Check email address to existence


Check email address to existence

Some users may need such an opportunity as an email address to exist. There are different options to learn such information, but 100% accuracy can not guarantee any of them.

Methods for checking email to existence

Quite often, the Email check is carried out in order to search for the name that the user would like to take himself. Less often it is necessary for commercial interests, for example, with postal rates. Depending on the purpose of different, the method of performing the task is.

No option gives an accurate warranty, it is influenced by the individual settings of mail servers. For example, boxes from Gmail and Yandex are best recognized, in the case of with them the accuracy will be one of the high.

In special cases, the verification is carried out by sending referral references, during the transition to which the user confirms its email.

Method 1: Online Services for A Single Check

For a single check of one or more mail addresses, special sites can be used. It is worth noting that they are not designed for numerous scanning and most often after a certain amount of checks the opportunity will be blocked or suspended by dragging.

As a rule, such sites work almost the same, therefore it makes sense to consider several services. Work even with one service does not require description - just go to the site, drive into the appropriate email field and click the check button.

Verification of Email existence on 2IP

At the end, you will see the result of the check. The whole process takes less than a minute of time.

The result of the existence of Email on 2IP

We recommend the following sites:

  • 2IP;
  • Smart-IP;

To quickly go to any of them, click on the site name.

Method 2: Commercial Validators

As already understandable from the header, commercial products are designed for mass checks of ready-made databases with addresses, not excluding the possibilities of single scanning. They most often use those who need to distribute letters with advertising of goods or services, shares and other business operations. It can be both programs and services, and the user is already selecting the appropriate option.

Browser validators

Not always commercial products are free, therefore, to organize an effective mass distribution using web services will have to pay. Most high-quality sites make rates depending on the number of inspections, the gradation systems of activity can additionally include. On average, the check 1 check will cost from $ 0.005 to $ 0.2.

In addition, validators can be varied: depending on the selected service, syntax, disposable email, suspicious domains, addresses with poor reputation, service, duplicates, spam traps, etc. will be checked.

A complete list of features and rates can be viewed on each site individually, we offer to use one of the following options:


  • MailValidator;
  • Briteverify;
  • Mailfloss;
  • Mailget List Cleaning;
  • Bulkemailverifier;
  • SendGrid.

Conditionally free:

  • Emailmarker (free of charge to 150 addresses);
  • Hubuco (free of charge to 100 addresses per day);
  • QUICKEMAILVERIFICATION (free of charge to 100 addresses per day);
  • MailboxValidator (free of charge to 100 contacts);
  • Zerobounce (free of charge to 100 addresses).

On the network you can find other analogues to these services, we listed the most popular and convenient.

We will analyze the validation process through the MailboxValidator service, which implies a demorement of a single and mass test. Since the principle of operation on such sites is the same, repel from the information presented below.

  1. By registering and clicking on your personal account, select the type of check. At first we use a single check.
  2. Open "Single Validation", enter the address of the address and click "Validate".
  3. Email single check for existence on the Mailboxvalidator website

  4. Below, the results of detailed scanning and confirmation / refutation of Email existence will be displayed.
  5. Extended Email Schedule Results Existence on MailboxValidator

For mass test, the action will be as follows:

  1. Open the "Bulk Validation" (Mass Check), read the file formats that the site supports. In our case, it is TXT and CSV. Additionally, you can configure the number of addresses displayed on one page.
  2. Mass test parameters Email for existence on the MailboxValidator website

  3. Download a database file from a computer, click "Upload & Process".
  4. Loading email files for existence on Mailboxvalidator

  5. Work work with the file, expect.
  6. Email mass test process for existence on MailboxValidator

  7. At the end of the scan, click on the result icon.
  8. View Mass Check Email Results on MailboxValidator

  9. At first you will see the number of processed addresses, the percentage of valid, free, duplicates, etc.
  10. Major Email mass test statistics for existence on the MailboxValidator website

  11. Below you can click on the "Details" button to view advanced statistics.
  12. Mass check details Email for existence on the Mailboxvalidator website

  13. A table with all email validity parameters will appear.
  14. Mass check results table for existence on the MailboxValidator website

  15. Clicking on the plus next to the mailbox of the mailbox, read the additional data.
  16. Statistics of a specific email for existence on the Mailboxvalidator website


Software works on a similar principle. There is no special difference between them and online services, it lies in the user's convenience. Among the popular applications are to highlight:

  • Epochta Verifier (paid with demolation);
  • Mail List Validator (free);
  • High Speed ​​Verifier (Conditional).

The principle of operation of such programs will be considered using EPOCHTA Verifier.

  1. Download, install and run the program.
  2. Click on "Open" and through the standard Windows Explorer, select a file with email addresses.

    Selecting a File for Mass Check in the Epochta Verifier program

    Pay attention to which extensions support the application. Most often it can also be done in the conductor window.

  3. List of supported files with email in the EPOCHTA Verifier program

  4. By downloading the file to the program, click "Check".
  5. Running a massive file check in the Epochta Verifier program

    In Epochta Verifier, you can select the check parameters by clicking on the arrow below.

    Mass test parameters in the Epochta Verifier program

    Additionally there are ways to conduct a procedure.

    Methods of mass check file in the Epochta Verifier program

  6. To check, you need to specify the current email address using which will be scanned.
  7. Specifying the e-mailbox in the Epochta Verifier program

  8. The process itself is quite fast, so even large lists are processed at high speed. Upon completion, you will see the appropriate notification.
  9. Completion of the mass check in the Epochta Verifier program

  10. The main information on the existence or absence of Email is displayed in the status and "result" columns. The right is the general statistics on checks.
  11. Mass audit results in the Epochta Verifier program

  12. To view detailed information about a specific drawer, select it and switch to the "Log" tab.
  13. Mass Check Log In the Epochta Verifier program

  14. The program implements a function of saving scan results. Open the Export tab and select the option suitable for further work. It is very convenient, as non-existent boxes will be dropped in this way. The ready-made database can already be downloaded to another software, for example, to send letters.
  15. Methods for exporting valid email in the Epochta Verifier program

READ ALSO: Mailing programs on email

Using the sites and programs listed above, you can perform a free unit, small or massive check of mailboxes for existence. But do not forget that at least a percentage of existence and high, sometimes the information can still be inaccurate.

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