Where the UTorrent is installed


Where the UTorrent is installed

Often, users by installing UTorrent try to find the folder in which it is installed. Reasons for this can be different: from finding configuration files to manual removal of the program.

Location UTORRENT installation in Windows

Old UTorrent versions were installed in the folder "Program Files" on the system disk. If you have an older version of 3, then look for there.

Where are the old versions of utorrent

Configuration files in this case are on the way

C: \ Users (Users) \ Your Account \ APPDATA \ ROAMING

UTorrent configuration files

The new versions are entirely set to the path specified above.

Where new versions of UTorrent are installed

Small Lifehak: In order to find a place where the executable program file is located (in our case, UTorrent), you need to right-click on the label and choose "File Location" . The folder with the installed application opens.

How to find a file on the program shortcut

Also, the location of the file is displayed in a pop-up tip when you hover the cursor to the shortcut.

Pop-up tip when hovering on a label

Now you know where to find a folder with the UTorrent torrent client.

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