How to watch video with Limited Access on YouTube


how to watch video with limited access to youTube

Some videos on YouTube at one fine moment can stop displaying - instead you can see the stub with the text "Video with limited access". Let's figure out what it means and is it possible to look at these videos.

How to get around limited access

Access restriction is quite common on YouTube phenomenon. It is set by the channel owner on which the downloaded video is placed, limiting access by age, region or for unregistered users. This is done either by the vehicles of the author, or due to the requirements of YouTube, copyright holders or law enforcement agencies. However, there are several lasers that allow you to view such videos.

Important! If the channel owner marked the rollers as private, it will not work in any way!

Method 1: SaveFrom

The SaveFrom service allows not only to download the rollers you like, but also to view video with limited access. To do this, it will not even be necessary to install the expansion for the browser - just just correct the link to the video.

  1. Open the roller page in the browser, access to which is limited. Click on the address bar and copy the Ctrl + C key with the combination of the keys.
  2. Copy link for SaveFrom to view video with Limited Access on YouTube

  3. Open the empty tab, click on the line again and insert the link with the Ctrl + V keys. Put the cursor pointer before youtube and enter the SS text. You must have a link type: Data * *

  4. Modify link for SaveFrom to view video with Limited Access on YouTube

  5. Go through this link - now the video can be downloaded.

Download Roller with SaveFrom to view video with Limited Access on YouTube

This method is one of the most reliable and secure, but not very convenient if you want to view multiple clips with limited access. You can also do without manipulations with the text of the links - just install the appropriate expansion into the browser.

Read more: Extension SaveFrom for Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Yandex.Bauser.

Method 2: VPN

An alternative to a safe frome to bypass regional restriction will be the use of VPN - both in the format of a separate application for a computer or telephone and the extension for one of the popular browsers.


The likelihood may not work the first time - this means that the video is not available in the region, which is set by default. Try all the available countries, while focusing on European (but not Germany, the Netherlands or the UK) and Asian kind of Philippines and Singapore.

The disadvantages of this method are obvious. The first is to use VPN only to bypass regional restrictions. The second - in many VPN clients, only a limited set of countries in which the roller can also be blocked is available.

Method 3: Tor

The Tor Protocol Private Networks are also suitable for solving today's problem - restriction tools are included in the appropriate browser, so it is necessary to simply download it, install and use it.

Tin Tor for viewing video with limited access on YouTube


Video with limited access in most cases will be able to view, but through third-party solutions. Sometimes they should be combined to obtain the best results.

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