How to celebrate a person in instagram on video


How to celebrate a person on the video in Instagram

After publishing a video with another user of this service in Instagram, you may encounter need to note it. Today it will be discussed how this can be done.

We celebrate the user on the video in Instagram

Immediately should be explained that the ability to mark the user on the video, as is implemented with photos, no. You can get out of the position one - the only way - leaving the link to the profile in the description of the roller or in the comments.

Read more: How to note the user on the video in Instagram

  1. If you are at the video Publication stage, come to the final step, where the description will be asked. The active link should look like this:

    @ login user

    Login of our Instagram account LumpICS123, so the address to the page will look like this:

    @ Lumpics123.

  2. Adding a link to Chelowek in the video in Instagram

  3. By creating a description of the video, you can, how to fully register the text, harmoniously inserting a link to a person in it (as if by chance mentioned it), it is limited to only one indication of the profile.
  4. Description by video with reference to the user in Instagram

  5. In the same way, insert the address to the account can be both in the comments. To do this, open the roller and select the comment icon. In a new window, if necessary, suck the text, and then put the "@" sign and specify the login of the desired profile. Comment Finish.

Commentary videos with reference to user in Instagram

The active reference under the roller will be highlighted in blue. After its selection, the user page immediately opens.

Active reference to an account under the video in Instagram

While this is the only way to note a person on video. We hope this article was useful for you.

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