apple Cloud Service, which allows you to store various user information (contacts, photos, backups, etc.). Today we will look at how you can...

How to create a group in VK on iPhone

How to create a group in VK on iPhone
VKontakte is a popular social network in which millions of users find interesting groups: with cognitive publications, distributing goods or services,...

Drawing Apps for Android

Drawing Apps for Android
Smartphones and tablets with Android, thanks to their technical characteristics and rich functionality, are largely able to replace the computer. And...