How to make and keep a business card yourself for free



If you need to make a business card, and ordering it with a specialist is quite expensive and for a long time, then you can do it yourself. This will require special software, a little time and this instruction.

Here we will look at how to create a simple business card on the example of the BusinessCards MX application.

With the help of the BusinessCards MX program, you can create cards of different levels - from the simplest, to professional. At the same time, special skills in working with graphic data will not be required.

So, let's get to the description, how to make business cards themselves. And since work with any program begins with its installation, let's consider the installation process of BusinessCards MX.

Installing BusinessCards MX.

First of all, you need to download the installer from the official site, and then run it. Next, we just have to follow the instructions of the installation wizard.

Installation. Language selection in BusinessCards MX

In the first step, the wizard will propose to choose the language of the installer.

Installation. Adoption of the License Agreement in BusinessCards MX

The next step will be familiar with the license agreement and its adoption.

Installation. Catalog Selection for BusinessCards MX

After we accepted the agreement, select a directory for program files. Here you can specify your folder by clicking the "Overview" button, or leave the default option and go to the next step.

Installation. Additional parameters in BusinessCards MX

Here we are invited to ban or allow you to create a group in the Start menu, as well as set the name of this group itself.

Installation. Creating shortcuts in BusinessCards MX

The final step setting the installer will be the choice of shortcuts, where we check out the shortcuts that need to be created.

Installation. The process of copying files in BusinessCards MX

Now the installer starts copying files and create all shortcuts (according to our selection).

Installation. Completion of the installation in BusinessCards MX

Now that the program is installed we can proceed to creating a business card. To do this, leave the "Run BusinessCards MX" checkbox and press the "Complete" button.

Methods of design of business cards

Choosing a way to create a business card

When you start the application, we are invited to choose one of the three options for creating business cards, each of which is characterized by complexity.

Come on for the beginning, consider the easiest and fastest way.

Creating a business card using the "Select Pattern" wizard

Selection of business card template in BusinessCards MX

On the starting program of the program are not only the buttons to call the business card creation wizard, but also eight arbitrary templates. Accordingly, we can how to choose from the list of the list (in the event that there is a suitable), or click on the "Select Pattern" button, where we will be offered to choose any of the business cards available in the program.

So, call the layout directory and select the appropriate option.

Actually, on this creation of a business card completed. Now it remains only to fill out information about yourself and print the project.

In order to change the text, click on it with the left mouse button and enter the necessary text in the text field.

Also here you can create already available objects and add yours. But this can already be done at its discretion. And we turn to the next way, more complicated.

Creating a business card using "Design Master"

If the option with the ready-made design is not quite suitable, then we use the design master. To do this, click the "Design Master" button and follow its instructions.

Master design. Step 1. In BussinessCards MX

In the first step, we are invited to create a new business card or choose a template. The process of creating what is called "from scratch" will be described below, so we choose "open the template".

Here, as in the previous way, we choose a suitable pattern from the catalog.

Master design. Step 2. In BussinessCards MX

The next step will be setting the size of the card itself and the choice of the sheet format on which the business cards will be printed.

Master design. Step 3. In BussinessCards MX

When choosing the value of the "Manufacturer" field, we get access to the size, as well as sheet parameters. If you want to create a regular business card, then leave the default values ​​and go to the next step.

Master design. Step 4. In BussinessCards MX

At this stage, it is proposed to fill out the data that will be displayed on the business card. Once all the data is made, go to the final step.

At the fourth step, we can already see how our card will look like and, if everything suits, form it.

Master design. Step 5. In BussinessCards MX

Now you can proceed to print our business cards or editing the formed layout.

Another way to create business cards in the BUSSINESSCARDS MX is a way of designing "from scratch". To do this, use the built-in editor.

Creating business cards using editor

In previous ways to create cards, we have already encountered the editor of the layouts when they switched to the finished layout. You can also use the editor immediately, without additional actions. To do this, when creating a new project, you must click the "Editor" button.

Layout Editor in BussinessCards MX

In this case, we got a "naked" layout, on which there are no items. So, the design of our business card will be determined by not a ready-made pattern, but by its own fantasy and capabilities of the program.

Pacate Add objects to the form of a business card in BussinessCards MX

On the left of the business card form is the object panel, thanks to which you can add different design elements - from text to pictures.

By the way, if you click on the "Calendar" button, you can access already ready for ready templates that were used in previously.

Setting the properties of elements in BussinessCards MX

After you have added the desired object and placed it in the right place you can proceed to the settings of its properties.

Changing text in BussinessCards MX

Depending on which object we placed (text, background, picture, figure) appropriate settings will be available. As a rule, this is a different kind of effect, colors, fonts, and so on.

READ ALSO: Creation programs

So we got acquainted with several ways to create business cards with the help of one program. Knowing the foundations that were described in this article, you can now create your own business card options, the main thing is not to be afraid to experiment.

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