How to remove advertising in the browser on android


How to remove advertising in the browser on android

Users relate differently to advertising, but most of the most thought that the most annoying is to remove at least the most annoying. Today we want to tell about how to do it in browsers on Android devices.

Method 1: Blocking Applications

On the market of applications for the "green robot", there are already quite a long time for solutions that allow you to remove advertising not only in the browser, but also in other programs. As an example, use Adguard.

  1. Since 2019, Google has forbids the placement of system blockers in its store, so you need to download APK file from the official resource of developers.

    Download adguard from the official site

  2. Download Adguard blocker from an official site

  3. Install the alert on the device and run to configure. At the very beginning, you need to accept the terms of use, and the decision about sending data is left to your choice.
  4. Take Terms of Use Adguard Blocker to Hide Advertising in Android browser

  5. Now use the "Full Setup" item.
  6. Start full adjustment of the Adguard blocker to hide advertising in the Android browser

  7. Decide, block or not search advertising.
  8. Remove search advertising Block Adguard to hide advertising in Android browser

  9. Many users interfere with social networking widgets - for example, closed site elements or applications. Such can be boldly hide.
  10. Remove social network widgets through adguard blocker to hide advertising in Android browser

  11. Some web resources displays pop-up communication windows with resource support (most often a bot) - if they interfere with you, click "Block".
  12. Eliminate stimpers through adguard blocker to hide advertising in Android browser

  13. Next, the protection levels are set. Point "Comfortable" enough to most users - select it and tap "Continue".
  14. Select AdGuard blocker protection levels to hide advertising in Android browser

  15. Adguard can warn about the transition to a malicious or suspicious site. The option is available when buying a premium subscription, which can be enabled for free.

    Malware Protection through Adguard Blocker to Hide Advertising in Android Browser

    After pressing the corresponding item, the window opens as on the screenshot further, click on it "Get a trial free version".

    Start receiving a test premium in the Adguard blocker to hide advertising in the Android browser

    Enter the desired email, which will continue to be used as a login.

  16. Continue receiving a test premium in Adguard blocker to hide advertising in Android browser

  17. The program under consideration supports both HTTPS-traffic filtering. If you need this option, click "Set Now", if not, tap "Set later" and go to the next step.

    Activate traffic protection in Adguard blocker to hide advertising in Android browser

    Read the certificate data, then use the "OK" button.

  18. Certificate to protect traffic in AdGuard blocker to hide advertising in Android browser

  19. Advertising blocking in Adguard is achieved due to the VPN connection, so the last step will be the creation of an appropriate network.

    Start VPN in Adguard blocker to hide advertising in Android browser

    In the connection request, click "OK".

  20. Allow start of VPN in Adguard blocker to hide advertising in Android browser

  21. Next, you will receive a notice that protection is active. Tap anywhere on the screen to continue the tutorial or use the link "Disable Tips" if the training is not needed.
  22. Tutorial in Adguard blocker to hide advertising in Android browser

  23. In case of problems with applications or sites, simply disconnect the block driver using the main switch.
  24. Protection switch in Adguard blocker to hide advertising in Android browser

    Adguard is not the only program that can solve the task. If it is not suitable for you, you can familiarize yourself with the alternatives that we examined in a separate material.

    Read more: Advertising blockers for Android

Method 2: Block Supplements

Some web browsers, such as Firefox, Samsung Browser and Yandex.Browser for Android support the installation of additions, among which there are also means for blocking advertising elements. Consider the solution options for each of the applications mentioned.

Option 1: Firefox

The Firefox version for Android supports most of the adduches of the desktop editorial board, including the popular Ublock Origin, which we will use in the example below.

  1. Run the firefox, then press three points to open the menu.
  2. Running the Mozilla Firefox MOZILLA Menu for Locking Advertising

  3. Select "Add-ons".
  4. Open Mozilla Firefox Additions to Lock Advertising

  5. Use the link "View Recommended Extensions for Firefox".
  6. Call a list of Mozilla Firefox add-ons to block advertising

  7. The list of recommended will be position from the downturn, tap it.
  8. Select Ublock Origin in Mozilla Firefox to block advertising

  9. Click "Add to Firefox".

    Install Ublock Origin in Mozilla Firefox for Advertising Lock

    In the pop-up window, tap "Add" again.

    Confirm the installation of Ublock Origin in Mozilla Firefox to block advertising

    After a short installation process, you will see the "Delete" button - this means that the supplement is installed and actively.

  10. Installed Ublock Origin in Mozilla Firefox for Advertising Lock

    Ready - Now advertising will be filtered.


Samsung not so long ago made its system browser available for installation on other Android devices. The application enjoys considerable popularity, including due to supporting supplements, among which there are blockers.

Download Samsung Browser from Google Play Market

  1. Run the program, then click on the Main Menu Call button.
  2. Open Main Menu Samsung Browser to eliminate advertising

  3. Next, tap "Lock advertising".
  4. SAMSUNG BROWSER LOCATION PLICATION To eliminate advertising

  5. A list of available additions for this purpose opens. Each of them is good in its own way, you can install any. As an example, choose "AdBlock Plus" - use the button with the download icon.
  6. Select Adblock for Samsung Browser to eliminate advertising

  7. Additions for samsung browser are implemented as individual applications, so Google Play Market will open, click on it to "install".
  8. Installing Adblock for Samsung Browser to eliminate advertising

  9. After installing the adblock, repeat steps 1-3. Now the selected addition will be highlighted, use the switch to activate it.
  10. ADBLOCK activation for Samsung Browser to eliminate advertising

    As you can see, everything is simple enough.

Option 3: Yandex.Browser

The Yandex company browser also supports advertising blocking, but with one nuance. The fact is that it is compatible with the corresponding addons from the already mentioned Samsung Browser, but in the case of the solution under consideration they will need to be downloaded separately.

Download Yandex.Browser from Google Play Market

  1. Open the playing market and use the search string.
  2. Search AdBlock for Yandex.Baurizer for advertising lock

  3. Start typing ADBLOCK and out of the proposed options, tap Adblock Plus.
  4. Adblock search process for Yandex.Baurizer for advertising lock

  5. In the search results, select "Adblock Plus for Internet Samsung".
  6. Select Adblock for Yandex.Bauser to block advertising

  7. Install this application.
  8. Installing AdBlock for Yandex.Baurizer for Advertising Lock

  9. Now go to Yandex.Baurizer. On the main screen of the program there is a targeted string, press the button with three dots.
  10. Open the Yandex.Baurizer menu to block advertising

  11. In the next window, use the "Settings" element.
  12. Running Yandex.Braser Settings for Advertising Lock

  13. Next, locate the "Lock Content" block and tap "Add-on for Lock".
  14. Supplements blocking for Yandex.Bauser to eliminate advertising

  15. To activate addon, mark it.
  16. ADBLOCK Activation for Yandex.Baurizer for Advertising Lock

    Now advertising in Yandex.Browser will be blocked.

Method 3: Editing Hosts File

The most difficult, but very effective option to achieve our today's goal is to edit the Hosts file - the system element that is responsible for accessing the device to one or another network resources. Alas, but this opportunity is available only to the owners of rutted devices - if this requirement is complied with the details of the procedure, you can learn on the link below, while the list of advertising sites is very easy to find on the Internet.

Editing Hosts File to Lock Advertising in Android

Read more: Editing Hosts File in Android

Now you know exactly how you can block advertising in the browser device running Android. As you can see, each option has its advantages and disadvantages.

Read more