Synchronization of time in Windows XP


Synchronization of time in Windows XP

One of the Windows features eliminates the user from the need to constantly monitor the accuracy of the time display due to its synchronization with special servers on the Internet. In this article we will talk about how to take this opportunity in Win XP.

Synchronization of time in Windows XP

As we wrote above, synchronization involves connecting to a special NTP server that transmits the exact time data. Getting them, Windows automatically adjusts the system clocks that are displayed in the notification area. Next, we describe in detail how to use this feature, as well as we give the solution to one common problem.

Setting synchronization

You can connect to the current time server by contacting the clock settings block. This is done like this:

  1. Double-click on the numbers in the lower right corner of the screen.

    Switch to the system time settings block in Windows XP

  2. Go to the "Internet Time" tab. Here we install the checkbox in the checkbox "perform synchronization with the time server on the Internet", select the server in the drop-down list (by default will be set, you can leave it) and click "update now". Confirmation of a successful connection is the string indicated on the screenshot.

    Setup System Time Synchronization with Microsoft Server in Windows XP

    At the bottom of the window will be indicated when the next time the system turns to the server to synchronize. Click OK.

    Date of following system time synchronization with a server in Windows XP

Server change

This procedure will help solve some problems with access to servers installed by default in the system. Most often in such cases, we can see such a message:

Time synchronization error message in Windows XP

In order to eliminate the problem, you need to connect to other nodes on the Internet performing the necessary functions. You can find their addresses by entering the search engine view of the NTP server view system. As an example, we use the site

Go to the site with a list of exact time servers from Yandex search engine

On this resource, the list you need is hidden behind the link "Servers".

Switch to the list of current time servers on the profile

  1. Copy one of the addresses in the list.

    Copy the server address of the exact time on the profile site

  2. We go to the synchronization settings block in "Windows", highlight the line in the list.

    Highlighting the string with the address of the exact time server in the synchronization settings in Windows XP

    Insert data from the clipboard and click "Apply". Close the window.

    Insert the exact time server addresses to the sync list in Windows XP

The next time you enter the settings, this server will be set by default and will be available for selection.

New exact time server in the Synchronization Settings block in Windows XP

Manipulations with servers in the registry

The time options in XP is designed in such a way that it is impossible to add multiple servers to the list, as well as remove them from there. To perform these operations, the system registry is edited. At the same time, the account must have administrator rights.

  1. Open the start menu and click the "Run" button.

    Calling the string from the Windows XP start menu

  2. In the "Open" field, we write the command specified below and click OK.


    Run the system registry editor from the Run menu in Windows XP

  3. 3. Go to the branch

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ Currentversion \ DateTime \ Servers

    On the screen on the right there is a list of exact time servers.

    Specite server list in Windows XP System Registry Editor

To add a new address, you need to do the following:

  1. Press the right mouse button in a free space in the list and select "Create - a string parameter".

    Transition to the creation of a string steammeter in the Windows XP Registry Editor

  2. Immediately write a new name in the form of a sequence number. In our case, it is "3" without quotes.

    Assign the name of the string parameter in the Windows XP Registry Editor

  3. Double-click on the name of the new key and in the window that opens, enter the address. Click OK.

    Entering the address of the new server of the exact time in the Windows XP Registry Editor

  4. Now, if you go to the time settings, you can see the specified server in the drop-down list.

    New exact time server in the synchronization settings block in Windows XP

Removal is easier:

  1. Press the right mouse button on the key and select the appropriate item in the context menu.

    Remove the exact time server in Windows XP Registry Editor

  2. I confirm your intention.

    Confirmation of the exact time server delete in the Windows XP Registry Editor

Change synchronization interval

By default, the system connects to the server every week and automatically translates the arrows. It happens that for some reason, during this time, the clock managed to go far or on the contrary, start to hurry. If the PC is rarely turned on, then the discrepancy can be quite large. In such situations, it is recommended to reduce the checks interval. This is done in the registry editor.

  1. Run the editor (see above) and go to the branch


    Right looking for a parameter


    In its value (in brackets), the number of seconds that must pass between synchronization operations is indicated.

    Time Synchronization Interval in Windows XP Registry Editor

  2. Click twice by parameter name, in the window that opens, switch to a decimal number system and enter a new value. Please note that you should not specify the interval less than half an hour, as this may lead to problems. It will be better to check once a day. This is 86400 seconds. Click OK.

    Setting the time synchronization interval in the Windows XP Registry Editor

  3. Reboot the machine, go to the settings section and see that the time of the next synchronization has changed.

    Changing the time synchronization interval after Windows XP reboot


The function of automatic adjustment of the system time is very convenient and, among other things, avoids some problems when receiving data from updating servers or those nodes where the accuracy of this parameter is important. Not always synchronization works correctly, but in most cases enough to change the address of the resource supplying such data.

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