How to remove a person from interview vkontakte


How to remove a person from interview vkontakte

Interviews VKontakte are a functionality that allows you to exchange instant messages to a large number of users simultaneously. Despite the fact that in chat it is possible to get exclusively at the invitation, except in cases where you yourself are the creator, still there are unforeseen situations, as a result of which one or more participants must be eliminated. A particularly relevant similar problem becomes when the conversation is a mini community of interest with a huge number of users of the site

We exclude people from interview vkontakte

Immediately notice that it is possible to remove a completely any participant without any exceptions, regardless of the number of users who participate in the dialogue and other factors.

The only exception to the removal rules is that no one can remove from the man's multi-tailractory. "CONDUCTOR COLOR".

In addition to the instructions, you need to pay attention to one enough important factor - to remove some user from the chat only the creator or another user, subject to an invitation from his face. Thus, if you need to exclude the person you were not invited, you will need to ask for the creator or other user if the participant has not been added by the head of correspondence.

Remote participant will lose the opportunity to write and receive messages from participants within this chat. In addition, the prohibition will be imposed on all the functions of the conversation, with the exception of viewing the once sent files and messages.

Excluded people can return to the conversation if they are re-added there.

To date, there is not a single way to remove people from the multi-card with a violation of the basic rules, which, partly, were named in the course of this instruction. Be careful!

We wish you all the best!

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