How to put a password for a USB flash drive and encrypt its contents without programs in Windows 10 and 8


How to put a password for a flash drive
Windows 10, 8 Pro and Enterprise operating system managed to install a USB password USB flash drive and encrypt its contents using the built-in BitLocker technology. It is worth noting that despite the fact that the encryption itself and flash drive protection are available only in the specified version versions, it is possible to view its contents on computers with any other versions of Windows 10, 8 and Windows 7.

At the same time, the encryption on the flash drive in this way is really secure, in any case for an ordinary user. Hack a BitLocker password - the task is not simple.

Enable BitLocker for removable media

Enable BitLocker for removable media

In order to put a password on a USB flash drive using BitLocker, open the conductor, right-click on the removable media icon (it may not only be a flash drive, but also a removable hard disk), and select the Context menu item "Enable BitLocker".

Installing a password on a flash drive

How to put a password on a USB USB flash drive

After that, check the "Use a password to remove the disc lock", set the desired password and click the Next button.

At the next stage, it will be prompted to save the recovery key in case you forget the password from the flash drive - you can save it to the Microsoft account, to the file or print on paper. Select the desired option and proceed further.

Selecting the encryption method

The following item will be prompted to select an encryption option - encrypt only the occupied disk space (which happens faster) or encrypt the entire disk (longer process). I will explain what it means: if you just purchased a flash drive, then you can only encrypt only a busy space. In the future, when copying new files on a USB flash drive, they will automatically encrypt BitLocker and access them without a password can not be obtained. If there were already some data on your flash drive, after which you were removed or formatted a flash drive, it is better to encrypt the entire disk, as otherwise, all areas where there were files, but empty at the moment, not Encrypt and information from them can be removed using programs for data recovery.

Encryption flash drive

Encryption flash drive

After you have made a choice, click "Start Encryption" and wait for the process to complete.

Enter password to unlock flash drives

Enter password to unlock flash drive

When you follow the next time a flash drive to your or any other computer with the Windows 10, 8 or Windows 7 operating system, you will see a notification that the disk is protected using BitLocker and to work with its contents, you must enter a password. Enter the previously specified password, after which you will receive full access to your media. All data when copying from the flash drive and is encrypted and decrylling "on the fly".

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