The configuration system has not been initialized in Windows 10


The configuration system has not been initialized in Windows 10

Error "The configuration system has not passed initialization" in Windows 10 usually appears when you try to start a specific application, and it means that there are conflicts of related components, because of which it is not possible to run the program. This can even touch the system processes, which will cause the need to check the integrity of system files, but about it in order. Let's start with the simplest and fast way, gradually moving to difficult.

Method 1: Autoload Verification

Take advantage of this method, it is worthwhile to users who are faced with the difficulty under consideration at the stage of the computer. Most likely, the problem relates just to one of the programs of the startup, which is trying to start at the moment. Detect the problem application is not difficult, but it will take a certain amount of time.

  1. Right-click on your empty place in the taskbar and in the context menu that appears, click on the "Task Manager".
  2. Go to the task dispatcher To solve the problem, the configuration system has not been initialized in Windows 10

  3. After opening the dispatcher window, move to the "Startup" tab.
  4. Transition to autoloading To solve the problem, the configuration system has not been initialized in Windows 10

  5. Here, pay attention to the state of all present programs. Lay those that are included.
  6. Program search In autoloading to solve the problem, the configuration system has not been initialized in Windows 10

  7. Click on the PCM line and select "Disable".
  8. Disable the autoload program to solve the problem The configuration system has not been initialized in Windows 10

After disconnecting one of the software in autoload, restart the computer to find out if this error will appear on the screen. If it is missing and the application itself was unnecessary, simply delete it finally, and the problem will be completed on this. Otherwise, the notification will start to appear again at the first launch of the software, so it can be reinstalled or immediately go to the method 5 and 6.

Method 2: Computer Check for viruses

If you have not found a single program when viewing the startup, which could cause an error "The configuration system did not pass initialization", but also the fault itself appears at the start of the operating system, you should scan the computer for viruses. It is the various malicious objects that have their own process can have a similar effect on Windows 10. We advise you to upload one of the popular tools from third-party developers and make a complete test check. Read more about this in another article on our website by reference below.

Computer checking for viruses to solve the problem The configuration system has not been initialized in Windows 10

Read more: Fighting computer viruses

Method 3: Checking the integrity of system files

Checking the integrity of system files - another method of combating the error in question in those situations when it occurs immediately after turning on Windows 10. The fact is that during the start of the OS, some system components are also trying to start, and if their files are damaged or missing, This process may be incorrect. The easiest option of checking and correcting this situation is to use utilities embedded in Windows that run through the command line. To begin with, use SFC, and if the scan is interrupted by the error, you will have to additionally connect and DISM. All this is written in the maximum detailed form.

Checking the integrity of files to solve the configuration system has not been initialized in Windows 10

Read more: Using and restoring system file integrity check in Windows 10

Method 4: Installing the missing updates

This method is rarely effective, so it is located at this place. Sometimes the lack of important system updates entails the message "The configuration system has not passed initialization", which is associated with the missing files that are included in the very updates. To solve the difficulty, the user only needs to start scanning and install updates if they are found.

  1. To do this, open the "Start" and go to "Parameters".
  2. Transition to parameters To solve the problem, the configuration system has not been initialized in Windows 10

  3. Below, select the category "Update and Security".
  4. Go to updates To solve the problem, the configuration system has not been initialized in Windows 10

  5. Run the scan through the "Check for updates" button.
  6. Checking updates To solve the problem, the configuration system has not been initialized in Windows 10

It remains only to wait for the operation, download and install the latest updates. Restart the computer to activate all changes, and just check whether the annoying error disappeared. If difficulties have arisen with installation or for some reason, additional problems have appeared, other materials will be helped on our website on the links below.

Read more:

Installing Windows 10 Updates

Install updates for Windows 10 manually

Solve problems with installing updates in Windows 10

Method 5: Checking the configuration file .NET Framework

Go to options that will be effective in those situations where the problem appears when you try to start a specific application. First, we propose to check the global .NET Framework configuration file. It is he who is responsible for the correct interaction of different programming languages ​​and is actively involved in various applications. If the file structure is somehow broken, when you try to start the software, the notification will appear "The configuration system has not passed initialization."

  1. Open the Explorer and go along the path C: \ Windows \ \ Framework64 \ v2.0.50727 \ const.
  2. Go to the configuration file To solve the problem, the configuration system has not been initialized in Windows 10

  3. Here are File Machine.config and click on it right-click.
  4. Selecting the setup file to solve the problem The configuration system has not been initialized in Windows 10

  5. In the context menu that appears, you are interested in "Open with help".
  6. Opening the setup file To solve the problem, the configuration system has not been initialized in Windows 10

  7. You can choose a standard notepad or any other program to edit text files. We will apply Sublime Text because there is a syntax highlighting here and it will be easier to figure out the line of code.
  8. Selecting a program to open the setup file when solving the configuration system did not initialize in Windows 10

  9. After opening, find the Configuration block and make sure that the first section is called Configsections. If his place is another section, simply delete it.
  10. Configuring configuration file When solving the configuration system has not been initialized in Windows 10

  11. At the end, save all changes in the document. The easiest way to do it through the standard key combination Ctrl + S.
  12. Saving the setup file to solve the configuration system has not been initialized in Windows 10

You can immediately move to testing software, but we recommend to start restarting the computer so that all changes to accurately entered into force and the conflict is not repeated due to cache records or other previously saved data.

Method 6: Reset Problem Settings

The last way of our today's material is suitable only in those situations where you know in advance, when starting, how exactly the program appears a corresponding error message. This method is to reset the settings by removing the configuration folder.

  1. To do this, open "Run" through Win + R, enter in the% AppData% field and press ENTER to activate the command.
  2. Go to the program configuration path to solve the configuration system has not been initialized in Windows 10

  3. In the destination folder, select "Local" or "Roaming".
  4. Opening the program settings directory to solve the configuration system did not initialize in Windows 10

  5. Lay directory with the name of the problem application. If it is missing in one of the directories, go to another to check its presence there.
  6. Selecting a program directory to solve the problem The configuration system has not been initialized in Windows 10

  7. Click on the PCM software folder and select Delete.
  8. Deleting the program directory To solve the problem, the configuration system has not been initialized in Windows 10

Do not worry, immediately after restarting the PC, this directory will be created again with new files, in which there should be no more problems that caused the message "The configuration system has not passed initialization".

These were all the working ways to solve today's problem. If none of them brought the proper result, it remains only to reinstall the target program in order to eliminate possible malfunctions associated with improper installation. In case of ineffectiveness and this method, we advise us to refer to the software developers, describing our problem.

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