Does not run Skyrim in Windows 10


Does not run Skyrim in Windows 10

Skyrim is quite old, but still a popular game that even owners of the latest version of the Windows operating system are launched. However, download problems bypass are far from all users, so you have to look for the cause of the difficulty and solutions. There are a number of factors that influence such behavior of the application, so everyone should consider them, in order to perform the available methods, starting from the simplest and efficient.

Method 1: Permanent launch on behalf of the administrator

The developers of Skyrim on their official website are recommended in case of problems with the start of the game, configure permanent launch on behalf of the administrator to eliminate conflicts with access level. The action is implemented through the properties of the executable file itself (not a shortcut) and looks like this:

  1. Open the root of the application directory, find the exe file that is responsible for starting, and right-click on it.
  2. Opening the context menu of the SKYRIM executable file in Windows 10

  3. In the window that appears, specify the item "Properties".
  4. Go to the properties of the SKYRIM executable file in Windows 10 through the context menu

  5. Move to the Compatibility tab.
  6. Go to setup Skyrim executable compatibility in Windows 10

  7. Mark the marker item "Run this program on behalf of the administrator" and apply all changes.
  8. Enabling the launch on behalf of the Skyrim executable administrator in Windows 10

After that, close the properties window and proceed to re-start the application. If you wish, you can even restart the computer, if you are not sure that all settings made will take effect immediately. If you failed to correct the trouble, leave the set parameter in the current position and go further.

Method 2: Setting the latest Windows updates

Often the cause of conflicts with various third-party programs is the lack of the latest operating system updates, which can touch Skyrim. Therefore, the user needs to be maintained to maintain the current state of Windows. If you have not been checking updates for a long time, we advise you to do it now, because this operation will take only a few minutes.

  1. Open the "Start" and go to the "Parameters" menu.
  2. Go to parameters to install the latest updates when correcting troubles with Skyrim in Windows 10

  3. Here, select a category called "Update and Security".
  4. Go to updates to correct the problem with running Skyrim in Windows 10

  5. Click on the "Check Updates" button and wait for this process.
  6. Installing the latest updates to correct problems with running Skyrim in Windows 10

If any updates are found, immediately install them and restart the computer to complete this operation. Deployed information on the installation of updates and troubleshooting related to this, read in other instructions on our site by clicking on the headlines.

Read more:

Installing Windows 10 Updates

Install updates for Windows 10 manually

Solve problems with installing updates in Windows 10

Method 3: Disabling installed mods

Now Skyrim has gained new popularity due to the presence of a huge amount of a wide variety of modifications intended to expand the gameplay and improve the graphic component. However, sometimes such changes entail the appearance of various errors, including with the launch of the game itself. If you have installed modes, we propose to disable them or remove the directory from the directory root at all to check how the application will function without such innovations. If the problem decides, you will have to check each mod in turn to find a problem and get rid of it.

Turning off Skyrim mods in Windows 10 to solve problems with running game

Method 4: Checking the integrity of files in Steam

As it was already possible to understand from the header, this recommendation is only suitable for those users who acquired the licensed version of the game in question on the Steam shopping area. Its essence is to check and restore the integrity of the application files using a special function. We advise you to implement this method if the previous ones did not help.

  1. Run the game client and move to the Library tab.
  2. Go to the library to check the integrity of Skyrim files in Windows 10

  3. Here, find Skyrim, click on the line with the right mouse button and select "Properties" in the context menu that appears.
  4. Go to Skyrim properties in Windows 10 to check the integrity of the files

  5. In the unfolded menu, go to the Local Files tab.
  6. Transition to Skyrim file management in Windows 10 to test integrity

  7. Through the button "Check the integrity of the game files" button and wait for the end of this procedure.
  8. Checking the integrity of the Skyrim game files in Windows 10 through the shopping area

At the end you will receive a notice that during scanning damaged files were restored or failed to find. Relieve yourself from the result obtained to decide whether it is worth moving to the following problems of solving a problem with the launch of the game or this problem has already been fixed by debugging the integrity of the components.

Method 5: Completion of unnecessary and conflict problems

During the operation of the operating system in the active mode there are many applications that can even work with the background. Some of them have a detrimental effect on other programs, interfering with their correct launch that can happen to Skyrim. In this situation, we advise you to disable unnecessary tasks, viewing the entire list to exclude the cause or solve the problem itself.

  1. Click PCM at a free place on the taskbar and select "Task Manager" in the context menu.
  2. Run Task Manager to disable unnecessary processes when fixing problems with running Skyrim in Windows 10

  3. Browse the list of all running applications and find those in the operation of which now there is no need.
  4. Selection of tasks for shutdown when fixing problems with running Skyrim in Windows 10

  5. Call the context menu by pressing the PCM on the line with the task and use the item "Remove the task".
  6. Disable tasks to shut down when fixing problems with running Skyrim in Windows 10

Make the same action with the rest of the programs that you do not need. Only then proceed to the Skyrim repeated start to check whether the difficulty has been fixed with the start of the application.

Method 6: Updating Graphic Adapter Drivers

Video card drivers perform a major role in the game, so the lack of current files or the installation of the unstable version can lead to departures and unstable Skyrim behavior. Typically, the graphic adapter software is updated independently, but if this does not happen, the existing version simply becomes obsolete and the user has to manually install new files. If you use an irrelevant version of the drivers, we strongly recommend installing the latest updates as shown in another instructions on our site further.

Updating video card drivers to correct the error with running Skyrim in Windows 10

Read more: Ways to update video card drivers on Windows 10

Method 7: Installing the missing additional components

The penultimate council is to install additional libraries of the operating system, which are necessary for the correct launch of most programs. We have placed this option in this place, because when installing Skyrim, there is almost always an automatic update. However, if this did not happen, you will have to perform all actions yourself. All the necessary links and instructions for downloading such libraries can be found below.

Installing additional libraries to correct problems with running Skyrim in Windows 10


Read more: How to update .NET Framework

Separately, we note DirectX, since this component is already preset in Windows 10. If any problems arise with it, only reinstalling or manual adding missing files will help. To resort to this solution follows only in those situations when nothing of the above has brought the result. Read more about it in another material on our website.

Read more: Reinstalling and adding the missing DIRECTX components in Windows 10

Method 8: Checking the integrity of system files

Finally, we want to talk about the method that implies checking the integrity of system files. It is in this place because it is rarely effective in case of problems with the launch of the Skyrim application. However, it is worth paying attention to this option when the previous ones did not bring any effect. First, the check is started through the built-in SFC utility, and if it is completed with an error, DISM is entering the move, which allows you to establish the correct operation of the previous one, allowing you to run that re-on. In another article, the principle of interaction with two of these means is painted, so we advise you to read and implement it if such a need arose.

Checking the integrity of system files to solve the problem with running Skyrim in Windows 10

Read more: Using and restoring system file integrity check in Windows 10

Reinstalling Skyrim - the last today's recommendation. This can help in cases where, during installation, some files were damaged or for some reason, incorrectly added. Particular attention should be paid to users of unlicensed versions. Check out the reviews on the website where the repack is spread to understand whether other users with similar problems faced.

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